Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #318

Oh my good gravy.  I just realized that it is Friday.  Sheesh.  Between a four day head ache and a long weekend last weekend and extra children this week because of reading week in the schools, I"m just a bit kafuffled.  Please forgive me.  I'll put up the link and join in when I can seeing as the kids are already here looking at me to start their day.
Whew, grabbing a minute here to reflect and look back over the week.  Even though it's been a bit on the crazy side that is the perfect opportunity to take a moment and take notice of the blessings otherwise they might just escape me.

1.  Valentine's Day.  My hubby set out to make it extra special this year.  First he gifted me with my favourite chocolates, which I've mentioned several times.  Then he whisked me off to Calgary for some big city fun.  We went to our favourite haunt, the Calgary Farmer's Market, where they had a strolling barbershop harmony group, a couple of reeeeally young buskers who were quite good, and all that food!!  I even splurged and got a piece of my favorite dessert, a vanilla slice.  It was delicious.  Then it was off to the Cross Iron Mill Mall where one can get lost for hours.  He didn't even rush me in my favourite stores.  We shopped for an extra special gift for my daughter's birthday, she turns 25 this week.  (I can't believe I even typed that!!).  And then he had yet another surprise in store for me.  He let me pick out a purse at the Coach Outlet store.  Well if you know me and purses, let's just say he knows his way to this girl's heart.  A little dinner at his favourite pasta restaurant and our valentine's day was complete.   We rarely celebrate valentine's this extravagantly but I guess Cupid's arrow must have got him this year.  Yay for me!

2.  Just Breathe Wax Melt by Scentsy.  With my plugged up sinuses and headaches this week, this scent was awesome in helping to unclog and relax me this week.  I needed all the help I could get.

3.  Friendship.  When my friend, who is not working at the moment, heard I wasn't feeling that great, she showed up with a Starbucks and a helping hand.  Such an appreciated gift!

4.  Down Alternative duvet.  Our comforter was really getting bunched and old so after humming and hawwing for months on what kind of blanket to get for our bed we chose a down alternative. Being of European descent,  I had originally wanted an actual down filled one but in my researching and reading they recommended not laying on top of it as it would crush the down and lose it's loft.  Well with Sunday afternoon snoozes by hubby and escape lounging and reading by me and the dog who thinks he's a human sleeping on top we sorta came to the conclusion that a down fill was just not for us.  Then we found this one that can be washed and dried and has a 5 year warranty to keep it's loft at basically 1/3 of the price so we gave it a go.  And it. is. wonderful!!  The only drawback?  It's tough getting out of bed in the morning the thing is so comfy!

5.  Easy peasy evenings.  Again with the week that it was, it was nice not to have be running around with things to do in the evenings.  I spent them quietly chilling watching tv or reading.  I so appreciated that!

What were your favourite blessings this week?


Kathie said...

oh sorry to hear about that darn headache - hope your day's not too rough!

Ingrid said...

No problem, hope your headache is gone !

ellen b said...

No worries here Susanne. I am sorry to hear about your headache. Ugh and pooh!

Barbara H. said...

Understandable. Hope the headache is gone or will be soon!

Susan said...

Despite having such an awful headache, you sure had some great blessings to write about.

besides all the wonderful Valentine's Day pampering, I am "envious" about your comforter. ;)

I hope this week is much better (headache-wise.)

Chris said...

OUCH. Hoping your head quits giving you fits soon!

Melanie said...

So sorry about your headache. Four days for a headache is about four days too long! I also have to consider two 4 legged cuties when I choose bed linens. I'm glad you found one that you will happy with. Have a wonderful weekend.

Faith said...

I hope you're feeling much better now as we head into the weekend. Sounds like a good Valentine's day for you!When i saw that photo on FB I LOVED it fun! Yay for new bed linens and yay for friends with Starbucks!!

Jerralea said...

My, you had quite the Valentine's Day outing! What a wonderful time!

I better not get a duvet like yours then, because I'm having a terrible time getting out of bed lately.

I adore quiet evenings at home, too. I try not to schedule things where I'm out two nights in a row. I can't take it if I am!

Home Meadows said...

Hi Susanne, I'm popping over from Melanie's blog. Hope you have a blessed weekend. Heather

Barbara H. said...

Your Valentine's Day sounds so lovely! And what great friend to show up with coffee and help. I can get cranky and depleted if I have too many things going on in the evenings.

The duvet sounds really nice!

Kari said...

Boo to the headaches, but yay for Cupid. sounds like a wonderful valentine for you and your hubby.
And your friend turning up - that is a wonderful gift.

ellen b said...

Love that photo from your Valentine celebration! Fabulous.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Karen said...

Oh my gosh! We share the purse thing! My favorite thing to buy. We need to go shopping!

A friend who brings you Starbucks. You are a lucky girl!

I'm glad you had your evenings to regroup. Often the best part of my day:)

nikkipolani said...

Sorry about that rough week, Susanne. But your smile alongside your husband's is just perfect. What a fun day he'd planned (Coach, too!)

Glad you found a more durable solution for a duvet. Now all you need is enough motivation to get out from under its comfort!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi, I am late in joining with you, but better late than never, I guess. Hope you are feeling better soon. That duvet sounds lovely. Relaxing evenings are the best! Have a great week-to-come!

Willow said...

I'm back to read your FFFs. The date in Calgary sounds like you had a great time!
A friend who brings Starbucks? Priceless!