Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #313

It's Friday already?  Well welcome then to Friday's Fave Five.  Looking for the blessings in our everyday.  Are you ready to join in?  If you are new, you can start here with the guidelines and then jump right in.

My highlights to me this week have been:

1.  Dinner out treat.  Every January our church treats all the home group leaders and team leads and their spouses out for a great feed of Chinese Food.  It's good food shared with a group of people who are connected through a similar activity.  It's nice getting to know others in the church who fill the same roles and receive encouragement and share stories and laughs and vision.

2.  Warm weather.  This week has been incredibly balmy, the temperature rising each day well above freezing.  A true blessing after sitting in a cold freeze for a few weeks now.  The only thing with the really warm weather is it's windy, it is the Chinook winds after all that is raising that temperature so quickly, and because of the fast melt it is messy and muddy.  But that's a ok.  It's a nice reprieve in the middle of winter.  I'll take it.

3.  Half price deal on a lovely candle holder and candle tray.  Perfect for a nice glow on the kitchen table in the still dark evenings.  I spotted the tall candle holder on a Christmas half price sale and nabbed it thinking it was lovely and perfect for a wintery theme.  Then the lady who works there commented on the matching tray.  There was a matching tray?  It was tucked away behind an whole bunch of other items but as soon as I saw them I couldn't split them.  A little glow bringing a smile everytime I look at it at a half price deal is a blessing in these long winter days.

4.  New boots.  I've had the same pair of boots for about the last 10 years so my birthday request this year was a more stylish new pair.  I've always wanted ones that came up the calf but have never been able to wear that style thanks to inheriting my Dad's families calves, thanks Dad.  By the time I add tucking the material of my pants in there, there is no way Hosea those boots are going to zip up.   But this year I found a really cute pair in a taupe color I love.  And because of the design style of them they fit nicely and they are comfortable.  So thrilled.  Goodbye black orthopedic looking boots.  Hello cute ones!  Now I don't mind it being snowy outside because I'm rocking the cute!

5.  Gift of light...installed and on!  I've been wanting a new light fixture in the bedroom for a long, long time.  We had a run of the mill fan and light combo in there that came with the house when we bought it 21 years ago.  I was ready for something different, a little trendier, a little bed-room-ier.  I hate the feel of a fan blowing right on top of me when I'm sleeping so that thing rarely got used.  We have ac if it's that hot.  When making the bed I always ended up whacking the hanging strings really good with the comforter which sent them flying and banging into the glass bulb cover and getting wrapped around other arms of the fixture.  I was ready for change.  We went to a couple of light stores here and a huge light store in Calgary but neither hubby or I were ready to lay down upwards of $300 and over just for a darn ceiling fixture.  But nothing at cheaper stores like Home Depot caught our fancy.  So we bided our time.  Then we saw one in Costco.  And we looked and we talked and we walked away.  I just wasn't sure that it wasn't a bit too blingy and he wasn't entirely sure 100% that he wanted to give up the fan.  But just before Christmas I went and look again.  The light was still there and for 50 dollars I thought it would do just fine.   Days went by and I got caught up in the busyness of Christmas and not feeling well so thoughts of the light got pushed into the black hole areas of my brain and I never mentioned it to hubby again.  Opening Christmas gifts and lo and behold what did hubby get me?  The blingy light!  I was thrilled.  I never would have guessed.  Then he installed it.  And it was lovely.  Way better than I had ever expected!  The blingy stuff makes beautiful patterns on the ceiling and wall.  Good bye ugly ceiling fan!  It's definitely an odd favorite, I mean who puts light fixtures as a blessing, but it makes me happy every single time I turn on the light because it tells me my hubby loves me.

So where did you find joy and blessing in your week?


nikkipolani said...

Fun dinner with friends and future friends -- sounds like a great time.

Okay, want to define "balmy"? :-)

I like your candle and tray deal very well. Very pretty. New boots and blingy light are a great way to start the year.

Willow said...

Yes, ceiling lights can definitely be a blessing. We ditched our ceiling fan/light this fall since we never used it because we didn't really like the fan.
Maybe you shouldn't read my post about 'warm'...I'm glad you have the Chinook bringing you temperature relief.

Ingrid said...

New boots and new ceiling lights ! wonderful ! We seldom need a fan in Belgium it's not so hot very often.

Tori Leslie said...

Hey thanks for the link up today. I totally ditto your warm weather. It's lovely here today, windy but probably gonna get up into the high 50s or maybe even 60s!
Woohoo for new boots!

Faith said...

yay for cute new boots!! I LOVE the riding boot style and is past AUGUST they were having a fantastic sale so I bought them in black. I also have them in brown and 3 shorter pairs in black, brown and khaki. yup we love our boots!!! ha gotta be stylish in the winter too right?😄 loved all your faves....latest deal with the candle and that bedroom light is so pretty! happy weekend!

Faith said...

ps sorry for all the typos.....darn auto correct on the iPad!!

Ann said...

The new light is beautiful!!

Melanie said...

I do like your new ceiling light! Very pretty. I couldn't do without my bedroom ceiling fan though. The candle holder and try are lovely. It looks so cherry lit. I love to light candles on those gray days or evenings. Have a great weekend.

Monica said...

Warmer weather is here too! It's crazy that 40 feels like a heat wave! :) I love candles on these long winter nights. Makes the home so cozy.
Beautiful ceiling light!

Dianna said...

Hooray for hubby's who like to please their wives! What a very special Christmas gift! I know why you think of him every time you turn on that light!. Precious!

Love the candle holder and tray! Beautiful! I love the soft glow that candles give off in the evening hours.

Oh...and I feel reasonably sure you won't have a problem leaving a comment at the blog this week! I no longer do Google+ . ;-)

Barbara H. said...

I'm the opposite with ceiling fans - we don't have one in our bedroom in this house, and I had gotten used to one in a previous house and really want one. :-) Even with AC I get hot in the summer, and the oscillating fan beside the bed only gets that side. But your blingy light is cute, and that was so thoughtful of your husband to get it for you.

That candle and tray is really cute. Glad you found some new boots that work well and are cute. :-)

The dinner out with people in similar ministries sounds good on several levels.

Hurray for warmer weather!

Phoebes World said...

Its very warm here too. Being a Welsh girl new to California its taking a bit of time to get used to

I have new boots this week too...but they were a surprise and ever so cute

I love your candle and tray. I love candles and have them all over the house. And your light is very pretty

Have a great week
Phoebe x

ellen b said...

Love the candle and tray. So much light in your thankfuls this week. The new bedroom light is beautiful!
Have a good weekend...

Kyliegh said...

LOVE the candle holder and candle tray! Beautiful!