Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #303

Welcome to this edition of Friday's Fave Five.  This Friday came quickly.  It's been a hectic and wonderful week.  We Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving this past weekend so it's been a short work week.  Join us as we take a moment and reflect back to think of our favorite blessings from the week.

1.  Family.  Holidays bring my little family together and I love that.  My older daughter comes home and even my medic son was home for this holiday.  It was wonderful.  Everyone gathered around good food and good conversation.  It made my small house alive!

2.  Food.  Thanksgiving also brings with it good food.   I love the Thanksgiving meal.  Sunday I made the meal.  We like the traditional turkey here, with all the trimmings.  Yum, yum.  Then Monday my sis hosts a meal for my dad and there we had a delicious ham meal because my dad is allergic to turkey.  .  I was a good girl and only had one dessert at each.

3. Safe Travels.  I'm always thankful when my oldest makes it here and then back to her city safely.  It's a long drive on a very busy highway so when I get that txt saying she made it, I am very thankful.

4.  Coffee and a good book.  I'm reading the latest from one of my favorite authors and I'm really enjoying it.  Monday being the holiday gave me a little extra time to put my feet up, grab that extra cup of coffee and just enjoy getting into the story without a million interruptions.

5.  My hubby's sacrifice of his time and money to take me to a show he didn't necessarily want to see.  I really wanted to go to When the Game Stands Tall.  I'm a sucker for a good "based on a true story" sports film.  I really enjoyed it.  It did however have lots of game play and I couldn't help feeling for my hubby as he is not a sports fan by any stretch of the imagination and I knew he was lost during the "football talk".  It made me love him all the more for taking me knowing he was probably quite bored through those parts of the film.  True love.  :)

What are your favorites this week?


Ingrid said...

It's always nice to have the family around ! and going out with hubby !

Faith said...

What a blessing to have your entire family for the holiday! Yay for hubby going out to see the would be totally bored too!! �� I know that feeling when we get the " I'm safely back" text. You know I love coffee and a good book! Enjoy your weekend and happy reading!

Monica said...

We only have one out of the nest and when she went it was kind of nice. Now I am not seeing her as much and I am missing her being around. I hope she will always be with us on the holidays! Glad you got a day to kick back and enjoy your book and a cup of coffee!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I love Thanksgiving food! Even better with family at home :)

There is nothing better than coffee and a good book!!!!

Kathie said...

Sounds like you had a great holiday weekend Susanne. So glad the family all made it home and safely back. We had a good Thanksgiving too!

I enjoy Charles Martin - he's a good writer. I'm going to look that book up.

I'm more like your dh - I don't really care for sports or sports movies. He was a good sport to take you!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Jerralea said...

I love books by Charles Martin - I'll have to get a copy of that one.

We saw "When the Game Stands Tall," last month and loved it as well. I am the most physically uncoordinated person there is, yet a good true sports story gets me every time!

Happy thanksgiving to you and so glad you had that special time with family.

Willow said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! What a wonderful celebration you had. Kuddos to your hubby on taking you to that movie.

Barbara H. said...

So glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with all the kids able to be home! I treasure those "safely home" texts from the kids, too.

I am not a sports fan, either, but I do like a good sports related movie sometimes, even though sometimes they're fairly predictable. Probably my favorite was Remember the Titans.

A good book and a cup of coffee = one of my favorite combinations.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy and am looking forward to our Thanksgiving celebrations at the end of November. For me it's the more relaxed holiday. Glad you enjoyed your time together.

nikkipolani said...

Now that was a switch I didn't expect -- your husband not liking sports and sacrificing to see a sports film with you! Bless him.

Oh, how delicious that #4 sounds. So glad you got to have some time for it.

Proud of your Thanksgiving dessert restraint. Admirable indeed.