Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #293

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I'm so very thankful you have joined with me this week to take a look back over the week and find, recognize and be thankful for those things that were a blessing.

1.  Love a good quote that hits me right between the eyes, so to speak.

We desire lasting significance and influence and impact, but spend most of our time chasing temporal possessions.    -   Joshua Becker from this post 

2.  Love this idea.

I've heard of places in England, I believe, where they have taken old phone booths or boxed type of containers on streets and filled them with free books with the policy of help yourself to one and add one if you can.  I've often wanted to place something cute on the boulevard in front of my house for something like that.

3.  Incredible the form of a fantastic lightening show Wednesday night.  The skies around here were lit up for at least an hour of both sheet lightening and cloud to ground lightening.  Natures fireworks at its finest.  I turned off the lights and tv and just sat on the couch watching the awesome display.

4.  New blender...great deal.  Our blender sat forever and a day in the cupboard not being used.  That is until my daughter introduced me to delicious smoothies.  We very quickly blew through that inexpensive blender and  then purchased another cheaper one and in short order blew through that one too.  We tried making smoothies in the food processor but it just wasn't the same.  I just didn't want to spend or necessarily have the money right at this moment for a better blender that was made for being able to smooth those ice cubes or frozen fruit.  But as the weeks went by I was missing that smoothie for breakfast.  When we were visiting our daughter K. a few weeks ago, we did our usual trip to Homesense (we don't have one in our city), and lo and behold there was a KitchenAid blender there for $75.  Somehow that seemed like a good price to me so we splurged and bought it.  No one was more surprised than me when I came home and looked it up online and saw the regular price was $150 or more depending on the store.  SCORE!  We are now enjoying delicious smoothies once again made even tastier knowing I got a good blender for half price!!

5.  Week off starts tonight at 4:45 p.m. Mountain time!  Yipee.  It's my maintenance week to work on those things I can't do when the kids are there but still it's the thought of not having to be up so early, not having to hit the floor running, an easier pace and opportunities for bike rides, reading and coffee!

What are your favorite blessings this week?


nikkipolani said...

Home made smoothies are the best, aren't they? So glad you've got a great blender for the job.

Enjoy your well-deserved week off, Susanne.

Ingrid said...

I too am on Holidays at the coast in England ! Enjoy your holidays !

Paula said...

Glad you found a good deal on a new blender. I hope you enjoy your week "off".

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne - I love smoothies for breakfast too! I also love the idea of that little bookshop you showed a picture of. I hope to join with your for Friday Faves later today, but we are getting reading for a last summer weekend away (for a couple of us) and I may not have time. Have a happy weekend!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Enjoy your easier pace this coming week, Susanne!! I love a good deal, too. Sounds like you've had a great week--here's hoping the next one is filled with relaxation.

Karen said...

That storm sounds so awesome. It's humbling to watch something like that. Love the sign in front of the bookshop! Thinking of all the happiness it brings to that little street.

Enjoy your week off, Susanne!

ellen b. said...

Yippee! Some time off for you. I always love a half price bargain. Lightning shows are amazing...

Barbara H. said...

I love that book idea!

We haven't gotten into smoothies yet but my son has been wanting to try some. We have a blender - but a pretty cheap one that we hardly ever use. Great deal you found! Hopefully if we ever get into them we'll be able to find one, too. I'll have to check and see if they have that store anywhere near here.

My husband likes to watch lightening - I like to hide from it. :-)

Happy maintenance week! :-)

Jerralea said...

I have a smoothie almost every morning during warm weather - in winter it has to be hot tea! Anyway all I've ever had are cheapy blenders. Maybe it's time for an upgrade!

Yeah for maintenance week! Hope you don't work all of it but have some relaxing time as well.

Willow said...

Joshua Becker is great. I've been reading his blog since he began--and met him once in person.

So much to like about your faves this week--we love our blender too, and we drink smoothies all the time.

Love that open handed attitude towards books--my kind of place.


Ann said...

LOVE getting a good deal on a good kitchen appliance!!

Faith said...

I have a blender and it rarely gets used. Could you post some recipes for easy smoothies? i'm clueless!! sounds like we had the same kind of Wednesday evening except ours included a bit of rain...but then it cooled off from the high humidity so i was very happy :)

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

I have a blender, I think I've used it once ha ha. I'm not that creative and also pretty lazy in the kitchen unless I'm baking :(

I love that idea with the books!

Mary H said...

You might be interested in the "little free library" website. It tells how to have a little free library in front of your house or elsewhere where people can take a book or leave a book. Many in our area are made to look like little houses, but I think it can just be a box with a glass door.

Mia said...

We have Shakeology smoothies every day and a good blender is certainly a must! :) Glad you found such great deal.

Oh, I do love that book exchange idea!