"The Hidden Life - Finding out why you matter" by David Megill
Book Description (from Amazon): Sometimes it's as if the life we've been seeking has managed to elude us. We wake up and ask ourselves, "Is this what life is all about?" Life has not turned out exactly the way we expected or hoped. We were promised certain things, by parents, culture, by church, and, as Christians believe, by Christ Himself. Were we lied to? Did we misunderstand the promises? Scripture actually tells us the truth: that life is hidden, not always obvious. This book shares one pastor's story of walking through such disappointment and the principles of hope he learned. Along the way, we explore the nature of the Hidden life and where to find it, and embracing the Incredible GIFT of God. (Grace, Identity, Faith and Training) At least once in their life everyone thinks they are a failure. Through the counseling and conferences of the last 20 years, I have been able to see people who were stuck in their past, mired in their failures, or simply run out of steam, catch a fresh take on life and find confidence of the God they’d always been hoping existed; a God who truly loves them and needs no cajoling to bless. No one’s life will be “fixed” by reading this book, but this book will give people hope. Hope can transform burden to freedom, despair to faith. Such faith and hope can turn ones eyes back to a God who does save and redeem and to the revelation of the hidden life.
My Thoughts:
David Megill has been a pastor for over 23 years. This book, "The Hidden Life" is based on a popular conference which he has run for 15 years called Faith Lift Conference, recently renamed the Hidden Life Conference.
This book delves into the grace and power of God to change lives. It's about developing a confidence and identity in the Lord and in His goodness towards you that becomes rock solid so that when trials do come you can stand firm even in the midst of the storm knowing that God loves you and you matter to Him no matter your own insecurities. It's about finding the Hidden Life in Christ and not trying to make that life happen in our own strength. It's about recognizing deception in our lives and finding the truth by drawing close to the One who is Truth. The author has a storytelling style so the teaching is interspersed with plenty of real life stories including ones from his own life. He is very open about his own struggles as God was teaching him these principles which makes it relatable. The book is divided into four parts and while I found the very beginning, as he was laying the foundation, a part that I had to reread to pick up what he was saying, I was very soon drawn right in and was making plenty of notes and doing lots of underlining. The chapter on identity really opened my eyes and heart. The book definitely deserves a reread as there are so many good principles and lessons that it teaches. A couple of my favorite quotes from the book that really made me think:
"We also search for life where it seems easier, better lit, more tangible and in front of us...The life we dropped can only be found with the Person who gave it to us originally." pg.38
"Believing that we are in fact Holy children of God, that our righteousness in Christ is real and that our destiny is to be like Jesus, will lead us to live lives that are more holy, not less." pg. 62
"Faith is about submission and trust, not about will and determination". pg 89 (This one especially was like a light bulb going on for me.)
Thanks to David and Ann Megill for sending me this book free of charge for my honest review. The opinions are my own and I was not required to give a favorable review.
You can find "The Hidden Life ~ Finding out why you matter" at Amazon in paperback here and in Kindle format here
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review this. I am very glad it was eye opening and encouraging.
Sounds like one my husband and i would both enjoy, Susanne!! I need some more good non fiction Christian books!! Thank you!!
"Faith is about submission and trust, not about will and determination." That is a potent one.
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