Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #225

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five, everyone.  Hope you've all had a good week and it was easy for you to list your five blessings that you are choosing to share.  And if it wasn't so good, I hope you will still join us in looking for blessings no matter how small.  If you are new click on over here first and take a peek at the guidelines and then come on back and jump right in.

1.  My first blessing some might scoff at but I'm loving the light fluffy snow that has been falling all day.  So beautiful.  I'm not too with it with the camera lately so totally didn't take a picture but if was lovely.  Not so lovely to drive in, very slick as it got packed down, but as it fell it looked like a postcard.  I will admit right here I love snow.  Okay, moving on before I get booed.  :v)

2.  Everyone was excited to see this on the stove for supper last night.  I haven't made it in forever and I had forgotten how delicious it was.  This time I only had 2 potatoes on hand so that is what I used and it turned out delish.  I love a recipe you can adapt to what you have.  Next time I'm going to try to use a regular cheddar cheese rather than a processed cheese in my effort to eat healthier.  Again gotta love a recipe that you can adapt.

3.  A good night's rest.  I woke up this morning actually feeling like I had had a great night's sleep.  A feeling I hadn't really had since the beginning of the year.  What a difference it makes to my day feeling refreshed!

4.  "The Artist".   I nabbed it at the library when I saw it because I thought it would be a film my mom would enjoy.  She doesn't really go to the theater anymore but still enjoys a nice move.  I had my reservations.  I had no idea how a black and white silent movie about the silent movie era could possibly be entertaining and engaging much less how on earth it won it won best picture at the academy awards last year. But I was curious.  So imagine my surprise when not only my mom but hubby and I all really enjoyed it.  Unbelievably it had not one spoken word, and not a lot of written screen displays of what they were saying and yet we were never bored throughout the show.  And we followed the story line very easily.  To act out the story, and not a "slapstick", simple kind of story at that, but a very emotional one, without a word is a great credit to the actors and director.  Definitely worth our couple of hours of time.

5. The weekend coming up.  No plans except to relax and maybe spend a couple of gift certificates.  I love gift cards as gifts!  So much fun to spend them.  Can hardly wait!

What are your favorites from the week?


nikkipolani said...

Getting rest -- such a simple thing, and yet such a blessing! You even have a weekend of it to enjoy :-)

Willow said...

Oh yes, a good night's sleep is a fave indeed. May every night this week give you rest!
Enjoy that weekend doing nothing!

Faith said...

Oh how i LOVE a good night's sleep. It's been a tough one for that this week for me but a fave has been waking up to good strong coffee. I think my oldest would LOVE that movie you mention. I'm gonna see if it's available thru Netflix so she can see it with her other artsy friends at college. I wanna get that recipe you linked new goal is to eat less potatoes and replace with the mashed cauliflower I"m hearing friends rave about! Happy Weekend Susanne...have fun shopping!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

A good night's sleep is definitely a fave! We wanted to see The Artist when it was out, but we never did. I need to put it on our list.

Have a great weeking spending those gift cards!

Heather said...

I love snow too, but we rarely get it. I remember when I was probably in my early teens that it snowed in Mississippi. We lived on 40 acres of wooded land an it was so beautiful. Those images will be forever in my mind.

I love a good night's sleep! It makes the day much easier.

My SIL loves silent movies. I've never watched one, but maybe I should try.

Have a great weekend!!

Kathie said...

A good night's sleep is very welcome -I had one as well, after 2 nights up being up from 2-6! I have no idea why, just couldn't sleep.

That dish sounds delicious. I'm not a cauliflower lover but covered with cheese? Yum!

Never heard of the Artist - I'll have to look it up.

Hope you have a great weekend Susanne! I'm glad to be back in the fff routine :)

Lynette said...

A white world here to, but not snow. Ice covered ground, roofs and cars in my part of the world. 23 degrees this morning. Pretty cold for us.
The Artist, we saw that. I had a hard time at first getting into it, but by the end I hardly noticed there where no speaking lines. so I ended up liking the movie.
Nothing like a good night sleep. I haven't had one in few days. Leaves me off centered and emotional.

Jerralea said...

The Artist sounds very interesting, and a real change of pace.

I like snow, too. Just not too much of it.

Have a fun weekend relaxing and spending those gift certificates!

susan said...

Hmmm - mashed cheesy cauliflower? I will take your word on it that this is delish. I will even buy the ingredients and try it. Adaptable recipes are what I look for too.

When we lived in CO we'd get snow that would only last for several days and I loved it. We got to see the beauty and not get bogged down in the work of deeper snow falls. So no "booing" from me. :)

I hope you get many nights of full sleep this coming week, Susanne.

Barbara H. said...

I wasn't sure I would make it today but am glad to be able to, though late.

I do think snow is beautiful when it is falling and right after it has. I just like it to go away after a day or so. :-) I don't like driving in it and since I have balance problems I am antsy about walking in patchy parking lots and such.

A good night's rest is a definite fave.

I have heard about that movie but haven't investigated it yet.

The mashed cauliflower sounds interesting! Will have to give it a whirl.