Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #204

Welcome to Fave Fives everyone.  Join us as we take a look for the blessings in our past week and choose five of them to share.  Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard, but it is always a good thing to look for what is good in our days.  Thanks for joining in with me.  If you need guidelines, you can pop over here first.

1.  This post.  Very freeing.  Love a post that speaks to me.  Love encouragement in the area of getting rid of stuff that I hang onto.  I can always use some of that.

2.  Coffee with a  good friend.  I always love these times chatting and laughing and sharing our lives.  I'ts a real stress relief for me.

3.  Day trip to the mountains.  One of my favorite places.  Waterton Lakes National Park is absolutely a gorgeous.  Mountains come out of nowhere.  The lake is beautiful with a little town along it's shores.  We picniced  in our favorite spot and were lucky to get our usual table.  We hiked up to one of the falls.  It was so peaceful! And then dipping our feet into the ice cold water of the creek that runs through the red rock canyon was refreshing after the hike. Ice cream at one of the shops in town rounded out our favorite day trip.

4.  Fruit salad.  I had fruit I had to use up so for the picnic I threw together blueberries, strawberries and watermelon.  A splash of lemon juice and it was sooo good and refreshing.  I've never really made fruit salad before, not sure why, but I will definitely be making a lot more now.

5.  Anticipation of seeing my oldest this week coming up.  We haven't seen her yet this summer so I can hardly wait.  I can't wait to hear of her trip to California and see the pictures.  Catching up on her life is definitely a favorite thing for me.  And I'll be glad to have my youngest home again after she spent this last week at her big sister's.  I miss my girls whether they are only gone for a week as in the case with my Youngest or when they are gone from home and live in another city.

What have your favorites been this last week?  Feel free to link up your post and then have fun visiting the others who have participated.


nikkipolani said...

That first one is a new goal for me this year. Not so much the no-new-clothes, but a ton of decluttering and simplifying. Loving all the times of being together in your fives. And yay for new food discoveries!

Willow said...

I'm a big Joshua Becker fan and actually heard him speak a couple of years ago. There's a great podcast with him talking with Robert Wall here:

Your girl was in Cali?? Where??

Ingrid said...

We have no real mountains here, but I can do a nice day trip to the coast and sit on the beach, that's not bad either !

Faith said...

oh that park!!!! how awesome for you! thanks for the link to it...i loved looking at all the photos. I am longing to hike this month...this darn back injury!! UGH! glad you got to meet a friend for coffee and that your girls will be home for a while.....that is always a fave with me too.....enjoy the weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

The excursion to the mountains sounds fun!

Little get-togethers with friends are a blessing.

I can thoroughly sympathize with Number 5! We've had our oldest home for a week and it's been wonderful.

Annette W. said...

Yay for your girls coming home!

We are not minimalists, but I am certainly trying to minimalize our STUFF and declutter!

Jerralea said...

Interesting article. I'm not sure I am ready to say "no new clothes buying for the year," but definitely this gives me something to reflect upon. I do like the idea, "You have enough. You ARE enough."

Taking it one step further, I like more the thought, "With Christ I have everything I need," and "In Christ, I am enough."

On another note, I sympathize with your feelings of anticipation of seeing your children. I'm always excited when I have a chance to see my kidlets who have "flown the coop."

ellen b. said...

another week of not participating. I'll be back. How fun that you finally get a visit from oldest daughter this week. We're hoping something works out for a visit from youngest with her Marine soon. Time will tell. Sounds like a fun trip to Waterton!

Lynette said...

I love to declutter & reuse items. Over the summer I did just that, lots of cleaning of cupboards and closets. I also did not buy a bunch of summer clothes for myself. Made due with dresses and sandels I had. I did buy 3 items for work but at a huge cost savings and very verstatile. A denimn skirt and capris.

Laura said...

LOL...I've totally got to admit to you that I only made fruit salad yesterday for the first time. I too wondered why I've never done it before. So easy and delicious!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Hmmm...I need a bit of encouragement in that #1 area, too. Your day trip sounds lovely. And I know that anticipation well! Have a great week ahead.