And in all honesty I think I'm just too busy and too tired at the moment to mourn this time. My dayhome is going through a huge transition, so between replacing kids leaving and helping new ones to adjust, sometimes (like now) with crossovers happening, my days are overwhelmingly over-filled. Add to that summer time so the two that were in pre-school and kindergarten will now be here all day. Yikes. My brain has just not picked up the fact in it's entirety of what is happening in my own personal life.
Hubby and I celebrated 29 years of marriage yesterday. I'm so thankful for this man that God has given me in marriage. We have much to look forward to in our futures too. If I ever get the time to dwell on it. Sigh.
Congratulations on your 29 years! It's great to live with a good man. Hope things settle into a good rhythm with your day care. Congrats, too, on getting your kids to this day of accomplishment!
I know what you mean. I thought I'd be much more emotional when my youngest graduated in May, but it was too busy and I was too sleep-deprived. I was much more emotional throughout the last school, year, like at the last Christmas program and the thought of making the last school lunch. It looks like mine will be living at home while attending a community college the next year, so I'm happy to still have him home for a while.
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!
It does sound a bit stressful and overwhelming at the moment! :X Tough times. (And good times both.)
Lord, please give Susanne the strength and stamina she needs to make it through these days of transition! Give her peace of mind and help her to find joy even in this part of the journey, that it would not be overwhelming but that she would be able to rest in You. Amen.
Congratulations! Mark and I will celebrate 29 years in January. I'm very happy for you.
Good luck with your dayhome transitions. I know it's not easy. We are really struggling without my income but I am so thankful to have a respite this summer, I can feel myself relaxing, destressing. Of course it's going to make starting again mid-August that much harder.
Congrats on your 29 years!! for Dave and I, we will celebrate 22 yrs on the 30th! time flew!! and I know what you mean about empty nest not really sinking in. That's how i was last apring. The oldest was getting ready for college while the very busy youngest was getting ready for junior high! so...I still have grades 8-12 to get through with her! lol.....but..the new emergent adult in my oldest IS an exciting step...i'm enjoying it! and I know what you mean about personal stuff.....sometimes when we are busy we neglect our own lives. stay refreshed Susanne and find 10 min a day JUST FOR YOU!!!!
Happy Anniversary to both of you! We celebrated our 28th a couple of weeks ago. Impossible that I'm old enough to be married that long. Hmmm.
Our nest seems to have a revolving door with kids coming and going. This too shall pass.
Well done - both of you - for 29 years together! In the midst of the busy days, I hope you'll get a moment or two to catch your breath.
Congratulations Susanne :)
You're an amazing woman, I don't think I would have the patience to do a daycare so I'm always amazed at the women who do :)
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