Friday, June 08, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #194

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Thanks for joining me in looking for the blessings in our weeks, whether they be big or small.  If you are new and would like to join in, we welcome you & the guidelines are posted here.  It's been a pretty bland week around here but there are always blessings to be found.  Sometimes I just have to look a little bit harder for them.  They do not always come with fanfare announcing that I am about to be blessed.  Sometimes those treasures must be hunted out and found.

1. Movie Date night with hubby.  An evening to get out and just lose ourselves in a 3D movie together.  And  the price of the tickets and a popcorn and drinks were free thanks to gift certificates.  Double blessing.

2.  Grocery shopping help.  I have done grocery shopping for so long by myself.  But the last few times hubby has come with me and I have really enjoyed it.  It keeps me a bit more focused so it goes faster.  And I have muscle power to lug everything in when I get home.  And the company is great too!

3.  Mangoes.  I have been really growing to love these tropical fruits.  I tried a new kind this week but I have forgotten what they are called.  But they are so smooth and sweet and delicious.  Did you know that mangoes are the most popular fruit in the world?  In America they are considered exotic but in other parts of the world they are a staple.  They are consumed worldwide 3x more than bananas and 10x more than apples?   And did you knew there are over 2000 different types?  Who knew?  Don't say you never learn anything here at Living to Tell.  All I know is I'm loving them.  I just wish the darn seed was smaller to allow for more fruit.  What a blessing to have exotic, delicious fruits be able to come to us when they are not naturally from here.

4.  Black cherry ice cream.  Oh my goodness.  Two of my favorite things.  And this is sooo creamy and yummy.  With big black cherries in it.  Sorry guys.  I think it's only available in Canada.

5.  Down time in a very busy, crazy week.  So thankful for those moments to just breathe. [And maybe have a mango or a bowl of black cherry ice cream.  :v) ].

What have been your favorite things from your week?  Were they easy to list or did you have to dig for them a little more?  Either way, I'm so happy to have you share them!  Link your specific post in the Mr. Linky and enjoy visiting each other a bit.  May you be blessed reading others blessings, too.


nikkipolani said...

Oh, my, I haven't had black cherry in forever! Sounds fantastic! Well, you probably know I love mangoes, too, especially the yellow ones because they do have smaller seeds (the overall fruit is smaller, but the seed doesn't take up so much of the fruit). Enjoy your weekend and hope you'll have some down time to recuperate.

Ingrid said...

Mr. G. and I hate to do shopping together, even as a young couple we separated at the entrance and met again one or two hours later at the exit, lol !

Kathie said...

I love when Roger comes shopping with me too - except I have to watch him in the meat dept - it's his weakness!

I love Chapman's frozen yoghurt. They have a new flavour I'd like to try - Key Lime Pie. Sounds so good and a very pretty green :)

Glad you're getting some down time this week and hope you have whole lot this weekend Susanne.

Thanks again for for hosting!!


Barbara H. said...

My husband used to love mangoes but then developed an allergy to them (he is allergic now to a lot of fresh fruits, but we don't know if it is the fruit or something put on them when processing.) I never did try one.

Free dates are a plus!

We've had to divide and conquer tasks for so long, it's nice to do some of them together some times. I used to plan my grocery shopping just before getting the boys from school so they could help carry stuff in. :-D

Hurray for down time. Hope you have plenty this weekend.

Jerralea said...

Wow! I did not know those facts about mangoes. Thanks for the info! :)

I'm thinking I now have to go see if I can find a comparable black cherry ice cream product ... surely Yankee ingenuity has come up with a good one here, too!

ellen b. said...

Ice cream, down time, movies and grocery store dates all sounds good to me. I'm gone later today and tomorrow so once again I won't be participating in Fave Five. Blessings...

Annette Whipple said...

I like black raspberry ice cream...

I thrive with down time!

Jientje said...

We always do our grocery shopping together, so I haven't really thought about it until you mentioned it, but you're right, it IS great to have the company and the muscle power of my hubby while shopping! I won't take it for granted anymore. That black cherry ice cream made my mouth water, now I'm craving both black cherries AND ice cream! LOL! Too bad it's not available in Belgium. Or maybe that's a blessing, because I'm still trying to loose weight!

Hope said...

I love movie nights with my husband. And a gift certificate is great!! That ice cream looks good. We just bought mint cookie crumble for tonight : )

I don't enjoy grocery shopping with my husband. I feel like I have to hurry. He doesn't care to shop.

Down time is wonderful. Sounds like a great week. Hope your weekend is just as lovely!

Bluerose said...

My husband and I re-discovered last month how much we love going to the movies.

So glad you got some down time! :)

Skoots1moM said...

it's been a while since i've played...but mine's now up...even though late.
now to go visit the others ;)

Sandra said...

I love grocery shopping with my hubby, only thing I don't like is that everytime he goes with me the grocery bill doubles LOL

Skoots1moM said...

the link for
is pointing to your blog...i had to look her up on Google...just wanted to let you know. ;)

Kristi said...


Dates are great. I get my birthday date today and Hubby is super happy that the SNOW WHITE I wanted to see is not the one in the theaters right now. :)

*Ps, I fixed my link in the linky tool. Would you be willing to delete the first linky I put up. I guess I didn't get the whole link deleted before I added the new one and the two merged don't seem to want to work. :) Thank you and sorry for the trouble.

Kristi @ ClotheslineMusings

Softie said...

You can buy black cherry ice cream in the USA. My local grocery carries (Hyvee and Kroger both) the brand Turkeyhill that has black cherry flavor. I think Breyers might also.

Faith said...

Sounds like you had a blessed week!! I had NO LANDLINE PHONE or INTERNET service all week!! we are NOT happy with our provider. TODAY we just got everything restored. (it ended up being a mouse nest in the main line down the road) but we might be switching to RoadRunner cable because it was just ridiculous that we had to wait almost a week to get service. FFF for me this week but i will do a catch up post. enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

That black cherry ice cream looks awesome!

I'm anxious to hear about Romanov Bride once you've finished it...

Have a great week!