Friday, May 04, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #189

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Join us as we look over the past week and share five favorite things that were a blessing.  For details and guidelines you can go here.  

1.  A post that teaches me something like this one.  I always did wonder what the rules were for posting of recipes.  Now I know.

2.  The recipe I shared here  yesterday.   My family loved it.  And that's what matters the most.  It was easy and that ranks high too.

3.  Filling two dayhome spots within the last week.  And they start in different months so that really helps alot.  I'm grateful that the spots were filled and though I find my age starting to show in my job I am very thankful for it and for the most part really like it.

4.  Lawns and trees starting to turn green.   The brown in disappearing and it's starting to turn spring green around here.

5.  Bright mornings.  I am no longer having to rise in the dark.  Thanks to daylight savings time and spring I am gifted bright mornings when the alarm goes off.  So much easier to get moving in the mornings.

What have been blessings that you have found this past week?  Please link if you have done a post of your favorite five.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!



nikkipolani said...

Oh dear, rules about recipes... I'm definitely going to try your sesame chicken recipe. Sounds too good. Congrats on your new charges -- God providing just in time :-)

Ingrid said...

I too prefer to get up when the sun is shining or at least in daylight !
Can imagine that it is a hard (but nice)job to deal with little once the whole day!

Mom24 said...

Sounds like a pretty good week. :) I'm glad you were able to fill your slots, I know that must ease your mind.

The honey sesame chicken sounds wonderful. Great article about posting recipes. Thank you for the link.

Kathie said...

Rushing out the door Susanne - but my post is up!! I'll be back for a more leisurely visit with you all. Happy weekend!

Annette Whipple said...

Lots of variety this week for you in your blessings!

Thank you for sharing the recipe "rules." Some of my recipes I have written down from before I was sharing on the web...and don't have sources, but most I know right where they came from, and I do try to credit them. Thank you!

I also like the sun to be out when I awaken!

ellen b. said...

I am enjoying the light earlier and longer in the day, too. Congrats on your new dayhome kids. That was a good link to read. Blessings on your weekend.

Barbara H. said...

I'm enjoying more daylight on both ends of the day. And more sign of spring each week.

Thanks for the info. about reposting recipes. I had wondered about that.

Glad you got your open dayhome slots filled!

Kathie said...

Mmm that honey sesame chicken sounds yummy - I'm adding it to my Main Dish pinterest board! I'm always on the lookout for easy crockpot dishes. Thanks Susanne.

Glad to hear your dayhome places are filled. A relief I'm sure.

Enjoy your bright mornings and greening spring world - I'm doing the same here on PEI!


Faith said...

Good to know about the posting of recipes....mine usually come from simple and delicious magazine so i'll make sure to credit them each time.
Yay for spring green and brighter early mornings! and praise GOD your daycare spots were filled!!!! HE worked fast in your life, dear friend!! my post is finally linked up and now i'm rushing off to get my hair done! :)

Karen said...

I have Sesame Chicken on my menu for this week, but your recipe looks so much easier, being able to use the crockpot. I will try it.

Longer days are so much nicer, yes!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend, Susanne.