Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #188

It's Friday and that is the day we look back over the week and find our blessings, the things that made us smile, those things that uplifted us.  Please join us in this discipline of gratefulness.  For guidelines you can go here

1.  This Post on owning less stuff.  I am not minimalist in any way shape or form.  In fact, I can tend toward a more comfy, traditional, cluttered look.  But posts like this remind me why it is good to take a real look at why having a bit less really is good for me.  Keeps me motivated to keep the wanting of stuff, the collecting of stuff, the stashing of stuff to a much more manageable level.

2.  Yummy fish recipes.  In an effort to eat more healthy, I'm trying to cook more fish.  The other night I made fillet of sole.  A little butter, a sprinkle of dehydrated onion, a splash of lemon, and fresh chopped parsley.  Bake until flaky and my goodness it was delicious.  Didn't even need the homemade tartar sauce I usually smother my fish with.

3.  Orange, strawberry, banana juice.  I don't drink juice often but sometimes I just get a real craving for it and this is one of my favorites.  Ice cold, please.

4.  April Showers...

...that bring forth the buds...

...and the blooms

5.  An extra few minutes to laze in bed in the morning.  This week my child who arrives first in the mornings is on holiday.  The next ones don't come for about 20 - 25 minutes later than he does so that means I've had an extra 20 minutes in the mornings.  Twenty minutes to lay there, or to savor an extra cup of coffee.  Makes all the difference in the world in the mornings!

What have been some blessings in your life this week?  Big or small, easy to see or nuggets you had to dig for, they all count.  If you do a post and share with us please feel free to link up!  In respect to those participating please only link if you have done a Friday's Fave Five post.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


nikkipolani said...

I guess we're all having April showers this week! Along with some sweet new flowers and foliage, I see. Happy weekend to you, too, Susanne.

Ingrid said...

I love fresh fish too, especially when you can buy them from the fisherman !
Don't talk about spring weather, it's just awful this year, cold and rain !

Willow said...

I had to laugh when I saw the link to Joshua Becker's blog--I wrote about another of the posts on his blog!

Nothing is more beautiful in the spring than the new buds on the trees and the blossoming flowers. What a joy!

Jientje said...

I bet that first cup of coffee tastes extra delicious now that you can really take the time to enjoy it! 20 minutes extra in the morning makes a world of difference! We've had nothing but rain and dreary weather during April. I hope the month of May finally brings us the sun we're all longing for! Have a great weekend Susanne!

Faith said...

Yay for more fish dinners! :) i love lying in bed extra minutes...and am looking forward to that tomorrow. Love your pretty, even the rain! and we are doing the same thing in my house: purging!!

Mom24 said...

That fish sounds wonderful! I need to make an effort in that direction as well.

Here's to those extra 20 minutes! I've had a couple of days this week where I've unexpectedly been done a bit earlier than usual and it's been awesome!

I used to love that juice. I haven't bought it in years for some reason, I'll have to get some now, you're reminded me how yummy it is. :)

Have a great week.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

that juice looks delicious. I don't drink juice very often either but that is something I shall have to try.

ellen b. said...

I love to have extra time in the morning! I like that combination of juice, too. It's so nice to see the lovely color in between the rain showers. Enjoy your weekend.

Kathie said...

I'm so glad we Islanders can join the springtime joy - lovely rain and flowers - too often it's snow!

Mmm the fish sounds good - I'm going to try it Susanne - I'm trying to eat a little more healthy as well.

Glad you had that little extra time to sleep in! Hope you get a restful weekend too.

Thanks for hosting us!!


Jerralea said...

Extra time lazing in bed is so wonderful! Enjoy!

I have never cared for orange juice, but those combination of juices might be just what I would like. I'll have to try it.

I need to work on serving fish. My family has never been too crazy about fish ...unless it was fried catfish!

Lynette said...

I'll have to try the juice when I shop this weekned. I bet it would be good slighy frozen on a really hot day.
I try to keep things in my house that mean the most to me rather than have lots of stuff. Decluttering sure helps with cleaning.
Lovely pictures!
Happy Friday!

Barbara H. said...

I need to check out that post later. I've gotten better and don't keep every little thing any more, but I still have too much "stuff."

I need to experiment more with fish. I have it so infrequently I don't even remember what kinds I like.

I love that juice, especially with a little ginger ale added to it.

Those extra minutes sound heavenly. Jesse has an early class at a college three days a week that will be over in about a week. I'm so looking forward to the last month of the school year not having to get up so early those days!

Bluerose said...

I really needed to read that post as a refresher!

Those few minutes getting to laze in bed ARE awesome! :)

Karen said...

I've fallen behind on my blog again, and even further behind on reading my favorites.

I'm always looking for ways to cook fish. And the post of owning less stuff -- I'm off to read that one right now!