Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #187

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I can't believe we are more than halfway done April and Friday has snuck up on me this week.  But it is Friday so that means looking back and taking notice of our blessings throughout the week.  Join on in as we share our five favorites.  If you haven't read the guidelines before, they are here

1.  Night out with the girls.  At ladies study we have finished up with the book we having been doing since September so we went out to a movie and coffee for a fun night to celebrate.  I love these fun nights as they bond us in friendship along with learning God's word together.

2.  The smell of my quilt after it's been hanging outside in the fresh air and sunshine.  Instantly transports me back to childhood.  My mom hung all her wash out to dry and no chemically produced fragrance can match that smell.   Throwing my quilt over the deck railing for the afternoon is a more subtle version of my mom's freshly washed sheets, but it is just as comforting.

3.  A devotional that is speaking into my life exactly what I need.  I don't usually really get into devotional books for extended periods but this one is really speaking into my heart things I need right at this time.  I've gone over and over some of the meditations with much prayer and underlining.  I have a very stop-start relationship with devotionals but this one has really hooked me.  And the funny thing is I think it's written for business people but the devotions can sure be applied to life period.

4.  Craft room slowly getting organized.  Have been getting this much used room into a more organized state.  And I've been tough with myself throwing out things I haven't used.  When you have a dayhome you tend to keep a lot of crazy stuff thinking it would work in some kind of craft for the kids.  But when it's been sitting there forever and a day and you haven't used it, you probably are not ever going to.  Unless less some lightning rod of creativity hits which in my case isn't likely.  Out it goes.  And it feels good lightening up the load in that room.

5.  Swinging open the windows to fresh air.  Or I should really say cranking them open but whichever way it's put the result is still the same.  Wonderful, spring scented air breezing through the house.  

What have been your faves for the week.  Big or small, they are all uplifting.  If you share in a post, link that post up on the linky.  Don't forget to visit a few new friends on the FFF and have a great weekend.



nikkipolani said...

April has definitely flown by! Your week sounds like you are enjoying springy activities. Good for you for getting organized and even tossing unused things. Hope you've plenty of sunshine and fresh air for the weekend (no snow, no snow, no snow!).

Willow said...

All that wonderful fresh spring air! I can tell you're enjoying the change of season :)

Hurray for getting the craft room organized!

Gattina said...

Spring only starts moving in VERY slowly in Belgium, and no smell yet.
I also loved the smell of fresh bedlinned which had dried in the sunshine, but then I was a child and didn't have to hang it up myself. Now I am too lazy for that and fortunately in my area hanging laundry outside is not allowed, it spoils the "landscape" lol ! Good excuse for me !

Faith said...

oh i love all the things on your list! I hang my clothing and blankets out in the spring and summer months, too! we have a fold up drying rack an i put it right on the deck! the fresh air smell and our windows have been open all week too due to the warmer temps. Good devo books are a true blessing....i'm in a good one now too that really has me sinking my teeth in and I"m savoring every bite! Have a great weekend.....!!

Hope said...

I LOVE the smell of fresh sheets and blankets from the clothesline! I have been getting organized this week too. AND enjoying the fresh spring air. Have a great weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

I used to love the smell of clothes dried outside, but here we have to deal with bugs and bird poop on things left outside, too, so nowadays I prefer the dryer, lol!

The movie night sounds fun. I've not heard of that devotional or author.

I did some organizing and tossing out this week, too -- also very refreshing.

Kathie said...

You and I are on the same wavelength this week Susanne - fresh air, line-dried sheets, organizing and I'm enjoying a good devotional too - an old one - Prayer by Rosalind Rinker. We've had a lovely April on the Island- that's not always the way it is here. We could still get a snowstorm but right now it's definitely spring! And I'm loving it.

ellen b said...

Being able to open the windows is a great treat after winter. The devotional sounds good. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Lynette said...

Airing out the house and partaking of nature is a treat after Winter. Happy you enjoyed your night out with the girls and have found an encouring devetional.

Marg said...

There is nothing like that fresh spring air, blowing your home free of all those winter bugs.
Which book are you reading..I am like you, with your stop and go., and I can totally identify with your organizing your room..I've started purging all my teaching materials from 15 years ago..and it looks so much cleaner already.
Have a great week.

Jerralea said...

Oh, I adore the windows open and spring breezes! I also love hanging laundry outside but can't do that anymore due to my work schedule.

Your devotional looks very interesting! I'm glad it's really speaking to you right now.

Organizing a craft room sounds like the best to me. I love decluttering!

Annette Whipple said...

I am also enjoying the spring!!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

That devotional looks interesting! And organization? I need that -- both at home and in my school room... It takes time, though. (My magic wand doesn't seem to work on that.)

Have a great week!

Kristi said...

Someday we will be warm enough to open windows again. BUT.. I am thankful because at least we had SUN today! :) said...

I would agree - where is April going? This whole year has flown by so fast!

Carrie said...

So far it hasn't allowed me to leave a comment. But we'll go for three times the charm! ;D

Glad to hear you had a fun night out with your girlfriends. That's always a blast.

And yes. Time is flying by at a very fast clip!

Donnetta said...

Although time hasn't allowed for me to get a FFF posted recently, I just want you to know that as every Fri. comes around I create a FFF in my head. :-) Thanks for helping to create a habit to get our thoughts going in this direction!

We finally have had a couple nicer days ourselves. For sure favorites here as well.

And how fun that you were able to finish the study and celebrate with friends!

I'm going to have to check out that devotional!