Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. It's time to look back and reflect over the week and find things that have blessed us, whether big or small, and share 5 of them. If you're new, please read the guidelines here and then just join right in.
1. Long Weekend getaway. It was only a day trip but it was just what we needed. A beautiful drive there filled with sunshine. Stopping for our traditional snacks and coffee fill-up in a small town on the way. A fun family day at a big mall, shopping great sales. Dinner at a favorite restaurant. And then heading home.
2. A new cell phone screen protector. I knew I needed one. Mine still had the shipping seal on it because I didn't want to fork out the money they wanted where I bought my phone along with a fee for them to put it on. At the mall during our getaway there was a small kiosk with a lineup of people waiting their turn to get this stuff called Ghost Armor. For less than the price for just a screen protector at the place where I bought my phone, I got the Ghost Armor plus the installation was free. And this stuff is fantastic.
3. Watching my 16 yr. old's sense of humor come out. She had me and a couple of the dayhome kids in stitches. It was wonderful.
4. Having the yard clean up done. Before the snow falls. So glad that that chore is completely finished for once. I personally find leaves rotting in what should be pristine white snow not appealing. And having to clean the flower beds in the spring before I can even dig them up is not good times in my book. I don't know how but this year I was on top of it.
5. Having someone else do the dishes. A small but huge thing. So nice to have those dishes done after working all day and then cooking supper. Thank you to my two kids still at home for loading and unloading the dishwasher and to hubby, the official pot scrubber.
What have your favorites been from the week? Share in a post and then link that specific post in the Mr. Linky. Then go and have a wonderful weekend which maybe includes visiting the other participants and a nice cup of your favorite hot drink.
Your day out sounds perfect -- leisurely, snacky, together. Just heard of Ghost Armor, too, and glad it worked out well for you. Hurray for fall clean up Ahead Of Schedule :-)
Fall clean up chores finished? That's a huge relief. And having someone else doing the dishes? Priceless!
Loved your list! The late onset of winter helped us get all our cleanup done as well. Feels good.
That screen protector sounds perfect! I've gone through 2 protectors purchased from the phone store - they do not last more than a month or so and cost a fortune! I'd love to have one that actually works. Where'd you get it? (I could guess, but....)
Laughing with your kids is always a blessing, isn't it?
I just came back from Egypt and the temperature change is terrible !
that day out sounds great! and yay for fall chores being done....ours is finally done too (our yard looks great and it's been mild so I'm loving just the bare-ness...lol) I love when the family all pitches in...that needs to happen a tad bit more here at my house! happy FFF...and mine is up before work! yay....
Day trips....one of my top 5 things to do! My husband does the dishes alot. My son pulls little pranks drive me crazy but makes me laugh. He thinks I so gullible, okay maybe I am.
Isn't it funny how a getaway like that can be so restorative? I'm glad you had the opportunity to do that.
Thank you for the tip about Ghost Armor, when I got my iPhone I bought a screen protector but it's really not doing a good job--already starting to peel off. I love the idea that they do install it.
Having someone else to wash the dishes is awesome. I do them most of the time, but Mark always offers and it truly means the world to me to know that he's willing.
Have a great week.
The get-away sounds heavenly!
I'll have to look into those protectors.
Love seeing our kids' sense of humor. And help around the house!
Glad the yard work is done and ready for the next phase.
Love those day trips! And having a little help with the dishes always brightens my day.
Have a great week, Susanne.
I've often wished I were funny. Laughter is such good medicine in how it bonds us and relieves tension besides being FUN! It is even more special when the laughter is the result of words/antics from loved ones.
I was looking at my cell phone the other day and thought, "Ohhh, it's getting scratched." I never thought about getting a protective cover for it. "DUH," she says as she smacks her head. I will check out Ghost Armor when I upgrade.
Sounds like some great accomplishments this week. Fall work on the yard is huge! Glad it's behind you. Glad you got a day trip in and that someone was nice enough to wash those dishes!!
I love those long weekends! And having laughter with your kids, along with dishwashing thrown in? Girl, it's the best!
We have a schedule for cleanup (that includes just kids and dad), but with only one child at home now, we usually just do it together. It's nice and goes quickly. But I do love it when someone else takes the responsibility and I can relax after making dinner!
We got our clean-up done as well. Before the snow fell - which is happening today - although only a few flakes.
Glad you had that getaway - I'm headed on a mini one today. A little shopping, library, craft fair and dinner with friends. A nice way to spend Friday!
Ghost Armor sounds like a great idea. Glad you had fun laughing with your 16-yr-old. Sometimes they can be a riot. :-)
Having someone else do the dishes is always a treat!
It's always nice to have a fun change of scenery! I love when my husband does the dishes. He's really good about it. I do love him! I'm going to check out ghost armor. I wonder if they have something for iPad. My current protective screen is a mess.
thank you, and have a great week!
I think my favorite is the mention of your daughter's sense of humor. =)
But the long weekend getaway takes a close second!
Sounds like you had a great week! I'd love if someone else here did the dishes....just once [sigh]. And the day out sounds great!!
Susanne, I have MISSED you. It's so nice to be back at the computer and reading you again!
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