Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #151

Hi everyone.  How was your week?  Are you ready to look back over it, good or tough, and look for those blessings that might have brightened your days, that lifted you up or made you smile?  Or just those things that got you through the day?  Then just let's get right to it!

My five favorites in no particular order:

1.  Giveaways.  I love, love, love giveaways.  Love to win them and I love to give away.  And what do you know?  Last week I had a little ol' giveaway to celebrate my 150 Friday's Fave Five post.  With help from Random.Org here are the winners of the Starbuck's cards:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-08-12 04:07:30 UTC

Congrats Karen and Nikkipolani .  Email me your snail mail addresses and I'll get those out to you.  Enjoy a favorite drink on me to celebrate.  I think I'll join you and give the Iced Peppermint White Chocolate mocha a try.

2.  This gosh darn cute dog.  I know I posted this during the week, but for those of you who don't come here except for FFF, I just have to show you my dog loving the Crazy Daisy.  He cracked us right up.

If perchance you want to see all his antics, the whole post is here.

3.  Colorful Salad.  At my hubby's staff bbq they had an incredible salad that just burst with color and flavor.   It had broccoli, red grapes, cherry tomatoes, orange cauliflower and purple cauliflower with a simple mayo, vinegar, sugar dressing.  Yes you read that right.  Orange and purple cauliflower.  Apparently there was also lime green too but they didn't buy that one.  The cauliflower tasted the same as white but boy, it was full of color and just made you want a big plate full.

4.  Continuing decluttering.  Even though my yard sale is over and done with, the mood to continue to declutter is continuing on.  But I'm not going to save up for another yard sale.  That in itself made clutter, just contained clutter.  I'm loving the open spaces on the storage room shelves and the floor space giving me access to said shelves.  Nope, stuff is either going straight out the door to the garbage can, or into the donation box.  I sorta can't believe how many times I've got purging and decluttering on my FFF's this year but I think I've been bitten by the bug.

5.  Quick replacement.  One of my kiddos in my dayhome is leaving at the end of the month.  When a space is empty that means I get less of a paycheck.  I was very thankful that the empty spot is already filled and I don't have to worry about it.  Even though I have been doing this for so many years the pressure of interviews and getting that spot filled so that my pay isn't cut is really stressful.  I'm so thankful for the relatively easy process this time around.

What were your favorites this week?  Do a post and join us on the Mr. Linky.  Then grab a coffee and visit around.  Half the fun is getting to know the wonderful participants of FFF.  


Willow said...

I'm sure that the little one who comes to your day care later this month will settle in and love being there just like all the others do!

Oh your little white fluff dog cracks me up!

Have a great weekend, Susanne!

Ingrid said...

I wished I would be bitten by a declutter bug ! I am soo lazy for the moment.
I saw the pictures with your dog, how funny !

nikkipolani said...

Wow look at that -- I won something! I'll be emailing you soon :-)

Well, I don't know about your other faves, but that darling dog of yours has made several of my friends smile. Can we see about fifty more pictures like that? Okay, I think gorgeous salads and purging clutter and no pay cuts is pretty cool too.

LivingforGod said...

Your dog is so adorable and hilarious! The colorful salad sounds yummy. I need to get into the decluttering mood soon :).

Have a blessed weekend in the Lord!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am about to start on a major decluttering adventure. I envy your clear shelf space. I can't wait till mine is done! your little dog is very very cute!

Faith said...

How awesome is our God to give us what we glad you had the spot replaced in your daycare so quickly! that salad sounds amazing...i am sooo gonna look for purple cauliflower..maybe THEN the ballerina will be willing to eat it :)
here's my email you requested: hipeaksmom at aim dot com.
great FFF list..and mine us up...yay!

Jewel said...

So the orange cauliflower tasted the same as the "normal white?" I have seen orange in stores, but I haven't been brave enough to buy it. Sounds like a beautiful salad! haha what a crazy dog!! Is that a sprinkler? Looks fun. And so glad that you were able to easily and quickly fill the daycare space in your home. Praise the Lord!

<3 Jewel

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Your doggie just made me laugh!!

I'm sure the parents of your next little one are happy to have found a good spot for their child. I remember how hard it was to leave them when I had to...

Your decluttering is inspiring! Have a great week.

Barbara H. said...

Congrats to Karen and Nikkipolani!

Those pics of your dog make me want to go run in the sprinklers.

I've never heard of orange and purple cauliflower!

So good that you didn't have a gap between the child who is leaving and another one coming. I think interviews would be stressful, too!

Jerralea said...

What a great week! And wonderful that God arranged for you to fill your empty spot on your daycare roster. (It's just like Him, He loves to bless His children!)

I would like to see purple and orange cauliflower!

Your dog cracks me up!

Karen said...

Oooh, thank you, Thank You, Susanne! I only wish we could enjoy one of those iced peppermint latte's together. I'm going to give it a try.

I HEAR you on the decluttering. I have another box going to Goodwill today. And if my son weren't moving out, there a couple more boxes (stuff I'm saving in case he wants it for his place) that I'm itching to get out of the house.

Your dog is adorable and has such personality!

I am going to have to look for that colorful cauliflower. The only colors I've seen are white and lime green.

So glad things worked out for you for day care.

Susan@Fruitfulwords said...

You have been very good about your decluttering, Susanne. It is on my wish list for the year but so far hasn't made it into my daily actions. Maybe sometime you could write a post on how you got to where you are decluttering-wise as it sounds like you haven't always been a natural at this.

I did glean one tip from your post. Don't wait to get rid of the clutter. I have 2 places where I am keeping the decluttered stuff. I am waiting until I have more and I am waiting for the time to get rid of it. I just need to get rid of it TODAY!

Catherine said...

I love giveaways, too! I started loving my blog when I began hosting them. Congrats to the winners!
I love the dog! Fun dogs made my FFF this week, too.
I'm very happy that you filled your slot so quickly, and you're emptying your clutter, too.
Thanks, Catherine

ellen b. said...

Glad that process of filling your empty spot went well. A nice load off your mind. Decluttering is really a good thing. If we need extra inspiration we watch a couple episodes of Hoarders!
The end of this week got the better of me and I had to post something more generic than Fave Five. I'll be back on track tomorrow.
Have a great weekend Susanne...

Kate said...

I ADORE a wonderful colorful salad in the summer! There is nothing like a creamy dressing, crisp lettuce, and a creamy dressing!