Welcome to Fave Fives. Are you all ready to look over the week and find five things from your week? Yes? Okay, let's get rolling.
1. Finding a book that I was wanting as a "keeper" for $3 at the library for sale. Love it when that happens.
2. Celebrations such as my Dad's 80th birthday last Saturday. It wasn't a long, drawn out affair but a really nice morning coffee surprise.
3. An unnoticed deal. A week after buying a shower curtain and matching hooks I dug the receipt out of the bag and lo and behold it was on sale. Whoo Hoo. That makes them even nicer. :v)
4. After the rain smells. How I love the scents that the rain brings out in the spring time. It's like all the dust and dirt is washed away and the smell of the new grass and earth and buds is given license to just freely waft. I could stand outside drawing in big breaths all morning when it's like that.
5. Last but definitely not least, my youngest girl being on the mend. After a horrendous weekend and beginning of the week with a huge infection of the skin deep inside her ears, 3 doctor visits, 2 specialist visits, 3 different eardrops, 2 different anti-biotics, a boatload of tears, a missed orchestra concert, 3 and 1/2 days off school and enough Tylenol 3's to knock out a baby elephant, she is finally starting to feel better. Whew. That was a rough one. It's not easy watching your child in that much pain. I'm so glad she is feeling better. Q-tips are now banned from within her reach.
What were your favorites this week? Take a pause in your busy day and reflect back to your blessings. Join us as we post on them and then sign on to Mr. Linky! If you need more info it's here. Have a great weekend everyone.
Happy 80th Birthday to your Dad! Glad to hear that your daughter is on the mend. I also love after-the-rain smell and love finding great deals, especially on books :).
Have a blessed weekend!
happy 80th to your father. I find almost all my "keeper" books second hand. Both of my daughters and I love to find books that way.
Glad to hear your daughter is on the mend -- sounds like an awful time for her. And happy birthday to your dad!
Library book sales? I love them along with unexpected savings. Two of my favorite things!
Happy week to you, Susanne.
Oh my goodness, how horrible and scary for you and your girl. I'm glad she's on the mend.
Happy Birthday to your dad.
Your fives are great this week! Good book, a perfect birthday celebration, refreshing rain, and a healthier girl. Blessings to celebrate!
A bonus deal that you discover later? Awesome! And so glad your girl is feeling better...
They're all wonderful blessings...
Mama Bear
Wow 80th birthday, that's awesome. Glad your daughter is starting to feel better. Enjoy your book.
How neat to find a book you've been wanting for such a good price and then an unexpected savings on the shower curtain!
So glad for the special birthday celebration for your dad.
I love how rain in the air smells, too.
So glad your girl is feeling better. I think I mentioned my husband had an ear infection, too -- his started when he used an over-the-counter ear wax remover kit, but I don't know if that had anything to do with it or if it was coincidental. He's used that on his mom with no problem. He's better but it still hurts. It makes me understand why babies cry so much when they have ear infections!
You mentioned rain, I would never have thought that I wished it would rain, living in Belgium where usually it rains most of the time, but this year I don't even remember when it rained last time !
Sorry for your poor daughter, an ear infection hurts !
I love finding a book cheap or free. What fun to celebrate your dad’s 80th birthday! Thanking God that your daughter is healing. Sounds like she had a hard time!!!
Have a great weekend.
Oh Susanne, I'm so glad daughter is getting better. It's so hard to watch our children suffer. Happy B-day to your dad. I love it when I get a bargain, too. We finally have a Spring to really enjoy here for a few days woohoo!
I can so relate to all your items!
Happy Birthday to your dad! And I am so glad to hear your daughter is on the mend. Sounds like it was a terrible ordeal. Can't even imagine!
Rain smells SO good.
Wow 80 years ! Happy Birthday to him! I glad your daughter is on the mend! How scary! It is raining here today... I wanted to garden!
SO glad to hear your girl is on the mend! Her week just did not sound fun. Hopefully she'll be able to get back to school and back on track after this weekend!
And I do so love finding book deals like that! =)
Happy Friday to you! Thanks for hosting. (Finally made it back.)
so glad your daughter is feeling better!! yay.....mine is now on an antibiotic too but thank God we got it in time for the senior prom tonite! her face started swelling exactly 4 weeks from the day her wisdom teeth were removed (yesterday) so off to oral sugery we went again. he found an infection due to trapped food...ICK. so...she is better today. DOn't you just love all the blessings the Lord brings?? happy weekend Susanne. my post is up.
Happy Birthday to your dad! I love that you actually surprised him. Hurray on finding a keeper book! I hope your daugther mends quickly. Ear problems are so very painful.
I'm so glad your daughter is feeling better. I hate when something is wrong with one of my guys. You'd never know I was a registered nurse. I can hardly bear it.
Happy birthday to your Dad! 80.. wow! Enjoy your great finds.
i love the rain smell and getting good deals too. so glad your dd is on the mend.
and it is so fun to celebrate the special people in our lives like you did with your dad. i like that you pointed out that celebrations don't have to be fancy, expensive or a lot of work.
Glad everyone is on the mend. It made my heart happy to see that you are still here, sharing your life. So fun to catch up!
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