Thursday, February 24, 2011

Your opinion please!

Is is c-c-cold here today.  And it looks cold, with a grey looking day,  but we're supposed to warm up for the weekend.  So we're thinking of heading out to go see "The Titanic" exhibit.

 But the ticket prices aren't too cheap.  So I have a question for you guys...Anybody seen the exhibit at your local museum or science center?  Is it worth the almost hundred bucks it's gonna cost this family to go see it, to say nothing of the gas to get there and eating out when we are there?  And the figuring out what to do with the dog while we're gone?

And the most important question, my daughter wants to know:  Is this guy going to be there?  ;v)


Karen said...

The exhibit was in Denver at one time, but we didn't get to see it. I think it sounds fascinating. I love the story of the Titanic.

It's such a bummer that a great outing like that costs so darn much money, isn't it? We, too, have to weigh all the pros and cons when it comes to doing something like this with a family of five. It adds up in a hurry.

Mom24 said...

We didn't get to see it when it was here because it was so expensive. My 10 year old wanted to see it, but I was scared to spend that much money if he hated it. Good luck!

I can tell you that no, he won't be there. ;)

Carrie said...

We went to see it a few years ago and *I* really liked it. (I had just read a book about the Titanic and was interested in the historical aspect.) When you go in they give you a name of one of the passengers and that is your identity when you go in. You don't find out until the end whether or not you survived.

But they have various artifacts from the ship and they keep it nice and cold and had this huge fake iceberg nearby to give you some feel for it as well. *I* thought that for a traveling exhibit, they really did a marvelous job. I think we may have spent 1-1 1/2 hours there.

I'd hate to have you go on my rec alone. ;) But I did really like it. And no (thank goodness) DiCaprio isn't there. ;) But the gift shop at the end of the line gives you an opportunity to see him.

Faith said...

I don't think that exhibit has made its way to the Albany NY area and no....knowing my husband, we wouldn't spend that much on tickets. It's too bad it costs that much. We tend to visit museums that are less than $35. entrance fees and use our AAA card for the 10% discounts...or we visit free art museums...good grief..the titanic is more than the Louvre!! And lol....nope...don't think leo is gonna be there.....cute...

Kathie said...

Haven't heard of this but it sure sounds interesting!

I think I need to make your soup . . .


Catherine said...

Did you go to see it? I went when it was in NYC at the Discovery Center, but it was Free Museum Day. I thought it was great. My boys went through a serious "Titanic" phase, and had catalogued so much information, that it was worth it just to see it through their eyes. But I really was moved by it because it was real. The personal belongings that belonged to the passengers broke my heart. By the end, I was in tears. It is a pity that it's so expensive to do something enriching, but the Discovery Center is very good about half price days and kids go free with an adult specials.

Ingrid said...

I would also think it over twice, that's a lot of money ! so far it hasn't arrived in Belgium. Of course it would be interesting to see it.

I am here for the Friday's fave 5 but see that you probably are still in bed, while I have my afternoon coffee, lol !

Donnetta said...

Haven't seen it, but with that price it had better be some exhibit!

So, what did you decide?

Sandra said...

It was here in Arizona a couple of years ago and we saw it from the outside, never had a chance to go in and yes, pricey. But from what I saw it looked amazing and I was so disappointed I never go to see it, I've heard from friends who went that it was really good, especially if you're into historical events :)