Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Fave Five #93

Hello everyone. Welcome to another week of FFF. Take a look back over your week and look for those things that were blessings to you and then join in with us. For details you can head over here.

1. This post over at Bungalow '56. Cracked. me. right. up! It's a good thing I had swallowed my coffee. Dana is a Canadian blogger I've just recently met and she has a wonderful sense of humor and takes wonderful pictures. Check out her fun summer post.

2. Our first taste of this year's Cherries from B.C. And it was luscious and juicy and full of sweet goodness! Yum!
3. Shoes. Specifically New Shoes. More specifically: New pink shoes. And even better: New pink shoes that cost next to nothing.

4. Downspout extenders. Okay I know. That is just weird. But this week with it raining cats and dogs those cheap vinyl roll out extenders are saving my sanity. So far, the basement is dry whereas other times I would have had some leakage by now. Hopefully it will continue that way. Keeping my fingers crossed.

5. I left the best for last, and that would be the guy who is making today a day to celebrate by marking with me our 27th anniversary. We've seen lots of mountain tops together and few valleys too, but we've walked it together and here we are 27 years later with a beautiful family and lots of wonderful memories looking towards the future. Happy Anniversary, Sweetie!

What have been your favorites things this week? Do a post and link on up. Please take a moment and make sure you link is working. For some reason a few have not "taken" over the past couple of weeks.


Anonymous said...

Waaaay cute shoes :-)
I was just down in the south where temps were in the high 90s with very high humidity. Came home to 70s with no humidity. And hear about your cold rains. Rain! No wonder you're thankful for downspout extenders ;-)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Those are some sweet shoes sista! Congrats on 27 years. I saved my best for last on my 5 also.

Melissa said...

Happy anniversary! And hooray for downspout extenders! :) We have a never-ending battle to keep the basement dry, too.

Mary said...

I bought some cherries good!
Really cute shoes, but I'd break my neck if I tried to wear shoes like that!
Happy anniversary!

Janet Oberholtzer said...

Hi - I've missed a few weeks of this, but I do enjoy doing it, so I'm back :)

Happy Anniversary - we celebrated our 24th on the 14th.
The cherries look delicious! I love all the fresh fruit in the summertime.

Happy Friday to you!

Lisa notes... said...

I don't even like cherries, but that picture makes me one to eat one. ha.

I love your best for last. Happy Anniversary! What a blessing not only to you & your hubby, but also to your family & friends that you have stayed married that long! May God bless you with many more years together.

Unknown said...


LOVE those pink shoes!!!


momma24 said...

Just posted mine, this is a great way to remember to be thankful. Thanks!

And the shoes...awesome!!

elizabeth said...


My favorite part of your post was the pink shoes - does it get any better than that? Course I couldn't walk in them, but I can still love looking at them. :)

ellen b said...

Happy Anniversary Susanne!! I'm so glad those extenders have done a good job for you. It's so frustrating to deal with unwanted water in the basement!!
I know you'll enjoy those shoes probably with a great purse, too :0)
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you have a great anniversary celebration!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

The Bungalow 56 post was hilarious! Loved it.

SUCH cute shoes -- love them.

Happy anniversary. We're doing that next week, with a few more years...

Have a happy weekend!

Joanne said...

Happy 27th Wedding Anniversary! Congratulations!
Great pink them!
Can't wait for summer fruit!
Thanks for sharing,

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

The shoes look so cute, and the cherries are scrumptious!

Jenny said...

Inexpensive, in season cherries just showed up this week in Atlanta. I will be making Cherry Jam on Monday. Can't wait!

Cathie said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. Put on those cool pink shoes and celebrate up a storm (but not more rain!) Have a good week.

Willow said...

Happy Anniversary! You've had a lot of rain-- a piece of equipment that works right and does its job is priceless.

Carrie said...

Oh my. Those cherries look SO GOOD!

But more importantly ---


annies home said...

happy anniversary
love the pink shoes

Barbara H. said...

I have always wanted pink shoes...maybe some day! Those are cute, though I couldn't do the heels.

That post about the pool is too funny.

I'm glad the extenders are working well.

Happy Anniversary!! Hope you get to do something fun to mark the day.

Melanie @ This Ain't New York said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you get to go out and wear those new, cute shoes!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

Dear Susanne,
Thank you so much for the link. I'm glad our antics make people laugh. You have wonderful followers who have been leaving wonderful comments. Those cherries look great, and I know the wonder of downspouts too. They are a godsend for worriers like me. Also congrats on your anniversary. Exactly ten years ahead of us. Thanks for lighting the way!
Take Care,

apple blossom said...

Love the pink shoes !

My FFF is posted

Faith said... Courtney would SOOOO love those shoes!!!!
I just bought some fresh cherries my self this afternoon...I can't wait to eat them on the deck tonite...we are having SUN today...our rain finally ended late yesterday beautiful this time of year in our part of NYS.
We had extenders put in for our drains as well for your very reasons!

Will check out that blog...enjoy your weekend!!

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

I love cherries....heck I think I love every fruit that is in season. :)
Yep those downspout extenders are GREAT! We used them in our old house, no more wet basement!

And I must say Happy Anniversary!!! Is the 18th your official day? I think I remember this from last year??? We celebrated 21 years on the 17th!!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I am loving the cherries, too!

Connie said...

Cherries! Yum. Makes me want to make a trip to Traverse City, MI. Enjoy!

love those shoes


Mama Manuscripts said...

LOVE cherries....ours just finished blooming. We should have cherries in about a month's time. Enjoy them!!

cindy said...

Awww, Happy 27th Anniversary wow. Got to love pink shoes even, better that they are next to nothing. I'll be sure to check out Dana's blog, I sure could use laughter this week, my 5 of 5 causes me stress - oh well the cost of being a parent

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 27th! Will you be wearing your pink dancing shoes??? Posted my first set of Friday Fave Five's :-)

Danielle Leigh said...

Happy anniversary! Today was my first post for Friday Fave Five!

Karyn said...

Happy Anniversary! 27 years deserves the best spot on your list, for sure! Hope you had a 'perfect' celebration - whatever that looks like for you.

Pink girlie! :)

Anything to keep the water out of the basement is worthy of the FFF list!

Bev said...

You go with the pink shoes - cute, cute! And Happy Anniversary too.

Lynette said...

A day late on my Faves. Happy 27th! We celebrate 23 in October. Love the pink shoes!

Laura said...

Hey girl, such a great top 5. Wow! Those shoes are amazing and now I can't stop thinking about how much I want pink shoes LOL. Maybe soon when I get close to the city, yay!!

Happy Anniversary!!

Laura ((hugs))

Lindsay said...

Happy Anniversary Susanne :)

happily retired gal said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Cute shoes ;-)
Sorry to be late yet again, but life's been busy. I have been enjoying delicious organic cherries and strawberries all week ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Karen said...

Just getting caught up on my favorite blogs. Happy Anniversary! It's such a great feeling to be looking forward to the future with your soul mate at your side. (My Sweetie -- and yes, I call him that, so here you & I go again -- and I have been together 26 years.)

I'm off to check out Bungalow '56, after getting caught up with your other posts.

Marg said...

It was good to stop by and check out what's happening. Those BC cherries are looking fantastic...and I can't wait to buy some...I had some from California last week.
I hope to join up soon again.

April said...

Love the idea of Friday's Fave 5 - a good chance for all of us to reflect on the week. Will start mine this Friday. :-)