It is raining cats and dogs here. I guess what they say about fog bringing moisture 90 days later must be true because we had a lot of fog over the last winter. And now we are having a very weird, wet spring. It is coming down in buckets. In fact, we discussed whether building a small family ark would be a good idea.
I just turned on the World Cup Soccer broadcast for the first time because one of the dayhome boys wanted to watch. Nigeria is playing Greece. I've been watching now for two minutes and I am getting more and more irritated by the second. Sorry, but those African horns that sound like some horror movie swarm of bees is making my skin crawl. Don't think I'll be watching too much soccer. How on earth do the players concentrate with that going on? How can they even communicate with each other on the field? And how on earth do the people watching the game sit through that for the whole game? I can only imagine how much louder it really is at the stadium than on tv. There is no break in the noise W.H.A.T.S.O.E.V.E.R! Anyhoo, switching channels now.
Did I mention the wind is blowing like crazy along with all the rain? Yeah, it is.
School is almost done for my kids. I think they each have one exam left and that is it. Son will officially be done with his "forced upon you" school career. Yesterday, he said he couldn't believe how fast this year has gone by. I think a little nostalgia was hitting him. One last summer before the "adult" schooling starts with the first round of courses that will eventually make him a Paramedic. Nice for him, though, most of his friends are not moving away to attend school.
Did I mention I'm cold down to my bones? Rain and wind makes for a chilly combo especially when I have to make regular checks on the down spout extenders to make sure they haven't been pushed off or blown away. Brr.
Today is full of Father's Day crafts. I see tin cans, masking tape, buttons and shoe polish which, hopefully, will translate into a nice pencil holder, in my immediate future. I also see lots of nice, hot coffee.
Hope you're having a nice warm, dry day whereever you are.
Ha! I was just commenting to my daughter and her boyfriend about how much louder the horns are on the Canadian coverage of the World Cup games. The U.S.A. coverage have managed somehow to tone them down a bit but there still are a lot of complaints. I'm actually tolerating the horns this time around :0)
Ugh about all the wetness. It really gets old after a while. Hope things dry up and warm up soon!
We're having a heat wave just now, though the last few days haven't been as bad as the first of the week. I think it was Monday when I started up my car and the thermostat in it registered 102. Rain on Tuesday helped lower the temps several degrees, which helped. But I agree with Ellen, several days of rain get old after a while. Hope you get some warm sunshine soon.
It's neat that many of your son's classmates will still be close by. I wrote earlier this week about a big move coming up for our family, and taking my youngest from classmates he's been friends with for 11 years is the hardest part.
I haven't watched any of the World Cup. I have heard of those horns but not heard them yet. I should turn it on just to hear it, but I probably would then turn if off immediately -- sounds nerve-wracking!
I am so with you on the obnoxious noise at the World Cup....at first I thought there was something wrong with the broadcast, but then I learned about those horrible horns!!
Oh those cold, rainy days, makes you want to just curl up somewhere with a good book and go no where doesn't it! :)
Hope you have a great craft day!
I know what you mean about soccer on tv..i can't stand it! I don't like many sports on tv at all and the only ones I like "live" are baseball (our local minor leagues are very good!!) or equestrian.....
We had a DRY Spring other than this week.....last weekend it rained ALOT. as in ALL day Saturday and all thru Claire's dance show sat nite. All this week thus far has been cool, dreary and drizzly...but..we needed the rain. Tuesday was our best day....it was a perfect spring day. I am hoping for more perfect summer days!
my oldest has one exam left (tomorrow) and after tomorrow claire and I only have 3 more days for school!!!! HAPPY WEEKEND...my post for FFF is written...it will auto post at 5 a.m. :)
Faith: I do like the soccer, well World Cup competition anyway. It's quite exciting (in fact, much to my husband's chagrin I do like to watch a lot of different sports) but it's those horns that are getting under my skin. They sound like a mega swarm of bees and it is loud and constant. And I mean constant. Oh well, maybe as Ellen said I can find it on a U.S. broadcast somewhere where apparently it doesn't come through as loud.
It's just so sweltering hot here I can't imagine being cold! I liked seeing a glimpse into your day yesterday.
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