Especially after that gold medal hockey game. Talk about stressful. I'm mean when you're country's national pride is on the line and the opposing team ties it up with 24 seconds left in the game, it is the stuff coronaries are made of. But how awesome that our very own national hockey icon, that is the one after The Gretzky, scored the winning goal. It couldn't have been played out better had someone actually written a script. Well for the Canadians anyway. The U.S. team were awesome. They sure gave us an incredible run for our money. Speaking of which, the announcer at the beginning of the game said they were people outside the building with 10 grand cash wanting to buy a ticket and no one was selling theirs. Oi. What I could do with 10 grand.
Anyway, the closing ceremonies were great. How awesome that Joannie Rochette carried our flag. My favorite part? The giant beavers, mounties and moose! You can't get any better than that. Us Canadians do know how to throw a quirky party! LOL. Loved the whole spoofing of what Canadians are most known for. We so know how to laugh at ourselves, don't we? Totally could have done without Shatner and that other female comics humor, though.

So now they are over. No more mentioning Olympics on the blog. I'll have to find other things to write about. Back to real life. And I think a good place to start will be planning for this blogging event:
I don't usually watch sports much, but there is something about the Olympics, and this one in particular, that drew me in. I think I watched more sports in that 17 days than I have in all the non-Olympic times of my life put together!
I didn't watch the whole hockey game, but I turned it on in my bedroom while I was getting ready for the evening service, and they started the overtime round just before we had to leave! Talk about suspense! My oldest son came a little late and heard on the way that Canada had won, so we didn't have to wonder through the whole service. Congratulations on that and winning the most gold medals!
My one disappointment was that they only showed about five performances from the figure skating gala where all the medal winners skate just for fun. That's one of my favorite parts. I tried to find some of it online but only saw what we had already seen.
My favorite part of the closing ceremony? The beginning when the clown guy raised the pillar that didn't come up in the opening ceremony, and the girl who didn't get to light hers finally got to. That was such a perfect, fun way to handle it.
Hats off to you and all of Canada for the great show and performances! I was listening to that Hockey game going through the northern part of California by Mt. Shasta and the radio reception was going in and out. I was happy the sound was good at that 24 second point...What a great game. You all won by the time I hit Oregon :0)
It was a great Olympics and Canada and all Canadians should be very proud of they accomplishment. A big Mahalo goes out to you all. I loved the clown raising the pillar and the girl getting to light her's. That was a stroke of genius :)
Survivorman & Mythbusters are regulars on our tv, too. If the U.S. couldn't win, I'm glad Canada did. What a way to go out! I'm happy for y'all!
I just started watching hockey last spring when the faculty went to a local minor-league game. I'm hooked! So exciting!
Closing ceremony was amazing: best one I've ever seen! Y'all put on a good party!
Like you, I watched all 17 days of Olympic coverage. Now, I don't know what to do with my time! LOL, well there's always blogging!
Of course, being from the USA, I rooted for the home team, but if they couldn't win, I definitely wanted Canada to do so! Joannie Rochette stole my heart!
Thanks for your great wrap up! For 14 days, I sat and watched more sports than I ever have too... Now totally missing the NBC crew, especially Mary whatshername with the moose. She's a huge hoot!
I'm a ex-Vancouverite and Cdn expat, and so it was thrilling to watch my beautiful ex-province here in the USA every night. I'm also a skater and skier, so I guess I can relate to those sports pretty well.
So glad Canada won that historic hockey game. We watched and enjoyed, and we are NOT usually spectator sports fans at all!
The closing ceremonies were cute/fun, but I wonder what the rest of the world must have been thinking???? O my Canada! (The female comedian was offensive.)
Back to normal living again now. The Olympics were a wonderful way to brighten another dreary winter this year. :~D
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