Lots of good things this week but these were my top picks.
1. Finding a great face exfoliater. Having it cost next to nothing. Priceless. Literally. I had run out of my favorite face exfoliater and just couldn't find anyone in my area who sold it. It was expensive enough without paying for taxes and shipping and handling by ordering it. And then I read of one that was cheap, natural ingrediants and worked great. So I gave it a try and it was awesome! My face never felt softer after I used it. What is it you ask? Are you ready for this. You won't believe it. It was baking soda with a little bit of water mixed into it. Yup, that's it. I may never buy fancy-schmancy face exfoliater again.
2. Watching Canada win it's first gold medal ever on home soil. And it couldn't have happened to a more gracious, humble young man. With all the pressure of someone breaking the "curse" and the celebration & media hoopla that went with him winning it, when doing his press conference he stated that the first gold was no more important than any of the other medals any of the other athletes would win. And he has always stated that his disabled older brother, who has cerebal palsy and was there cheering him on, is his inspiration. Good for you and congratulations, Alexandre Bilodeau!
3. The smell of bedding hung out in the cold, crisp air and sunshine. We actually had a day of sunshine so I took full advantage and hung our duvet over the deck railing and put out pillows out for some airing. Love, love, love the smell. I grew up with my mom hanging everything outside to dry on a clothesline. So not only do I get great smelling sheets that night but I get a bit of good nostalgia happening too.
4. Lemon Meringue tea. Yup, that is tea. My hubby gave it to me for Valentine's Day and it is soooo good. It really actually tastes like Lemon Meringue. I have no idea what brand it is. It is loose tea bought at Coffee and Tea shop here in town. It's got great big pieces of lots of yummy smelling ingrediants and is absolutely luscious.
5. A short work week. 'Nuff said!
What were your favorite little things this week? Link up your post so that we can come and have a visit with you!

2. Watching Canada win it's first gold medal ever on home soil. And it couldn't have happened to a more gracious, humble young man. With all the pressure of someone breaking the "curse" and the celebration & media hoopla that went with him winning it, when doing his press conference he stated that the first gold was no more important than any of the other medals any of the other athletes would win. And he has always stated that his disabled older brother, who has cerebal palsy and was there cheering him on, is his inspiration. Good for you and congratulations, Alexandre Bilodeau!
3. The smell of bedding hung out in the cold, crisp air and sunshine. We actually had a day of sunshine so I took full advantage and hung our duvet over the deck railing and put out pillows out for some airing. Love, love, love the smell. I grew up with my mom hanging everything outside to dry on a clothesline. So not only do I get great smelling sheets that night but I get a bit of good nostalgia happening too.
4. Lemon Meringue tea. Yup, that is tea. My hubby gave it to me for Valentine's Day and it is soooo good. It really actually tastes like Lemon Meringue. I have no idea what brand it is. It is loose tea bought at Coffee and Tea shop here in town. It's got great big pieces of lots of yummy smelling ingrediants and is absolutely luscious.
5. A short work week. 'Nuff said!
What were your favorite little things this week? Link up your post so that we can come and have a visit with you!
I was happy for Alexandre Bilodeau! I thought that was awesome. Nothing better than having sheets hung out to dry. I love that smell and the feel. Short work week? Yup ... Great FFF. Have a great Friday :)
I was thrilled for Alexandre Bilodeau! And How wonderful of Brian Williams having the entire family on CBC.
I agree sheets or clothing hung outside is just lovely.Have a great weekend!~
Whoa! might I try that priceless face exfoliater :) That's one awesome story about Alexandre Bilodeau. His brother being there there cheering for him sounds a very a happy moment. Thanks for mentioning that; I haven't been following on TV (work up to my nostrils). Happy Friday, Susanne.
We were also happy for Alexandre and his brother. That tea sounds wonderful.
Have a blessed weekend!
Hi Suzanne!
Hope you really enjoyed your short work week - we had a storm day on Wed so it was an even shorter week!
Alexandre Bilodeau's story was so moving - I was proud to be Candadian.
Love clothes hung out and that fresh air fragrance!
Have a great weekend!
That tea sounds wonderful!!! Thanks for a great place to link up and reflect on the week. Have a super Friday.
~ Joy :)
I love it when I find a great product that doesn't cost a lot. I hate it when a product is real expensive just because of the brand. Glad you enjoyed the sunshine!
Yeah for Canada and the Olympics!! i haven't had a chance to watch them much but I do plan on seeing some this weekend....
mmmm...sweet smelling sheets from being outdoors...I miss that! (my mom used to do it, too...we don't have a clothesline here and right now my deck railing is covered in some snow :) )
My post is up early cause this is my last day of winter break!!
Yep, I've been pretty much glued to the Olympics in the evenings! Except when Lost was on! :-) I loved seeing Alexandre Bilodeau's win. He seems like such a nice guy.
Isn't it AMAZING how some of the BEST stuff is good ol' HOME remedy type stuff!? When I got my first full body massage a few years ago, the place had an aroma therapist too. We got talking about all the oils and things that they use and I said I don't really like scents but that I wished I could find a good unscented exfoliating treatment for my arms and legs (I have VERRRRRY dry skin). She told me to use olive oil mixed with sugar. It works GREAT and leaves my skin sooooooo soft! I don't use anything else! Of course, I don't use it on my face! It's much too rough for that! I'll try the baking soda though... I just wonder if that isn't too drying though. I guess if you use a good moisturizer after though, it would be fine!
HUGE congratulations to Alexandre Bilodeau! That WAS a magic moment! I was so happy for Canada - and for him!
I love that outside freshness too! Right now I still can't GET to my deck... the back door is still blocked by snow... *sigh*
Good morning Susanne! congrats on the gold medals. What a wonderful video. Loved it. Fresh air sheets! Wonderful.
Enjoy your short week!!
Aaaaw, Canada got a gold medal!! Oooh, that's just great! It looks like you had a great week!Enjoy your weekend!n
Oh, I like the idea of your exfoliator! I'd been mixing sugar in with a cream soap, but this sounds even simpler. And the tea sounds scrumptious. I'm with you on the shorter week. More, please!
tea sounds delicious
Baking soda and water!? Hmm....that sounds like something worth trying.
And bedding hung out in the crisp, cold air sounds lovely. Also something worth trying! =D
Thanks, as always, for hosting! Hope you get a little more sunshine up there soon to enjoy!
I love the smell of linens hung outside! If I were still a SAHM, all my linens would dry outside.
Lemon Meringue tea sounds very interesting ...
I'm with you on watching the Olympics - I was so excited when Bilodeau won the gold!
I do not have a TV signal, so haven't watched any of the Olympics since the opening ceremonies. I was thrilled,though (patriotically speaking) when I heard we had won a gold on home soil. Thanks for the info about the winner!
nothng like outside fresh linens!
I'll have to try that fancy face exfoliator!
I have enjoyed the Olympics coverage, too. So inspiring to watch the athletes try so hard. Whether they win or lose a medal, they're all winners to me.
You get me with those video clips every time...wow!
Baking soda and water?! Nu uh... seriously? I'm going to have to give it a try!
One thing I miss about not having TV reception is the Olympics when they come around. *sigh*
I so hear you about a short week! Always a favorite! :-)
Happy Friday Friend!
my FFF are posted.
I love short weeks, too! I am happy for the Canadian Win! I am loving the Olympics this year!
We've been glued to the TV in the evenings, too, watching the Olympics. And we've been rooting for Canada as much as the U.S. since little Mika is a dual citizen of both countries.
Yes, that was a moving story...I loved it...I watched it over and over. That's what I call a Canadian Hero. I've been so proud of our Golden Athletes. They all have stories.
I hope there's a few more medals in the hockey games.
We're enjoying watching the Olympics and so exciting for Canada!
How nice to have a short work week Susanne! The tea sounds amazing!
We were cheering just as loudly for your first gold medal. What a wonderful story.
Have a blessed weekend!
Happy Friday. Once again thanks for hosting Friday's Fave Five!
Love your list! The tea sounds interesting. I'll have to be on the lookout for some.
Have a great weekend.
Loved your idea about the face exfoliator! I'll have to try that one. That tea sounds great too....I'll have to be on the lookout for that! :)
Yup ... I've been watching as much of the Winter Olympics as possible and find the personal stories of many athletes inspiring. I'm a day late with my Friday Faves ... but better late than never, right?
Hugs and blessings,
Susanne, great tip on the facial exfoliator! I'm trying to find less expensive alternatives for my department store makeup, and this is one that I hadn't found a replacement for. There are a few things that I just won't give up, but for the most part, I'm finding cheaper stuff.
And congrats to Canada on Alexandre's gold! It was so exciting to watch and I had tears in my eyes when they announced him as the winner. So thrilling for him, his family and country!
I do the baking soda trick sometimes! I have one from clinique I really like, but when I am out or need a change, I do the baking soda.
the tea sounds really good, I'm going to have to keep my eye out for some like that.
hope you had a great weekend!
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