Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #71

"Whoo Hoo, it's Friday! Whoo Hoo, it's Friday" (Done in a sing song voice). Can you tell I'm so glad it's Friday? Welcome one and all to Friday's Fave Five. Kick back, grab a nice coffee or whatever you like, relax and let's take a look back at our five favorite things from the week. If you are new, you can get details here and then don't hesitate to just join right in. It's always nice to meet someone new. And it's also nice to have all you regulars come by. I look forward to "meeting" with each of you each week.

So my favorites for this week were:

1. An easier day after a tough week. Quite by chance yesterday, I had an easier day after a very busy, hard week. It's always hard to start a new preschooler or baby in the dayhome and I had two new ones this week. Thursday both families had the day off so it gave me a nice little breather. I still had the other children, but it was easier without helping new little ones transition. We could have an easy going relaxed day.

2. Quirky humored babies. I've got the most charming, sweet and funny 20 month old little girl in my dayhome. She's adorable, affectionate, and has the most quirky sense of humor for her age. She keeps me smiling and laughing. I adore her.

3. The thought of the weekend empty of plans. For the first time since before Christmas, I actually have a weekend that is completely empty of plans other than church on Sunday morning. A clean slate. I can write on it spontaneously as I go along. Even though I've got plenty to keep me busy around the house, I can pick and choose as the weekend presents itself.
Everything is optional. I like that.

4. "I Love Lucy". One of my youngest's (15 years old) Christmas presents was the whole I Love Lucy series. We've been enjoying watching it over the past weeks. They never get old for us. We all enjoy them including my soon to be 18 year old son.

5. Finding the perfect present. I love it when I can score the perfect gift for someone and was able to do that for my son's 18th birthday next week. The two items have been unavailable since I've been looking for them, way back to last November. And I was able to hunt down both of them. Whoo hoo. But shhh, I can't tell you what they are because with my luck he would read it even though he has never darkened the door the of my blog that I know of before. This would be the post he reads.

Hey I got through a fave five without a food item. Fancy that!

So what has been your favorite things from your week? If you do a post, please link up so that we may come by!

P.S. If you need to email me for any reason, my email is, shall we say, missing at the moment. We installed Windows 7 on my laptop last night, and can you believe it does not have an email window in it? So now we have to figure out how to get my email back. Arggh. Hopefully hubby can get if fixed tonight. Well, email is up and running. But boy it's different. I think I just deleted my junk email folder by accident. Yikes.


Willow said...

Happy Weekend to you, Susanne! It is wonderful to have a 'free' weekend, one to call your own. I could love that I Love Lucy dvd set. Lucille Ball was a comedienne extraordinaire!
Thank you, as always, for being such a fun and gracious hostess for FFF!

Susannah said...

We watch DVDs of I Love Lucy--and love her!!! Happy FFF. :~D

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Enjoy your "clean slate" weekend!

Oh, the joy of children. I love this, Susanne -- a chance to recount the blessings of the week. Thanks.

Jientje said...

I love Lucy, I love that show too, I used to post videos of it on my blog when I first started blogging!
An empty weekend, Yaaay! We're going to a costumed ball tonight, but other than that ours is empty too. I love to make up the weekend as we go along!

Hazel said...

Finding the perfect gift for a loved one offers such satisfaction. It's always a joy to have a beautiful kid around; brightens the surrounding. Enjoy your free weekend.

RA said...

Lovely blessings. Wishing you another blessed week, Susanne! TY for another wonderful FFF.

Melissa said...

A quiet weekend sounds wonderful! Enjoy!

Melli said...

You gotta be kiddin' me! NO EMAIL??? That's nuts! Hope you get that figured out sOOn!

Who doesn't LOVE I Love Lucy? Honestly - THAT wacky redhead set precedence for all the rest of us! ;)

I would imagine that TWO new little ones IS mixin' up the mosh pit a bit! I don't know how you do it ... me thinks you're a saint!

Have a GLORIOUS weekend - doing whatever your little heart desires!

Val said...

Sounds like a great week for you. I LOVE...I love Lusy too! I will post later on today hopefully. We are out of town and just about to check out of the hotel and head to a couple of quilt stores hopefully and then home.

ellen b. said...

Yippee for a free weekend! I too love it when I score just the right gift for someone. What? No food? :0)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, Linda -- a free weekend! That sounds cozy and lovely and I truly hope you don't spend it looking for your email!

Stephani Cochran said...

Sounds like a great week. Enjoy your weekend!

Carrie said...

I like your "writing spontaneously" weekend! =) I hope you have a fabulous, restful and FUN time!

It's been ages since I've seen I Love Lucy. One of these days...

My list is a little longer and different this weekend (as a one time thing) and I don't mean to break the rules but I had honestly wanted to appreciate my fellow bloggers on a FFF and was given my chance! So hopefully you'll put up with me this once. =)

Have a great weekend!

Barbara H. said...

I love Fridays and weekends -- and especially when those weekends have nothing I HAVE yo get done, so I can focus on getting other things done...or not. Hope you have an enjoyable day whatever you do.

I can imagine it takes a lot to get a new little one acclimated, and to have two at Glad you had an easier day in the week.

I know what you mean about the thrill of the perfect present -- AND about this being the one post your son would read if you elaborated!

Your 20-month old sounds like a doll and a delight.

Kari said...

it's always stressful when there are new kids in a day home so I'm happy to hear that you had an easy day.
I love an unplanned weekend too - just to go with the flow is always good.
Enjoy your "clean slate" weekend.

Donnetta said...

I'm with you, WHOO HOO... it's FRIDAY!! For us this weekend that just means I will have hubby home as a reinforcement to battle the crud consuming us around here. (barring he or I get sick. UGH, I can't even stand the thought of it!)

Yeah for easier days, funny baby's, empty schedules, lighthearted humor and exciting finds! AND for found e-mail accounts!

Truly a very Happy Friday to you friend!!!

elizabeth said...

I will always love the I Love Lucy show and so many times I'll be doing something with a friend and we'll burst out laughing and call ourselves Lucy's. And oh the joy of an empty weekend. Ours is much emptier than usual and it's really a good feeling as I should probably do some things around the house. Bliss!

Islandsparrow said...

What?? No food items? I was counting on you to introduce me to something new again *grin*

ah - a weekend with nothing planned? Perfect!

Glad you had an easier day - and hope you have a relaxed and fun weekend!

Thanks for hosting Suzanne - we really appreciate you!

Faith said...

Happy Friday, Susanne. Loved the list and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lucy!!! (no that is not meant to be a pun : ) )

and i DID Mention food on my list but it is a healthy food :)

Glad you found the gifts for your son.....

enjoy that weekend...

Paula said...

I have always enjoyed watching I Love Lucy, too. My husband thinks it's just silly, but he likes the Three Stooges. Makes perfect sense, right? lol.

Enjoy your free weekend. Sounds perfect.

TXDidi said...

Isn't it fun to sit down with the family and watch those old comedies? I still find them so funny, even after all these years.

Karyn said...

Ialso love to find the'perfect' gift....part of the fun of giving is the anticipation when you know the person will be so pleased.

TV programs on DVD are wonderful! I bet Lucy is fun to watch with the family.

You sound like the perfect childcare provider - you obviously love your young charges.Blessyou in this.

Lisa notes... said...

I'm sure you are a tremendous blessings to those parents who leave their little ones in your care!

A clean slate weekend. Woo-hoo. Enjoy!

Marg said...

I know the feeling of a relaxed week. That was my previous week, but with our own coming warm weather...I chased everything I could outside.
Enjoy the Lucy selection. How fun.

Linda said...

These posts always make me smile Susanne. Such great faves! I love "I Love Lucy" too. They really never do get old.
Have a blessed weekend!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

My daughter got a whole season of I Love Lucy a few years back and we watched it together. What fun!

Sis said...

I giggled at your food comment - I was just thinking how much food plays a role in my blogposts, LOL.

Have a great spontaneous weekend! I have one too!

Paula said...

Susanne, I never know whether to answer people's questions in my blog comment section as a reply on my blog or to go to the blog of the person who asked the question. Is there a correct way to do it?

But to answer your question regarding raw milk, I don't think there is any need to work your way into it gradually. There are times we have to buy store milk (when the cow is pregnant, sick, etc.) and we never have to take it slowly when we start buying raw again.

We really enjoy it!