It was so hard to narrow down this whole week down to just five favorites but I think I did it.

The contrasts in greys, whites and browns was stunning.

An absolutely amazing day. I could have stayed here taking pictures all day if my fingers hadn't have been freezing off. This is just a sampling of the tons of pictures I took.
4. The whole week off to spend time with my kids. That is really rare for me with my job. A whole week off at Christmas. And the way the holiday days fell made for an extra long holiday! The time was precious with my girl home from school and my other two kids.
5. Anne of Green Gables marathon with my girls. This is a favorite thing to do with my girls each year. We watch it through once a year or so. It's a mom and girls time. No guys allowed.
6. One extra one this week was hubby taking us out on my birthday to a brand new restaurant in town. Another special family time. I can't believe, me the rule follower, just broke my rules. :v)
I know it's hard to narrow down a week like this last with Christmas, but what were your favorite fives? If you do a post, please sign on to Mr. Linky so we can come and visit. I look forward to that tomorrow with a nice cup of coffee.
Happy New Year! A new decade, and (hopefuly) new friends. Your hoarfrost is lovely. Thanks for hosting FFF. :~D
I don't think we've ever had a hoarfrost like that. It looks quite amazing. Hope you had a great birthday breaking your rules. :-) Happy New Year!
Love your 5 Susanne. Christmas, family. The Hoar Frost is amazing. I love marathons! Happy New Year! I cheated again this week and my post is way too long because it is a recap of 2009!
Happy Belated birthday:)! Wow what a beautiful scene of snow! That is sooooo amazing!
I think my girls and I need an Anne of Green Gables marathon. I read the whole series this paste summer and now I need to watch the movies again:).
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year Susanne to you and your family.
Looks like you have had a great time with your children home.
Your photo's are beautiful.
All the best for 2010.
As much as I don't like snow... I CAN understand your excitement at having the world all aglow for your birthday! I'm pretty sure I would accept that as God's gift too! It sounds like you've had a really spectacular week Susanne! I hope you have 52 of them THIS year!!!
Happy New Year!~
Love your blog, and loved this post! I'm trying to jump into your Friday Fave Fives, but had some technical difficulties. Still working on it.
I'll be back!
Happy Happy New Year! The frosty gift for your birthday was quite pretty. And a week off feels rather decadent doesn't it?
It was indeed hard to narrow the faves down to five this week! And an exception can be made for most rules. :-)
The hoarfrost is lopvely, and, like you, I treasured having all the family together at Christmas. Who knows how long that will last, but I will treasure it as long as it does.
I liked the way Christmas fell this year, too -- the week just seemed longer. This week as well -- yesterday felt like a Saturday, but I still have a Friday and Saturday to go before we go back to routine.
Thanks for hosting this again - into another brand spankin' new year! =D
The frost and snow is BEAUTIFUL! And happy birthday to you!
Hey! Blog about your Anne Marathon and you, too, can be a part of the L.M.M. challenge. ;) Just sayin'.
I never tire of reading your fff's! Love the photos in this one too!
Happy New Year, Susanne! Even when I lived in Chicago, I never saw hoarfrost. The results are stunning. I vote that it's ok to break the rules on your birthday :)
What a great 5 Susanne!! Happy New Year
Great 555 my friend. Hau’oli Makahiki Hou to you and your family :)
I love love love your pictures! And I totally love Anne of Green Gables. To me, when I think of Canada, I think of her!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful blankets of snow! They are postcard perfect. :)
Happy belated birthday wishes Susanne, and a very happy new year to you and yours!
Okay, actually committing to fff in 2010! Thanks for hosting it. Tell me if I mess up. lol
Happy New Year, Susanne! I am sorry I couldn't post my fave five yet. I will try to get to it tomorrow a.m. My uncle just passed away today and I was busy on the phone all afternoon......
Your pictures are stunning....you live in a beautiful place....
Loved all your 5 things!! my girls and I had fun watching some old classic xmas movies...tonite we are doing HOliday Inn one of my absolute faves....because we didn't get to it during the month of Dec!
Happy Birthday Susanne! I need to find out when Anne of Green Gables is on...fun idea!
Happy New Year!
I love Fave Fives, and I did my best to link up. Hope it worked.
Happy New Year....and Happy Birthday, as well.
Great list! #1 is perfect. What other 'god' has ever lowered himself to become human - to relate so intimately with mortals? Amazing.
Love your frost photos!
An Anne marathon with your girls sounds like a great tradition.
So glad you had so much time off!
Love the frost pics! Beautiful. We get some nice frost sometimes, but not like that!
Happy birthday!
Wow, absolutely gorgeous pictures! Happy New Year, Susanne!
Happy New Year! Your photos are wonderful. I have not seen frost that thick here, but a week or so ago it did pile up for three days. I was going to take sopme pictures on the forth morning but it had warmed up during the night and the frost was melted.
Walking in that kind of scenery must feel like a winter wonderland!!
Love Anne of Green Gables. We are blessed this summer to travel to Prince Edward Island and see all the Anne stuff, You could almost feel her there. It was beautiful and a great visit. Thanks for sharing
I love Anne of Green Gables :)
Happy New Year Susanne!
I hope your birthday was wonderful, dear Susanne - it looks like it was a beautiful day.
Such awe-inspiring winter beauty! Thank you for sharing it with us, Susanne. Sure makes me miss Canada! May your 2010 be abundantly blessed.
I absolutely love the photographs, Susanne. They're gorgeous.
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