Another random dozen coming our way courtesty of Lidna from 2nd Cup of Coffee.
1. What was the last song you listened to?
2. Have you ever had “buyer’s remorse” over anything? Usually over exercise equipment. LOL. I always have such good intentions.
3. What is something in your life that you are thankful for now that you didn’t think you would be at the time of the event? (Something that seemed ill-timed, inconvenient or hurtful which turned out to be a good thing) I know there is some but off the top of my head I can't think of a specific one. I'll have to mull it over a bit.
4. Do you watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade every year? If so, do you have a favorite float or balloon? I've never seen the parade. We don't get it on tv here that I know of.
5. Share a quote, scripture, poem or lyric which has been an inspiration to you lately.
"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ --right up to the time of His return--developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you"
Philippians 1 : 6 Amplified Bible
Thank God He does not give up on us!
6. This is meant to be a fun question, and this is a G-rated blog, but please share a “guilty pleasure,” something that you enjoy that’s probably not the most edifying, time-worthy or healthy thing you could be indulging in. Did I mention this blog is rated G? Probably watching too many movies. Or wasting time playing "Zuma's Revenge". I know, I lead a way wild life.
7. What Thanksgiving food are you looking forward to? Well, we've already had Thanksgiving here last month. But it's always the turkey, stuffing and gravy!
8. What is your favorite book to read to children, or what was your favorite childhood book? My absolute favorite to read to my kids was Bears in Pairs . I had such a nice rhyming flow to it and was about all sorts of teddy bears on their way to a tea party. The oldest actually taught herself to read from this book. I actually bought an extra copy of this to ensure that I would have it to read to any grandkids in the future. I also loved all the Sandra Boyton books. Again fun stories set in rhyme. And my kids loved the silly pictures of the animals.

9. Do you collect anything? (Feel free to post a photo.) Uhmm, dust. LOL. When first married I was collecting the Precious Moments but family soon got tired of buying them for me because they got so darn expensive. A few years back I started collecting the Willow Angels. I really like them but don't really have anywhere nice to display them so they get rotated. I think I've mostly given up on collecting things. I get tired of the clutter they produce after a while and note the dust comment. I really, seriously do hate dusting. But books. I'll never stop collecting books.
10. Gift bags or wrapping paper? Both?! At Christmas, it's definitely paper. But birthdays and other occasions it's usually a gift bag.
11. Share an after-school memory from when you were younger. What was your routine like on an average day? Oi, that's going back there. I don't really remember routines or exactly what I used to do. Now this is going to bug me until I do remember something.
12. True story: Once, in a job interview, I was asked this question and told there would be no clarifying; I simply had to answer the question: “When you’re fishing, do you feel for the fish?” So what about you? Do you feel for the fish?? This cracks me up because I'm always giving hubby a rough time because he definitely feels for the fish. Even if they are thrown back in, he feels for them getting hooked. Me? I leave the fishin' to my son. I bring my chair, sunscreen, bug spray and a good book. As for feeling for them, I don't know if it's feeling for them or just not wanting to deal with all the icky factors of fishing.
I LOVE Sandra Boynton books! When my grandbaby was born, I decided I was going to be the grandmother who bought books all the time, and I started him off with a huge collection of Sandra Boynton board books. I love the one about the Barnyard Dance!
fun questions...will try to do this today
I liked sandra boynton books...but prefer eric carle :)
I had never heard that song before.
That is a very encouraging Scripture.
I hadn't heard of those children's books, either. I am looking forward to exploring new and old ones with grandkids "some day."
Dust -- LOL! I should have mentioned books, too.
This is fun. Loved your buyer's remorse answer and can relate to that. We seem to have a revolving door for exercise equipment.
I agree with you about collecting things. But there's always room for books.
A relative of ours kept giving us those precious moment ornimants every Christmas. We didn't have the heart to tell her we both hated them. I am so glad that she finally quit doing that. I won't say what we did with them.
I'm not sure if I'm familiar with Sandra Boynton ... I'm going to have to Google her. But IF I'm not -- I'm going to order some! I can't stand not knowing a children's author! LOL!
I dooo have a few Willow Tree angels hanging around - that are not included in my Christmas angels. But I don't think I would consider them a collection.... yet.
This song/band/singer are new to me. I love it! Its been bookmarked for future listening. Thanks for posting it.
yep, Sandra Boynton...that's another one we loved. There are so many wonderful books out there I had a hard time with that question.
Love the scripture you shared. There is hope in Christ! Happy belated Thanksgiving day to you.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. ; )
Exercise Equipment. LOL Let's see we've had a couple of stationary bikes, a tradmill, and some kind of step thing. Not to mention hand weights, resistance bands, etc. Most end up on craigslist, goodwill, or freecycle.
Thanks for popping over yesterday for Random Dozen.
We are al having too much fun answering theres question and then visiting and seeing how everyone else answered.
Loven' some random Dozen!
I love that scripture!
I haven't done well with exercise equipment, either ....
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