Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Fave Five #62

Sorry guys. I accidentally had this set to autopost at pm rather than am.
Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. It's time to look back over your week and find five favorite things from it. If you need more detail you can go here. Otherwise, on we go!

1. The way a house smells after a good cleaning. I just love when I get a chance to go on a powerclean (not the part I like) and the house smells so fresh and clean (the result I like) from all the different cleaners. Brings me memories of childhood and of calmness and security.

2. Holiday Chai candle. So nice and not overwhelming. Just the way I like it. I have no clue what brand it is.

3. Chocolate Egg Nog. Yup you read that right. Chocolate egg nog. I wouldn't want it all the time but it was a nice treat this week. Next week the serious egg nog will start showing up so that I can put it in my coffee.

4. Encouraging words. On Wednesday, in Linda's Random Dozen, she asked in question #5 to share a quote, scripture, poem or lyric which has been an inspiration to us lately. Everybody's answers were a real blessing as I read through them.

5. Homemade spaghetti sauce. Oh my word. I have never had totally home made from fresh tomatoes spaghetti sauce. I am forever spoiled now. I was blessed with a huge box of tomatoes and decided I was going to give this a try. So worth the effort! This is a big 'ole spaghetti pot and it's almost full so I'll get about 3 or 4 meals out of it. Yummy!

What were your favorites from the week? If you share on a post, please sign up to Mr. Linky so we can come and visit!


ellen b said...

Good morning Susanne! That homemade sauce looks so good. Encouragement is so powerful and I'm glad that God encourages us through each other. Have a wonderful weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

I agree -- I so love the results of cleaning -- though I don't like the cleaning itself.

When I first started reading about the spaghetti sauce, I was thinking, "Yes! I love homemade spaghetti sauce, too" But I've never started with fresh tomatoes -- I've always started with tomato sauce and added the spices and let them simmer. So I guess I haven't had completely homemade!

Jen said...

I can tomato sauce int he summer just so we can have home made spaghetti and chilies in the winter..they are so so good.
I too was blessed with a quote this week....

Lisa notes... said...

Like Barbara H., I just "thought" I was making homemade spaghetti sauce (I use cans). The thought of using actual tomatoes never occurred to me. ha.

I love the smell of a clean house too. I actually used Pine-Sol the other day, and it immediately flooded me with good memories.

Kari said...

I love a clean house and that chai candle would be a lovely smell to have.
Don't you just love encouraging words - that is so great.
Happy Day.

Melli said...

Oh wow! I've never done sauce straight from the FRESH tomatoes either! I've used canned tomatoes to get there - but I can only IMAGINE how good your FRESH sauce is! YUM!

I love the clean smell too! And the look!

I loved reading everyone's inspirational words this week too. I thought that was a really great question!

Hazel said...

I definitely love no. 1 I cleaned my room too, didn't hire anyone, did it myself because I really need some exercise. Chocolate eggnog - I've never had that before. The candle sounds lovely.

Sandy@ Jesus and Dark Chocolate said...

Oh that sauce smells good even here!
And how can you go wrong with how a house smells after a good cleaning. My kids even notice the clean smell!

Anonymous said...

Oh I like #1 on your list, too. Around here, there isn't so much the smell of cleaners as it is the lack of cat toys everywhere ;-) I can almost smell that lovely spaghetti sauce!

Jerralea said...

I love to read everyone's quotes, too. It can be so uplifting.

When I was a kid, I always liked the smell of the house when cleaned with original Lysol in the brown glass bottle. I'm not sure if you can get it anymore. My next favorite is original Pine-Sol.

Carrie said...

Chocolate egg nog, huh? Well, I can't say that I've ever heard of it! Interesting.

Definitely with you on the smell of a clean home. It just FEELS nice!

Thanks again for hosting!

Islandsparrow said...

Hi Suzanne,

I'm cleaning this week too - we have a beautiful sunny day and my curtains are out on the line. I love the fresh clean smell.

Wondering what recipe you used for that sauce? It looks delicious!

Chai candles - never heard of it but I love the aroma of Chai - I'll keep my eyes open for it.

Happy weekend - and thanks again for hosting.

Karyn said...

Mmmmmm....made from scratch spaghetti sauce. I tried that, too, this fall.

I have to agree with you on the fresh, clean smell that comes from a good housecleaning.

The Chai candle sounds wonderful

TXDidi said...

That spaghetti sauce looks so good that I can smell it. There's something about doing it from "scratch" that make things taste extra-special. Enjoy it!

Alison said...

I love the smell of a clean house! It's been forever since I've been able to get any cleaning done around here. Doing laundry and getting the dishwasher loaded is about all I can get accomplished these days.

Faith said...

Oh yummy that sauce looks perfect!!!
And i love the smell of a fresh clean house! and yeah...I'm with ya on the not liking to do the work myself.....

love your list....I've been very blessed with encouraging words this week as well...blessings to you!

Donnetta said...

Chocolate egg nog? Never tried it but sounds yummy! And never thought of putting egg nog in my coffee. Just may have to give that a try!

Encouraging words are always favorites in my opinion. And homemade spaghetti sauce.. YUM!!!

Planning to enjoy the smell of my house after the good cleaning I plan to give it today! :-) Goodness knows it needs it!

Happy Friday!!

Laura said...

Yum, your post is just full of yum and you're making me hungry :)

Have a great weekend!

Willow said...

Hi Susanne! I think the homemade spaghetti sauce looks wonderful. I tried to sniff the computer screen! Words of encouragement from others are especially welcome!

Jewel said...

You have never read any of The Chronicles of Narnia?? I don't know why I'm suprised, because I have now only read 2 of the 7, but they are classics!
You should read them. They are good! At the end of The Last Battle, there was an image displayed of the perfection of Narnia when great Aslan returned to the land. It reminded me of what will be the glory and perfection of Heaven when Christ returns!

Stephani Cochran said...

This was a fun exercise for me! Thanks Susanne for doing this! I know what you mean about homemade spaghetti sauce. We have a big garden and we canned several quart jars of homemade spaghetti sauce this year and some pint jars of pizza sauce. We'll have enough to keep us going until next year's garden!

StarKnits said...

love your fave five! you should cann the sauce and save it for later.

Karen said...

Just about sneakin' in under the wire with my Fave Five for the week.

The sauce looks scrumptious! Like several other comments, I thought mine was scratch because I used canned tomatoes and spice it up myself. You've raised the bar for all of us.

I need to find some of that chocolate eggnog. Fast.

gianna said...

so yo ur homemade sauce worked? that's awesome! my husband and i made it one year and we got pruny fingers from the tomatoes and didn't like the flavor of the sauce we made. maybe i shouldn't give up so easily!

Jean Stockdale said...

Thanks for stopping by. I am so pleased my dil is willing to decorate my tree. I am not that great at it, and hers looks great. She has quite a knack for it. Plus I ill get to play with the baby while she does it. Good trade off!!!

I am trying to use the crock pot more often. It is a good way to cook if you have good recipes. BLessings.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate egg nog. Interesting. Everything smells better after it's cleaned. But when you get those new car smells in the can...they stink LOL. Have a great weekend :)

StarKnits said...

so you want to know what felting with your washing machine is. LOL sorry I didn't explain it. you knit something with 100% wool that is larger than you want. then you throw it in the washing machine and HOT water and shrink it! and you get wonderful wonderful things like hats, bags etc.