Join us all over at Linda's 2nd Cup of Coffee for Random Dozen #7.
*Updated on a scary thing for #5. I knew I'd think of one halfway through the day.
1. I've always wondered why we were taught both printing and cursive. Do you prefer to print or write cursive? (Keyboard is not a choice.) Well, if you've been coming here for any length of time you all know I can be very undecisive. And I guess that translates into my writing style too, because I use a combo of printing and cursive. I know. A therapist would probably have a hey dey analyzing me.
2. Are you a dreamer or a realist? I definitely swing way more toward the realist side of things. I tend to be pretty practical.
3. Billy Joel or Elton John? Now here is where I veer off the beaten path and can make a definite decision. Elton John all the way, goofy glasses and all. Loved his music and sometimes strange lyrics of his writer, Bernie Taupin. Billy Joel, loved the odd song, but can't say I was a fan.
4. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen? Not limited to horror flicks but also includes ones where the tension or suspense is killer, for example, Flightplan (2005): A bereaved woman and her daughter are flying home from Berlin to America. At 30,000 feet the child vanishes and nobody admits she was ever on that plan. I hate horror flicks especially the gorey variety, but I love tension filled movies. I do not do well with sacrey movies especially with a spiritual theme in them. They tend to stick with me for a very long time and so I avoid them at all costs. Flightplan type movies, I love. Anyway the scariest movie I can think of was 6th Sense. I didn't want to watch it but hubby talked me into it thinking I would really like it. And I did like the story of it. But it's been years and I still, once in awhile, when I'm turning out the lights and then walk past the thermostat get a really greebly feeling of sheer fear come over me. And I don't like the feeling of being scared.
5. Now what is the scariest real-life moment you've had? Oh my friend Linda. You are stretching my brain each week, woman! Off the top of my head I can't think of one. But I'm sure I will once I hit publish and will be back changing this answer.
*I just knew I'd think of it later when I had already been thinking for a whole day. I totally blame it turkey and pumpkin pie intoxication. Yeah, that's it. Thanksgiving overload.
Anyway the scary moment I thought of happened when I was about 7 or 8 or so. We had gone to the local fair as a family. My friend who was 3 years older than me, and I were on the ferris wheel on the backside near the top when a freak wind storm blew in. There we were stuck up on the ferris wheel with the basket thingy we were sitting in rocking back and forth. The poor guy working the ride was working like crazy trying to get everyone down safely. Well, it wasn't fast enough for my Dad who was totally freaked out and yelling at him to get us kids down NOW! I can still see the fear and upset in my Dad's face even though I was still up high. I guess he figured the poor guy should bypass everyone else and get the kids without an adult rider off first. But it was pretty scary being up there rocking. By the time we got off the thing the wind was actually whipping up fine gravel so hard that it hurt your skin.
Which in turn reminds me of another time we got stuck up high somewhere. It was in the mountains on a gondola ride. I was about 10 this time. We again as a family wanted to ride to the top of the mountain on it and they had two choices of seating to take you up. The closed gondola "house" thingy and the open two seater like in a ski lift. We talked our mom and dad into taking the open one, of course. Halfway up the darn thing stops running. And there we are exposed in those chairs. High off the ground with a steep slope below us. Wouldn't you know the wind picks up. We all only had summer jackets on and it was a nippy wind being in the mountains and we're sitting up in the air. It took a long, long time for that thing to get going again. And it was scary too, because no one could communicate with us to let us know what on earth was going on. For all we knew the guy running the thing forgot he put us on and went for lunch. And then we had to get back on the thing when we were ready to come down the mountain. No other way. That was scary!
Hmmmm, this might explain my aversion to fair rides.
6. What word do you misspell without fail? Up until a few months ago, when I made myself learn it, that word was "restaurant".
7. Name something you like to do but are not really talented or good at. Ice skating, singing. I don't know.
8. Do you get your emotional/mental batteries recharged by being around people or by having alone time? Usually being around people. It's probably because I work at home with small children all day, but I do need adult interaction a couple of times a week at least! However, at the end of each day, I have to have my totally alone time before I go to bed.
9. Have you ever been on TV? Sigh, yes I have. I was scared spitless too. I was a guest on a show called "Say What You Think" on the Miracle Channel. (Canada's one and only 24 hour Christian Network). The topic was the influence of toys and cartoons on children. They also had a guy on the phone who actually wrote a book on the topic so I felt totally intimidated. But I'm still here to type this so I must not have died during the process.
Oh yeah, and when I was a little kid I was on a tv show called "Kids Bids". The gist was you saved all you Old Dutch snack wrappers and then you could bid on prizes with them. I remember my mom sitting in the audience cueing me for when to raise my hand to make the bids. I got me a really nice Barbie house on that show.
10. Apple or pumpkin pie? (Don't be greedy.) Whatcha mean don't be greedy? Were you peeking in my windows Sunday night? I love both. It depends what I'm in the mood for I guess. How's that for being undecisive. I love warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream. But pumpkin is such a fall tradition. And it's got to have whipped cream. In real life, if presented with both, I would probably have a small (cough, cough) sliver of each.
11. How many magazine subscriptions do you have? I have a gift subscription to Reader's Digest which my sweet MIL buys me each year and I have a subscription to Homemaker's magazine that I bought off my girlfriend's child when their school was doing a fundraiser. I did have a subscription to Our Canada, which I loved, but had to let go when the renewal was due when hubby was out of work.
12. What lesson do you have to keep re-learning? That I don't always have to be right or have the last word.
I would LOVE to try that pumpkin pie someday, we're not familiar with this taste in Belgium. So yes, I think I'd have a slice of each as well!
I loved reading this Susanne, I might do it for tomorrow's post.
Oh, your number 12 is one I need to learn constantly too! I have a feeling that number 12 on all of them will be humbling me all day long!
Thanks for sharing!
Great answers. I came over from Linda's and I see we both do the combo style of writing. :)
I love all your answers! Especially number 8 and 12! Always being right and having the last word is something, I too have had to watch in myself!
Great answers. I am usually right I just don't get the last word in much. :)
Hi...it was fun to read your answers today.
I almost put 6th Sense down as my movie too...that one really stuck with me.
#12-yeah, I could have said that too...I'm stubborn so there were actually a lot of lessons to choose from : )
This is a very thought provoking exercise!! Apple pie....scary moments......I enjoyed reading your answers!
Ohhhh "restaurant" was another one that I made myself learn too! Finally! At age 50! LOL!
I prefer Apple Crisp to apple pie -- so this choice was easy for me. (not that I wOn't eat apple pie - of course I will!) hehehe...
I used to get Reader's Digest too - and loved it... but I just don't READ magazines anymore -- it got to where they were coming, and I was collecting them saying "I'll read that later" - and they were collecting dust ... and then I'd throw them away 6 months later ... unread! I think blogging killed my magazines!
I immediately noticed that #9 answered #5. Also, regarding #10, my Jewish grandfather called that "pig pie," when you have a little sliver of everything on the table.
These are always such fun to read. I hate scary movies, too. I'm such a wimp!
Oh, and pumpkin pie everytime! I don't like fruit:(
"Restaurant" was another of my oft-misspelled words through the years.
Neat TV appearances, especially the auction!
Our answers to #10 were similar.
Oh -- and I am the exact same way with scary movies.
Enjoyed reading your answers Susanne. I use both cursive and printing even in one word and definitely in a sentence. Hey Susanne guess what was in my Mailbox yesterday? Thank you :0) I'll tell more about it on my blog...
That last one really hits close to home here, too! I LOVE the banner on your blog--beautiful!
#12 -- me, too. Soooo hard!
And yes, when it comes down to it, a sliver of pumpkin and sliver of apple together make a beautiful combination.
Over visiting from Linda's
Wait...it's not a good thing to always be right and have the last word? Bummer. ;)
Loved reading your answers!
So glad to see that I'm not the only one who wants to answer BOTH to most of the questions. :) Loved reading about your tv moment!
I'm so glad to find another Elton fan! WOOHOO
We should sit down with some apple pie and ice cream and listen to Bennie and the Jets. :>)
I agree with you on #4 - I was intrigued by 6th Sense but I'd have the same reaction as you - so I wont' watch it.
Way to go on the Barbie Doll house - I always wanted one of those!
I'm working on 12 as well.
(we had a few flakes today - I guess they did come east :)
not a good thing to have the last word? *sigh* i should work on that too. thanks for the reminder. ;) and seriously... how do we pick between pies at this time of year? thanks for stopping by. ;)
I tend to write both cursive and print too, I guess that make me indecisive also.
I forgot about ice skating that is harder than it looks.
I combo my writing too.
And #12? Ouch. I think I'd like to skip reading #12 on everyone's post!
That's so funny....I can't spell Restaurant either! I'm sure you saw that on my dozen.
Thanks for stopping by!
I love getting to know you more and more thru these random memes!
I'm gonna try to do one later when I'm down here waiting for laundry to be done.....for now..my oldest needs this for Homework.....I'll try to post my answers sometime tonite :)
I think that you should do Canada Thanksgiving and THEN do the US Thanksgiving...double the pumpkin pie..see???
I hate carnival rides too...something about a dangerous ride being set up in under 20 minutes just bothers me...
I am a middle and high school choir director and I am amazed at how many people put singing as the thing that they are not good at...I believe that if you can talk you can sing...you just need to know how. But I hope you do it anyway 'cause it is really good for the soul!!
Yikes! Just thinking about being suspended high in the air makes me light headed. Goosebumps just popped up on my arms!
I wasn't horribly frightened by 6th Sense, although I attended it against my will. My friends and I had a weekly movie night and I was the only one who didn't want to see the movie.
However, I remember it being close enough to too scary that I have not watched any more of that producers movies.
That is the exact word that I spell wrong ALL the time. I should make myself learn it too. And my writing is a print/cursive combo too.
Those are good lessons...I'm with ya there...seems I'm on the same page as many of our Random Dozen friends with their lessons re-learned. THANKS for sharing! Fun, fun! :) Your answer to #1 was cute...
It's interesting how many people write with a cursive/print combo.
Everyone in my family is indecisive too. It's crazy when my mom, sister and I are together, no one wants to make a decision! I usually end up being the decision maker.
I have to say that overall, these are the sweetest answers this week.
And just so you feel better, "restaurant" is the number one answer.
I think #9 would make some great blog posts.
Hope you are feeling better.
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