Thursday, October 15, 2009

Friday's Fave Five #58

Welcome to Fave Five everyone. in much unbearable back pain. continue on without me. hopefully see you tommorow.


Hazel said...

Despite the backache, and I hope it goes away real fast, I wish you a happy Friday, Susanne. I read your previous post. Winter did look like it came too soon. I like your mention of things that continue just the same through the changing seasons. Hugs and keep warm.

ellen b said...

Oh Susanne...I'm so sorry to hear about your back pain. My DIL had to get picked up from work because of back and neck pain. I hope you feel some relief soon and that the tension will ease....

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh no. Did you do something to it? Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my friend I'm sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you. Maybe some Doans Pills?

Alison said...

Sorry to hear about your back pain! Hope you are feeling better soon! Hugs!

Marg said...

You are such a sport. Inspite of your health, you still give us this opportunity. We will pray for a quick recovery...
It must be that early cold snap.

Carrie said...

=( Well I'm sorry to hear that for certain.

I pray that you will be relieved from your pain and that tomorrow you will wake up considerably well-rested and able to move about freely.


Willow said...

Oh dear! I hope you are able to rest and get some relief! Get well soon.

Donnetta said...

Oh OW! I'm so sorry to hear it! Rest and take care of yourself!!

Jientje said...

Ooooh dear!! This sucks! I hope you'll feel better soon!!!

Melli said...

Oooo... Lifting you up! Hope you feel better soon.

Sandy@ Jesus and Dark Chocolate said...

Dearest Backache- don't you know it's Friday you are not supposed to bother dear Susanne today! She has an important mission each Friday! Please leave and don't bother coming back! sorry to hear you are quite miserable today. I will be praying for you!!!!!!!!!
Stay warm!

Karen said...

Hope you're feeling better VERY soon!

Barbara H. said...

Oh Susanne -- I am so, so sorry. I hope and pray the back pain goes away asap.

Thank you for letting us play at your place even when you don't feel well. :-)

Lisa notes... said...

So sorry to hear about your back pain! Praying that you feel better soon.

Kari said...

Sorry to hear that you're having back pains.
Hope it goes away soon.

Karen said...

Oh, Susanne, I can so relate to a crappy back. I hope you can take it easy today and that it mends quickly!

I took you at your work and carried on with FFF.


Jerralea said...

I agree with all my FFF buddies: we're sorry your back is hurting and we're praying that you find relief - SOON!

God bless!

annies home said...

hope your back gets to feeling better had a few problems in the past with mine as well being a nurses aide will do that so take it easy and rest if you can

nikkipolani said...

Susanne! I'm so sorry and hope that you get all the rest you need.

elizabeth said...

Bless your heart - I'll be praying for you! And how giving of you to put this post up for us in spite of your pain.

Faith said...

oh no! I will pray for you and check in with ya on Sunday.......praying that the Lord will heal your pain!!!

Laura said...

Praying for you right now.

Jamie said...

So sorry you are in pain. Hope you feel better soon!

Linda said...

Oh Suzanne - back pain is just a miserable thing. Sending a prayer up right now for healing.
Rest and refresh.

RA said...

Dear Susanne, I'm wishing you a speedy recovery and a wonderful week ahead. This is my first Friday's Fave post. Thanks for hosting this wonderful meme.