Friday, October 09, 2009

Friday's Fave Five #57

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. Join me as I reflect back on the week and find my five favorite things. It's a way that I try to keep a thankful attitude and look for those blessings, both large and small.

Well, after another mini blizzard today, I almost changed my little button to a winterscape. It seems Alberta and Saskatchewan have decided to just skip right on by fall and go straight to winter. And boy, did it come in with a roar. See yesterday's post to get a little taste. Note the picture of the school yard. Well today we could not even see past the chain link fence through the blowing, falling snow.

And this is exactly why I'm really glad I have this little exercise in looking for the good things. So I'm going to get right to it.

1. Working furnace. Yes, we are using the furnace and am I ever thankful that it is working!

2. Big warm duvets and covers. The warmth and comfort they provide are definitely a favorite, especially in light of this week. Summer blankets and coverlets just don't hold the same comfort.

3. New socks. Oh yeah, you can bet I pulled those out yesterday too. A fresh pair of socks feels so good.

4. Planning Thanksgiving dinner. It's Thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada. I love Thanksgiving. It's at my house this year and I'm including favorites of my oldest girl 'cause she's coming home tomorrow. Please pray that she has a safe trip as she'll be passing through the snow on the bus.

5. Touring show homes with my friend. Always a fun outing for the two of us. Especially when we make a Starbucks stop and get chocolate truffle espressos to go.

What has made your 5 favorites this week? If you've done a post, please sign on to Mr. Linky and link directly to your post of this week, not your home page. It makes it that much easier for us to find your post. Have a safe and warm weekend.


Willow said...

I'm so happy to be back doing this fave after my two weeks off! I'm amazed at your snow. I would be putting the furnace, blankets and warm socks on my fave list too!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Praying for safe travels for your girl...

Susannah said...

Hi! This is my first time here. Thanks for hosting. (You're Cdn? Awesome. I'm an expat living in WA state.)

Stay warm, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. :~D

e-Mom @ Susannah's Aprons

Anonymous said...

ACK a working furnance. What is that? LOL. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. :) Much aloha and have a great weekend :)

Hazel said...

A working furnace sounds so cozy. I felt that when I saw one, a real working one in the Yorkshire Moors. Brrrr! I hope your daughter gets home safely. Here are positives thoughts for her. Chocolate truffle espressos - yummy! Have fun at your Thanksgiving, and stay warm (I saw your yesterday pics)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my! I think my sixth favorite might just be that we don't have any snow...yet.

Islandsparrow said...

Praying for your girl to have a safe trip Suzanne. We've had rain - a lot of rain - but no snow. and today it looks like the sun might actually come out! yay! I can get some pictures of the leaves.

Guess what opened in Ch'town? Starbucks! We've joined the big league. I haven't been there yet but I'm looking forward to it.

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Jean Stockdale said...

Thanks for hosting this meme. It looks like great fun.

You have snow? Are you kidding me? I live in TN. and we are just getting some slightly cool weather. Amazing how diverse weather is! Blessings.

Melli said...

Ahhhhh Canada! I sO want to visit - but you have thoroughly discouraged me from EVER wanting to LIVE there! LOL! I left Minnesota for the same reason...

New SOCKS! I love them! I don't wear socks 75% of the time - but come winter (even if it hits in autumn) warm wooly socks are sooo nice! That one made me smile!

Anonymous said...

Well, no one will say you've entered Fall slowly! Blizzard, Thanksgiving preparations, furnace cozy-ness... You're ready! And a very happy Thanksgiving to you!

Melli said...

Ohhhhhh! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Have a great weekend!

Lisa notes... said...

Happy Thanksgiving. And enjoy all the warmth-inducing things you have. Yes, we are blessed.

ellen b said...

Yippee for a furnace, blankys, and new soft socks when its cold outside! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend Susanne with you and yours and traveling mercies for your daughter!!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you serving? We have had our furnace on and off already here in MN... and yes thankfully a working one is wonderful! Have a great weekend with your daughter!

Kari said...

Wow it's snowing? that is amazing.
It's interesting that you are brining out the duvets and socks and it's so stinking hot and humid here.
Happy Thanksgiving! I have a friend here whose been busy this week planing her Thanksgiving for this weekend. She is Canadian too.
Stay warm and praying for safe travels for your daughter.

Jientje said...

It's not as cold yet where I am, the last two days have been really warm and sunny, but snuggling up on the couch with a fleece plaid was a favorite of mine too this week!
I thought I was not going to make it this week, but here I am, I made it anyway!

Barbara H. said...

Wow! I can't imagine! I am so glad I don't live any further north! But I love working furnaces and warm, comfy blankets. too.

I have never toured show homes, but that sounds like fun, especially with a friend.

A very happy Thanksgiving to you!

Laura said...

Will definitely pray for your daughter's safe return. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Carrie said...

Oh yes, I can bet you do appreciate that working furnace and a pair of new socks! Yup, yup! I'd be thinking the same thing!

Thank you again for hosting. This "exercise" if you will, has been desperately needed in this season of life.

Lisa Spence said...

I think Mr Linky is experiencing technical difficulties? If my post isn't there, it's here:

Happy Friday!

Lazy Daisy said...

Hi, first time here. My daughter lives in Saskatoon. Thankfulness is always a great way to look at your week. happy thanksgiving....sending you warm thoughts.

Tina Leigh said...

When you live where I is just hard to really visualize your kind of weather!! I wish I could send you some of this hot mess down here!

Happy Thanksgiving!! Take pictures of food & family. Love to see how yall "Do it Up" there!

Marg said...

Too funny! I just pulled out those new socks also. And those duvets, never get put away...I just change the covers from cotton to flannel.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend with family and friends.

Faith said...

oh yeah..I see we have emom doing the fave fives now!! I LOVE her blog!!

my list was actually up last nite but couldn't link up with ya before work as no time to get down here on the computers....
loved your list especially the thanksgiving dinner part!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you, my canadian friendd!! GOd bless your weekend!!

TXDidi said...

Have a great Thanksgiving. And seriously, you have had snow already? Wow! I was just thinking the other evening that it might be time to get out the flannel sheets. Thanksgiving for us this year is going to be at our daughter's house...first time ever! That's going to be a treat.

Karyn said...

HaHa....I included the warm things, too! Something about going from hot weather to winter so suddenly, I guess. I think you are getting more snow than we, but it is much too cold for the beginning of Oct! Oh well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Barb said...

I can't believe the weather you've had, Susanne, but I'm definitely going to stop complaining about ours. Our bit of frost is nothing compared to your snow.

Funny you would mention socks. I told Rob just this morning, it's time we go on a sock shopping trip! I need new warm, fuzzy socks.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family - I know you're tickled to have your girl coming home again. :-)

the voice of melody said...

Winter sure arrived soon in your "neck of the woods"! Should I tell you that it's still in the mid-90's over here? No, that would not be nice so I won't say it. ;)

I grew up in Canada so I feel your pain. Even though the cold can be pretty harsh up there, there's a comfort that one gets from coming home to a nice hot bowl of homemade soup, or cup of hot cocoa, or to a warm fuzzy blanket that you can't quite replicate when you live in a tropical climate.

Sweet blessings and a very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Sarah said...

Ooh, this looks like fun! Thanks for visiting my random dozen this week! :) And how sweet of you to comment!


P.S. I'm following you now! :)

Alison said...

Oooh, warm blankets and new socks! Sounds heavenly! sigh.

Alison said...

Forgot to say: Your daughter will be in my prayers for a very safe trip! Enjoy your holiday.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I link up each week and forget to leave you a comment! :) But alas I did not forget you. And I so appreciate you doing this each Friday. :)
Glad you have a working furnace, sounds like just in time for cooler weather. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family!

Cheryl B. said...

I stopped by your blog to verify that you were still hosting your Friday "theme day".

In case you aren't sure why I would do that, please first go here:

and then read this one:

I see that you still are, so I shall leave you on the lists :-D

Should you wish to contact me for any reason, feel free to do so via: pink bunnies (at) sbc global (dot) net

Cheryl B.

Jean Stockdale said...

I enjoyed participating in the meme. It is a great way to meet new folks and gather a few quick facts about them.

I loved you list and I hope you are finding something to laugh about until your face hurts! Blessings.

Sarah said...

P.S. You're already planning Thanksgiving Dinner??? Looks like I could learn a thing or two from you...I'm still stuck in...July. :)

Michelle said...

hi there something on the blog for you :)