In all we were gone and riding a good 2 1/2 - 3 hours. Good thing I have a good seat on my bike with a nice thick gel cover. I want to kiss the people who invented gel covers. A mighty fine invention indeed.

No pics of yesterday's ride however. Last time, hubby was so gracious and patient as I stopped constantly as different things caught my eye that I thought I'd go easy on him and not even tempt myself by taking my camera along. We just rode and rode and rode with nary a stop to drink water. Of course, that didn't stop me from several times noticing something and saying I wished I would have brought the camera along.
The bike ride times this year have been really good for me and hubby. It's our way of clicking out, being together with no pressures but how fast to go and what street to turn down. It's just fun being together touring around the city. It's funny how getting out in God's creation, feeling the sun on your back and a slight breeze in your face just washes all worrisome thoughts away and allows you to be in the moment. Who can stew about the negative when you are looking at beautiful green coulees, a blue river running through it and myriads of colors of wild flowers? When we see all the lovliness of the world God created and see the order in it, it is so much easier to trust that He will also take care of us and release it to Him. And we wonder what we're worrying about in the first place.
And on that note, I can't resist just one more picture from the riverbottom.

Boy Susanne when you and hubby party you really party!! The Riverbottom looks so peaceful.
Sounds wonderful...just the kind of thing my hubby and I would do to celebrate (if we were Canadian, that is!)
As it was, my oldest turned 10 yesterday too! :)
Oh Susanne how awesome that the two of you can do this together. It sounds so nice and relaxing and fun. My hubby and I don't actually do anything together on our own (without kids) so we really need to make the effort once and awhile.
Congrats on not only on Canada Day, but a dry and sunny one at that!
I am missing our bike rides! It has been so ridiculously hot we haven't even dared to try riding. I have enjoyed riding with you though! I agree - it is a wonderful way to just relax and enjoy.
Beautiful pictures Susanne. It is nice to get out into creation and just enjoy! Glad you got the time to do it!! Blessings...
This sounds like a wonderful time. We enjoyed hiking the trail on vacation together, too. There's something about getting under that big old sky that changes your perspective!
Sounds like a fun time! I like low-key celebrations, too. Glad you had a happy Canada Day!
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