The Book Blurb:
The last few decades have produced some dramatic changes in the national discourse about all things sexual. With elementary school children being introduced to “family diversity” curriculum, reports of promiscuity in homes for the aged, the raging debate over gay marriage, and the mainstreaming of pornography through advertising and entertainment, there seems to be virtually no part of the culture that is not dealing with sexuality in one way or another—and often with significant controversy. In this age of moral relativism, the politically correct opinion states that what happens between consenting adults is nobody’s business but theirs. After all, in the end, it’s just sex, right?
What do the mainstreaming of pornography, the homosexual agenda, and the philosophy of sexual liberation have in common? Implicit in each is an attack on the institution of heterosexual marriage. According to Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, when the traditional plan for marriage is attacked, an entire civilization may pay the price. Dr. Mohler’s latest book, Desire and Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance, examines many of today’s most controversial and troubling issues concerning sexuality.
“Today, we face a cultural crisis that actually threatens to reverse civilization and to embrace barbarism,” Dr. Mohler states. “Civilization is based upon order, respect, habit, custom, and institution—all of which are rejected outright by the age of moral relativism and the lack of sexual restraint. Can civilization survive under these circumstances? I would have to argue that it cannot. There is no example in the history of humankind of a civilization enduring for long under these conditions.”
Dr. Mohler has been described by as the “reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S.” Desire and Deceit exemplifies his reputation for academic excellence and uncompromising moral integrity. In assessing the current sexual culture in America, Mohler demonstrates a remarkable breadth of knowledge, citing a diverse group of authors ranging from Christian author Joshua Harris and J.R.R. Tolkien to Sigmund Freud, Margaret Mead, Alfred Kinsey, and some of the lesser known philosophers who have profoundly shaped the American sexual landscape.
The book paints an accurate and alarming picture of a culture that seeks to drown out any voice declaring a message of morality, biblical truth, or any kind of sexual restraint—and that should motivate readers to action. “Let us see this trend toward sexual anarchy answered with true resolve,” Dr. Mohler states. “Let us mount a movement, not consisting so much of placards, billboards, and advertising, but of couples and families, men and women who will not bend, will not bow, and will not surrender to the culture.”
If you're are interested in reading more the book is available at Amazon here.