Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Bet Ya Can't Eat Just One

So last Friday was our Pajama Day in Dayhome. The kids really were excited about coming to dayhome in the pj's and the topic of conversation at the lunch table for days had been which pajamas they were going to wear. There is just something everyone loves about being able to lounge around in pj's all day. In the morning we decorated paper lunch bags with felts and stickers, had pancakes for lunch and a movie in the afternoon. But the climax of the day for the kids was getting to help make this stuff: KoolAid Popcorn. Oh the excitement.

And oh the opportunity to teach all sorts of skills. Counting, measuring, colors, sharing, smelling, tasing. But, shhhh, don't tell them it was a teaching and learning activity. For them it was nothing but fun.

First we started by making air pop popcorn. And there was plenty of sneaking a kernel here and there as is blew out of the roaster.
After seperarting the popcorn into two large paper bags, we were on to the next step of making the syrup. Lots of measuring and fun here.

Once it goes into the microwave though, it's an adult only job. It is bubbling hot. And boring beige. We need the color. It's all about the color. Well, the taste too. But that comes later.

This is for the purple batch. We also made an orange batch.

As evidenced by this shot of the syrup poured onto the popcorn in one of the bags.

Then comes the really fun part. The taking turns with the bag part. The go crazy part. It's affectionately called the "Shake till you drop" part. For obvious reasons.

Here's Spiderman taking a turn.

Back into a large bowl or roaster for a little bit of extra stirring to make sure it's all that sticky, sweet goodness is spread evenly and then a little cooling off. At this point tasting is mandatory. Yup, go for it. And this is where I say, "Bet you can't eat just one". But go ahead, no one will tell on you. I mean, need to make sure it's right.

Then the joining together of what was once two colors. Two flavors. Now merging to become a burst of sweet goodness in the mouth. Yummy. Even better in a fun bag, with a good movie, in our jammies.


-30 cups popped popcorn, split evenly into 2 large paper grocery bags

-2 pkgs. different colored koolaid (For fall I picked purple and orange, for Christmas I pick red and green, Easter is usually yellow and purple, etc.)

For each color of popcorn you will need:

-1 cup white sugar

-1/2 cup white corn syrup

-1/2 cup margarine

-1/2 tsp. baking soda

For each batch, put white sugar, corn syrup and margarine into a microwave safe 4 cup or bigger glass measuring cup or bowl.

Place in microwave on high for 2 minutes.

Remove and carefully stir.

Place again in microwave and cook on high for another 2 minutes.

Very carefully remove. It is extremely hot! You might want to use mitts. Add baking soda and koolaid. Mix slowly together. Pour over one batch of the popcorn in the bag. Fold the bag shut and shake like a maniac.

Place the bag into the microwave and cook on high 1 more minute. Shake again. Repeat this step one more time.

Pour into large bowl or roasting pan. Gently stir so that the popcorn is well coated. Let cool.

Repeat with the next color. When cool mix together. If you desire it not so sweet, just pop a small batch of plain popcorn and mix that in after the colored batch is cold.

Bask in the glory of praise of your children.


ellen b. said...

Ahh, What a fun day home provider you are. Can I come to your house and play :0)

Faith said...

Sounds like an absolutely fun daycare for these precious little ones....God Bless you!!!

Donnetta said...

What a fun and creative idea. Sounds oh so tasty too!

SmilingSally said...

How fun! Those are some lucky kids.

Shawna said...

Oh, I wish my boys and I could've done this with you! lol

What in the world does it taste like? It sounds a bit like our caramel popcorn recipe, but does the Kool-Aid change the flavor any, or just add color?

FlipFlop Mom said...

OHHHHHHHHHHH I want to be there with you...WHAT FUN!! I love how you don't call it daycare.... but home.... home is cozy.. and warm..
sighhhhhhhhhhhh.. it's like melting into the couch with a good book and a warm blanket... oh to be a kid again...!!!

And that popcorn.. it's a MUST DO here!! WE HAVE to try it!!

Shalee said...

Susanne! This totally belongs on GiBee's Homemade with Love post!

I think we'll make some of that around here on a rainy day...

Anonymous said...

Oh Susanne, Shhh don't tell, but I am at school reading your blog and I just printed out this recipe with the pictures!!! This would be so much fun for my students! They also love when I bring in my air popper. I think we will do this at Christmas!!

Thanks for the FUN idea!

Sandra said...

That sounds so good Susanne, I'll have to try this :)

Anonymous said...

This almost makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it, but it looks like such a fun activity for kids! You're so creative!

Jamie said...

Looks like a lot of fun...I bet the kids had a blast.

Denise said...

I am addicted to popcorn.