You don't? Well, you put one of these on it:

Well guess what I saw at Costco yesterday? A real live turntable! For sale! For real.
What does all this mean? Is there a sudden demand and rush on turntables? Is North America going through a nostalgia crisis? Are we time warping and I didn't get the memo? Well, it's probably a good thing I couldn't bring myself to purge my old vinyl yet! Maybe it's time to go dust it off and see what I've got. It just might be worth a pretty penny on Ebay. Anyone for some BJ Thomas, Keith Green, Twila Paris, Fleetwood Mac or Bee Gees?
And if you're too young to know what I'm talking about, well, I don't want to talk to you! LOL. I kid.
Ha! recognized every name and I could add a few older ones you young thing, you! :0)
We just got my mother-in-law one for her room since she has a lot of old records (Nat King Cole and Eddie Arnold era). We found it at Target and it looks very old-fashioned but has a turntable, radio, cassette player, and CD player.
We have one, too, though not like that. I have some old records that are "out of print" that were never made into CDs.
Susanne, my mom informed me (because at 81, she is always more on top of current events than I am- for real!) that the stores are selling LPs again. Of like new music, even!
I guess with all the excitement over nostalgia, and collecting old things like records, people started wanting something to play them on, after getting rid of all their record players 10 or 15 yrs ago!
I still have my Partridge Family records, so maybe I should invest...;)
Oh how neat is that!
Oh I love those, I still have a ton back home in south africa LOL
I recognized most of those names, yikes! No way, those are selling again? I think I might have lp's left around here somewhere.
That one looks exactly like the last one we had. We sold it and our albums years ago. I had heard that they might be making a comeback---because people like the supposed "pure" music sound of an album. It seems so funny to actually see the industry going backwards.
Oh, how man vinyl discs did my parents purchase for me?? Mostly Donny. By the time I got to Fleetwood Mac, I was into 8 tracks. I did hear that record players are making a comeback. Why, I could not say. Has to be nostalgia--the longing for scratchy pops in one's music.
Get out of here!!! you mean I can listen to my moms original Beetle Albums??????? How about original Elvis????? I may be 35.. but I appreciate the classics.. Ü
I had lots of 45's growing up:). But I didn't keep any of them. dern it:)
lol!! My daughter, when seeing one at a garage sale, "That's a huge CD!"
Thank you for the info and reminder. I have an old record player in the attic that my brother in law gave me. It plays all the different record sizes. I also have a lot of albums and 45s and other sizes of records that my mother collected and I inherited. I think I will drag it all down stairs and have a little old time music. It sure beats the heck out of some of the stuff they call music today!
I guess by that statement you can just about guess my age. LOL
Have a great week.
My youngest was reading a cuirous george book and wanted to know what a record was. I showed her. Her response: "but mommy, how did you carry those around..they're so big!" (she only has known cd's and ipods). Believe it or not, my hubby and I still have a turntable in the basement but we can't hook it up to our new system...sigh..BUT..he DID surprise me with Keith Green's greatest hits on CD for xmas last year!!!
How about Donny and Marie, some true and Retro Sheila Walsh (new wave at the time), some Rezurection Band or Alias, or even Abba ...
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