Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support and prayers. I really was able to feel the peace of God through out the day. Sending the kids off this morning was one of the hardest things I've ever done, I had a hard time not bursting into tears when they walked out the door, but we stood and prayed together this morning and asked God's protection and put ourselves into His very capable hands. The day went well with only small reminders of the seriousness of it. The no backpacks or purses, coats left in lockers and classroom doors locked with no student allowed to answer a knock at the door were subtle signs that extra care needed to be taken today. Praise God all stayed normal and quiet. All children went home safe and sound!
This whole incident truly brought to the forefront how much it truly is God & not ourselves, who controls our days, numbers our days and who has us written in the palm of His hand. It has also reminded me that I am not made to carry burdens and cares on my own and that He wants us to cast all our cares upon Him and how sometimes I need to be vulnerable enough to ask for help in the prayer area. Thank you so much for surrounding us and remembering us tomorrow too!
I didn't realize you were all going through this, Susanne. I think I would have had every single feeling you've had.
I hope they find out who did this too. Even if it was meant as a joke, I agree with you that anyone who could do something like this and cause so much alarm and worry definitely needs help.
Oh, I am so lifting your family in prayer, it is so scary letting kids out of sight today.
I do hope this clears up & you will breathe a sigh of relief..
God has contro in all situations, but it is hard.
Blessings to you
On December 1 1997...a young boy walked into a school very close to my home and shot and killed 3 beautiful girls. Injuring several more. I remember driving to work that morning passing the school with all kinds of commotion and passing ambulance after that moment my husband called and said where are you? I told him and he said get out of there. I did. The boy was caught and serving a life sentence in prison. They were in a prayer group that morning. The school was my husbands old school. So things like this hit close very close to my home.....I live in Paducah was the Heath High School Shootings....a day I will never forget.
I prayed for you earlier today on this matter.....I'm glad you felt it. Bless those kids this holiday season.
I'm a day late on this ..and I'm so sorry... Praise God that they were kept safe.... Why oh Why do people FEEL the need to do this stuff??????
We've had a couple of lockdowns here as well.... and it's awful!! just awful... hugs and prayers for you!!!
Praise God that all went well Susanne!!
Wow, Susanne.I'm sorry you went through that, but so thankful everything was fine. And praise God that He does lift our burdens from us. How encouraging to see how you handled it.
I'm so thankful that everyone was safe and that you experienced God's peace throughout.
I'm keeping you in my prayers Suzanne.
I am so, so sorry your city is going through this. I love your observations, your trust in God's sovereignty, your faith. I'm praying for you all, and also for the person who made the threat... that God would draw you all to Himself. {{{hug}}}
I'm so grateful that your children are safe - and that the high schools were kept safe, too. This was a terrifying thing to have to worry about.
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