It's Thursday already. Where on earth did the week go? It's time for some intentional giving of thanks. Filling up the tank. Developing a grateful heart instead of a complaining one. Looking at all the blessings instead of the problems. I like that.
~This last weekend wrapped up this awesome ministry at our church. It is just my favorite thing to be involved in. I'm so grateful that we have an opportunity to give to children who have nothing. To be able to make a child, who is in extremly difficult circumstances, have a smile and feel like someone actually cares about where they're at. To be able to help a great ministry like Samaritan's Purse be able to help whole villages and give a helping hand to pastors in the area. Yup, I'm very humbled and grateful to be able to participate.
~I'm so thankful for the home that the Lord has provided for us. While not big and fancy and new, it meets our needs perfectly.
~I'm thankful for the challenges of the last week. For it makes me cling to God. And gives me opportunity to see God work in my and my family's life.
~I'm thankful for all those wonderful people out there who work with youth. Linda, that includes you. There is such a need for youth to just know that people out there care about them, understand where they are coming from, people who know their issues and enjoy being with them in spite of it. Those who are not afraid to get silly with them and do things that could cause bodily harm to the older body on a regular basis. My hats off to you. You have my undying gratitude and thanks.
~I'm thankful for the wonderful friends I've made in blogland. Seriously, you don't know how many times you've ministered to me with your thoughts, insights, kind words, or just plain outspokeness for the things of God. The cards you've sent and the phone calls you've made have sometimes just been exactly what I needed at the time. I'm thankful for you in my life.
~I'm thankful for my "real life" friends, too. I'm so grateful I can call on you, laugh with you and know that you are there for me.
~I'm very thankful that God loves me. In all my imperfection. With all my mistakes. That He forgives those mistakes and is my Rock and my High Tower that I can run too in the rough times. I'm so thankful God is immovable and doesn't shift with cultural fad that comes along. He is solid. And for that I am very thankful.
If you'd like to join in, grab the button and head over to Pam's (the blogger formerly known as Peach)Without Fear and let her know in the comments so that we can come over and join in thankfulness with you.
Awesome list of things you're thankful for this week! God is Good!!
Beautiful post.
Enjoyed stopping by.
Blessings from a missionary family in Costa Rica
I love your thankfulness posts - they remind me of how much I have to be thankful for, too.
Well, you know that's how I feel about you and your dayhome, Susanne. Thank God he gifted you for that because you're touching the lives of those families forever.
What a wonderful post. I needed to read this today Susanne. There really are so many things to be thankful for.
woWhat a fabulously wonderful thankful list! Not that every weeks aren't... there's just something about this one!
So thankful for YOU friend! :-)
SO much to be thankful for, isn't there??
Wow... you are right, it is Thursday! Love that you said that you are thankful that Jesus loves you. Yes. He. Does. :)
I have been visiting Pam for her inspiration, and found you through her. Tonight, your thankfulness prompted me to grab the button and start a tank on my blog at www.guidanceforvictory.wordpress.com. Thanks for sharing, and stop by to visit with me sometime.
What Beck said.
And I'm thankful that you're here in blogland, too. It wouldn't be the same at all without your presence, wit and perspective.
I always love reading your THANKFUL posts!!!!!
Great post...I enjoy you day on Thursdays...you are very blessed.
Just beautiful!! This blessed me so much this morning!
I love to read your Thursday thanks, but this week it's Friday before I got here! Was out shopping yesterday for things for my shoebox, all ready to take to church Sunday.
I'm SO thankful for my blog friends, to ... you have blessed me beyond measure!
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