Monday: Chicken Fajitas
Tuesday: Paprika Potatoes, drop biscuits
Wednesday: Pork Tenerloin Stew, fresh baked bread
Thursday: Spaghetti with meat sauce, apple walmut salad
Friday: Scrounge Day
Saturday: Barb's Monte Cristo Sandwiches
Sunday: ?
On Friday all our kids are off to a youth conference. Both Kay (17) and Jay (15) have been to one before but this is Tia's (12) first time. And I have to say this mama is just a bit nervous. She seems so young yet to be going 6 hours away from me. But she is in grade 8 and she will be 13 in December. And this is her second year in youth group. And the couple who have graciously stepped up to take the kids have two youth in the group themselves and I know will keep a watchful eye on them. *Sigh* Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself. But I keep hearing my mother's voice in my ear. "I couldn't let you girls go that far away."
I sometimes find it hard to walk a fine line between being respectful of my Mother's wisdom and taking her fears upon myself. But that is a whole post for another day. My children however, have definitely not taken any fears of leaving home or going far away upon themselves. It doesn't seem to bother them in the least. Tia is excited to go, for this is her first big youth event. Her eyes are shining with anticipation of all the fun things to happen. Kay is beside herself with excitement in anticipation of seeing all her friends whom she met when she went on the drama/dance in missions training this last summer. She is also taking a couple of unsaved friends so that is exciting in itself. We're just believing for these two young ladies hearts to be soft and prepared to meet Jesus this weekend. And Jay, well, he is more my home boy. An awful lot like his father. But he's rooming with his friend from youth and I know he will get into it once he's on the road. It will be a nice wind up for himself and Kay as this is final exam week for the both of them.
That will leave hubby and I all by our lonesome's for the weekend. Unfortunately, he's working Saturday but maybe we can squeeze in a movie or dinner out. The house sure will be quiet. I'm actually looking forward to the peace on Saturday and not having to run anywhere. I see a pajamas, good book and pot of coffee until noon kind of day. Maybe I can even get the trim painted in Tia's room before she gets home. Yes, I live for excitement around the Living to Tell household.
Congratulations again to the winner of the Amy Grant signed print. You can check in the post below to see who won.
Yesterday wrapped up the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox campaign at church this year. I'm in charge of that and I tell you it is my absolute favorite thing to do. I love every part of it. Well, except maybe getting up in front of the church to talk. I'm still getting used to that. I don't think I will ever get used to it. But at least this year, I didn't do a big ugly cry snort into the microphone. I learned my lesson last year. If I have to cry while I'm talking about all the children and the wonderful ministry of Operation Christmas Child, then cry. It's oh, so much more dainty than trying to hold it back. All that does is starts to make my hand shake on the mike and all of a sudden, when I least expect it, a great big, most unlady-like, snort will come out. Magnified by the mike. Not pretty. Pretty funny, but not pretty.
And last but not least, today started my first official day with a new babe in the dayhome. One year old and cute as a button, he is. But all the same a bit of a challenge today what with the headache and all. But onward and upward. Off to get the day going. I'll be posting a really cute Thanksgiving craft for all you guys with little ones Stateside. It's easy and oh, so cute!
I had the opposite kind of mom -- she gave us way too much independence (though I loved it at the time!! And God graciously kept me from getting into any more trouble than I did) and she wasn't a Christian at the time. Being a Christian mom, knowing the temptations and dangers, wanting to protect them from everything, I have a tendency to be over-protective. But my husband is very laid back, the "Oh, they'll be fine" type. So I guess we balance each other out. :-) But we've never held them back from any youth activity and they've all lived to tell about it so far.
Your plans for next Saturday sound ideal to me!!
praying you get rid of that migraine real soon
hope you kids have a wonderful time
Im sure they will be fine
have a wonderful week :)
Keep us posted on Barb's Monte Cristo I made 2 of her meals this weekend...the women can cook. I thought I would make those sandwiches during Christmas break when everyone is home...
My mom's 15 month old brother died when she was 13 and she reacted by becoming absolutely WAY TOO CAUTIOUS - we weren't allowed to do ANYTHING! So I think you're finding the right balance between keeping them safe and letting them test your wings.
You know I was so happy to have a break from the kids this weekend but by the end I couldn't wait to get home and give them some lovin! I want you to enjoy your quiet time on the weekend, you deserve it!!
How many kids in total do you take care of during the day?
I always tear up when I watch the OCC videos too. Such a great cause and an amazing opportunity to get the kids involved in doing something for others! We got our boxes in a couple of weeks ago.
It was good to get caught up with you, Susanne. I can understand your concerns...but it sounds like it will be wonderful time for your kids.
Enjoy the peace and quiet this weekend while you can! ;)
Yes, a one year old and a migraine doesn't sound like a relaxing combo, so hoping that head ache disappears soon and you have a great week! :)
I'm sorry you have a migraine and hope you're better soon! Great to catch up with you and hear what's going on. The conference your kids are going to sounds awesome and how great that your daughter is taking unsaved friends! Hope they meet Jesus there! Enjoy your weekend.
I've got to shop for my "shoebox" this week, our church does this too!
I'll pray for the kids and for you, too. Hope you feel better.
Hope you all feel better.
Great menu too, everything looks yummy :)
A headache and a new baby, you poor thing! I love to think of all 3 of your kids on a youth retreat together. And your heart for the lost inviting your daughters friends. May the Lord draw them to Himself this weekend!!!
And enjoy you peace and quite:)
Hope your head ache is gone and you are feeling MUCH better.
Enjoy the quiet house this weekend. Forget the painting, keep the pj's on and enjoy a good book.
How fun that all of your children get to go together.
I totally understand your misgivings about your kids going so far off. It all boils to 2 things ( I think! LOL): using wisdom, and trusting God. When our son went to Kiev last summer for 2 weeks, (at age 17) I only struggled for about 30 seconds. Seriously. God just gave me grace and complete peace...thankfully!
I sure hope you and your hubby will have some wonderful time together.
I know how you feel - my 17 yr old wants to "go off the Island" to visit a friend of hers at Bible College in Moncton - driving with another 18yr old girl - an extremely responsible girl too. But this mama is nervous. I'm not showing it and I'm not stopping her but I am sending up lots of prayers. I have a migraine too - so I have lots of sympathy for you Suzanne - I'll include you and yours in my prayers too.
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