Judith Find is a rich and powerful business woman who is well known. Starting her day off as President of her company by opening an unusual package she is thrown into a race to save a young boy's life as she desperately tries to keep the world from finding out her secret.
She is thrown into the desperate seach with a stranger named Luke Becker who is trying to hide secrets of his own. Questions arise as they struggle to put pieces together. Why them? Can they trust each other? Who is the one that has thrown them together into this desperate seach? Why are they being blackmailed? Can they save the boy without their secrets being revealed to the world?
I could not put this book down. From the very start it plunges into the story and suspense and does not ease up until the end of the book. Suspenseful, full of twists and turns, it kept me glued to the end. Corporate scheming, pride, greed, fear, trust, & hidden scientific methods are woven into a story that at it's very base is thought provoking and has a faith message. Just when you thought you'd get a break from the suspense something else would change up or be revealed or happen so that you were taken right back in. The secrets when finally revealed were not what I would have guessed but I could see where the characters would want them kept hidden. And once the secrets are out the reader is still glued trying to figure out who the blackmailer would be right up to the end.
I love how it kept my attention. I cannot recall one part in the whole book where I was bored or skimmed over because it was irrelevant or not fitting with the story. I'll be reading another book by this author.
And on a side note: make sure you pop by next week. I'll have 3 copies of a book hitting the shelves on Monday to give away.
I've read a series of his about a lady mayor named Maddie -- it's riveting as well.
ohh, this sound really good. I will have to look for this one, cuz I always need more fiction, right?!
This sounds like my kind of book, Susanne. So onto my list it goes!
Another new (to me) writer, and this sounds like a great book. I love your book reviews Susanne.
Thanks so much for your note. Yes - I do know my comments is turned off. After much thinking and praying, it was a decision I just had to make. I wrote about it a few days ago. So for now - no comments but always available by email!
Thanks for the recommendation! I am always looking for a good read!
And a giveaway too? Yay!
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