Why am I so tired you ask? Well, a bit of compilation of stuff. First, on Saturday I decided to wash the carpets in living room and hall. With the dayhome they get a ton of traffic and there is something about when you spot clean and then that spot stands out glaringly cleaner and almost a different color that tells a person that their carpet just might need shampooing. So I took the hint.
Now bear in mind that I have with great spectator interest been watching and cheering on this lady while she declares war on all things dusty, dirty, crawling and stationary in an unprecedented cleaning spree. Little was I to know that as I read with great interest her march on grime that it just might be a bit contagious. Ya, I got bit. And I didn't know I got bit until I started to clean the carpet. Because then I remembered that I wanted to clean the oven. Which is easy enough because it's self-clean. So I merrily, turned that on before I started in on the rug.
Now this is where the contagious bug decided to manifest. Once the

I think I'm still recovering from that escapade. Suffice it to say, I
am now over that urge. Add to it that I started my first book in the Fall into Reading Challenge yesterday. And I could. not. put. it. down. Finally, at 11:55 p.m., and at chapter 22, I made myself go to bed.
So this morning, there is no in-depth, thought-provoking post. No monologue of something earth shattering or life changing. Just a tired lady waiting for the caffiene to do it's stuff.
And on a "hilarious" side note to attest to my tiredness, I just wrote this whole post in my book blog rather than my main site. *sigh* It's going to be a long day.
Oh my you'd have to be wheeling me around in a barrel if I did all that. Enjoy your clean carpets and oven!!! I hope the caffeine has kicked in...
That's the only bad side about a cleaning spree -- cleaning one thing shows up another area that needs it and I can feel easily snowballed with what needs to be done rather than feeling like I've accomplished something. It is a nice feeling, though, when those things are done.
I didn't know you had a separate book blog.
You need to read To give a mom a muffin...that one is awesome..
good on you for cleaning your carpet and your oven and stove AND kitchen
you sure did catch the bug
wonder if you can catch a rest when the littles have theirs???
Oh, dear Susanne. Don't start painting the inside of those cabinets until you've had a rest-- they will keep another couple of weeks!
A couple years ago we had a mouse get into our pantry. I was so horribly disgusted, I took everything out and washed the shelves and walls down. I noticed it needed paint so out came the can and brush. A friend thought I painted just because of the mouse and wondered about my sanity. No, the cleaning just drew attention to the poor state of the walls!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. Its nice to meet you.
Oh the ripple effect! Girl you deserve a nice massage, a dip in a hot bath and an 8 hour nap!
Oh I know how that goes Susanne - one thing just leads to another. So far I have resisted the urge to get that thing going :-)
I also know about that reading just one more chapter thing. I don't think it's fair that we should wake up feeling like we've been hit by a truck when we do these things!
Hope you get a really good night's sleep tonight!
What a fun post to read! I have been on a cleaning kick today too for some reason. I hope it will soon end because my children really don't like it when I go around wide-eyed with duster in hand. They seem to think I am an alien or a Stepford wife which has taken over our home. I guess that should tell me I should deep clean more regularly. BTW- I love those books you referenced. My kids would make me read them over and over again.
Susanne--is there some latent OCD clawing its way out??? I am tired just reading this. And shamed. Oh well. I'm over the shame now. I need to email you, I know.
Oh my... you deserve to be that tired. You deserve a vacation... go now, while your house is spotless! Isn't it a wonderful feeling to come home to a clean house?
You should be tired after all that work! That cleaning bug hasn't made it to me yet. :)
I caught a bit of her cleaning bug too, but not so extensively. I figured that mopping the floor constituted a day to be remembered and called it even.
Get some rest and enjoy your clean house.
Wow I can't say I've ever had a cleaning bug like that but that is definitely how it goes for me when I get started organizing. I can't stop, until I drop smack down from exaustion. I should really think about cleaning my oven one of these days though, the smell of stuck on food burning every time I turn it on is so not pretty.
I love the "if you give a mouse....." books, they're wonderful.
I need to get that book you just read, it sounds SO good and now that you say you couldn't put it down I'm even more excited to read it :)
Hope you get some rest tonight :)
I lost all my pep in the middle of my cleaning spree and so there's a big stack of junk in the middle of our office. :/ Guess what I'm doing today...
Can you come clean my house next?
And I must know...which book kept you up all night?
Wow, thanks for the warning! I planned to clean my carpet tomorrow but now that I see what could happen, forget about it!
Yep. That's what happens, Susanne. Clean ONE thing and the snowball affect starts. I should probably apologize. I think I started this. LOL
I'm down to three rooms left and then I'm done. For about six months!
I'm laughing to see what Barb got you busy with! She even infected me - I found myself vacuuming plantation blinds and light bulbs today - good grief! xoxoxo
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