That Barbara feels that I am "sweet and thoughtful both on my site and in comments" warms my heart. Thank you Barbara.
I'd like to pass on the Thoughtful Award to Tammy of Family Doin's who always is kind and courteous and makes you feel right at home at her place by drawing you right into the doin's of her family. She makes you feel a part of it.

Also, a few weeks ago, Heather from The Rollercoaster ride of My Life had given me the Creative Blogger Award. "For those who bring unique and creative elements to their blogs. For those who incorporate music, art, creative writing, photo's and other beautiful visual effects into their website. For those who put a unique spin on things and come up with new ideas. This award is for the artsy, the funky, the inventor, and even the rebel. This award is for those creative individuals who stand out from the crowd."
So now it's my turn to pass on this award. First, I'd like to give it to Katrina of Callipider Days for inventing "Fall into Reading" and "the Spring Reading Thing". How fun have these reading challenges been?!
And then I'd like to pass it to Missy of Everyday Graces. Her writing is beautiful and creative and she always has a beautiful photograph, that I do believe she takes herself, to go along with each and every post. I love her site.
This past weekend saw a very lazy Susanne. I didn't feel good all weekend so as a result was very unmotivated. Well, at least the vacuuming got done. There is something about a good vacuum that makes me feel good. It somehow gives me the illusion that the whole house is clean. But don't you dare open a closet, for that would most certainly dispel that illusion and reality would quickly come crashing down, if you know what I mean.
I did summon the energy to watch a few movies, though. A veritable movie watching feast. Funny how laying around watching movies seems to be the thing to do around here when Mom doe
sn't feel well. And I have a new, all-time, most favoritest movie ever. It's the second time I've seen it. The first was with my ladie's group as a night out. This movie didn't hit the big screen in our city. The discount theatre premiered it and it was held there for something like 18 weeks, which is phenomenal in our city. It was released to DVD this week, we rented it and hubby will be going out to purchase it today. It is that good. The movie: "The Ulitmate Gift". If you have not seen this movie you need to put it at the top of your rental or purchase list. If you're rental place doesn't have it insist they get it. It is so good. The story is based on a novel by Jim Stovall. The story is incredible, the humor is subtle and sweet and clean. The characters are well written and well played by each actor. They draw you right into their individual stories. You can watch a trailer and see reviews here. Required item to watch this movie: a box of kleenex. You're gonna need it.

Twentieth Century Fox has created a new division called Fox Faith. It was "created to house and distribute its growing portfolio of morally-driven, family-friendly programming. To be part of Fox Faith, a movie has to have overt Christian Content or be derived from the work of a Christian author." How wonderful is that?! So along with the Ultimate Gift, this weekend I watched "One Night with the King". A lovely movie based on the story of Esther. We have watched quite a few movies from Fox Faith, no not all this weekend, ("the Last Sineater" and "the Love Comes Softly Series" to mention a couple more) and they are all well done movies. We have enjoyed each one so far. The Last Sineater was written by one of my favorite authors, Francine Rivers, and was a great movie. My son went out and bought it for me because I loved it so much. Another kleenex box worthy movie.
I love that a huge company has seen a need in the entertainment industry for clean, family and faith based programming and has had the courage to do something about it. They have my support and I will make sure I rent and/or purchase the wonderful titles that they are bringing out for us. I applaud you Fox Faith.
If you want to see all the titles mentioned and all that Fox Faith has put out you can click on the Fox Faith link I provided. I figured this post did not need any more linkage. It is probably already up for the most links in one post award.
And last of all, I watched "Pride" with Kay, my 17 year old daughter. (I know I said no more links, but I just had to get one more in here!) She and I are the sports enjoyers (is that a proper word or phrase?) of our family. And I love a great inspirational, based on a true story or event sports movie. "Pride" did not disappoint. It was inspirational and taught good values, such as hard work and determination, team spirit and courage. And even though the main character does something wrong due to an emotional response to a situation, he shows repentance and takes consequences for his actions. Which I find in most movies today is not found. Hollywood doesn't like to show consequences of one's actions. It is based on the true story of Jim Ellis who started the first African-American swim club for youth in one of Philadelphia's roughest neighborhoods and still coaches it today 33 years later. While the story is good, be warned that although the film only recieved a PG rating it does have some swearing in it as well as some se xual references and deals with the issue of prejudice in the '60's and '70's.
Thanks so much my friend-- you are kind to recognize Everyday Graces.
I hope you are feeling better-- perhaps a weekend of movies and rest was what your body needed to head into the week.
Oh, Susanne...thank you so much for this award! I appreciate you so very much, my friend!
And you are SO deserving of this award yourself as well the creative blogger award- congratulations!
Thank you for the reviews...I am definitely going to check into that first one!
And your weekend sounds a lot like the weekend before for me...I basically was laying around watching TV too...and oh, High School Musical 2 with the kids...um, over and over! LOL
Hope you're feeling better! (((HUGS)))
I hope you're feeling better now, Susanne. ANd what a nice job you did with the awards!
Yay for your awards...you're such a sweet thoughtful person! And so is Tammy, and Katrina is the BEST for her challenges!
I have Ultimate Gift in my netflix queue but might need to move it up if I can, sounds good. Pride sounds good too...thanks for all your reviews and recomendations!
First of all, you are a TERRIFIC choice for those awards, and you made some awesome choices yourself!
Secondly, I hope you're feeling better! I'm glad you got some down time to watch some movies and recharge. Sometimes that's just what we need!
Lastly, thanks for those movie suggestions! I'm always on the lookout for something good. Take care of yourself this week! :)
Congrats on all your well-deserved awards!
I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. Did you pass your junk onto Boomama? Shame on you...
I didn't care for "One Night With The King". They took a great story from the Bible and then went away from what was written. I do so wish that they had kept to the truth rather than making up all sorts of nonsensical plotlines.
You are the busiest "not well" person I've ever met!
We've been putting all the films listed on Fox Faith on our queue at blockbuster.com to be mailed to us. As I read about the Ultimate Gift, I was thinking, "did I reserve that one?" and so I popped over to see and I realized it had been delivered to us yesterday! Now I am so excited to watch it. Thanks for the review.
and Yay for awards!!!
Thank you, Susanne! I am honored! The reading challenges are so much fun for me -- I'm just glad other people enjoy them, too.
I've added those two movies to our ever-growing Netflix account. Thanks or the heads up :)
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