Oh dear. How could it have happened? I just noticed yesterday that I totally missed my One Year Blogiversary on June the 1st. How could I have missed it? Oh I know. Maybe my thoughts and time were taken up overpacking for this adventure!
At any rate, where has the time gone?! A whole year. When I started this, I remember feeling terrified that after one week I would have no idea on what to post anymore. Well I always was the chatterbox of the family. When I was a kid, I was always getting "talks too much" on my report cards to the point my Dad would make sneak visits to the school, peering into the classroom door windows to see if he could catch me talking when the teacher was teaching. And as my sister said not long ago about my chattering ways, ''Some things never change".
So, here I am a year later, and I must say that it hasn't been so much the having to get down what I have to say that has driven this hobby. It has been you, my friends. It's been the wonderful friendships I have made over the year. Who knew when I started this that I would have friends from all over the world. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry. We've rallied around those of us who were in desperate need of prayer and encouragement. You've made me think and challenged me to walk more uprightly before my God. You all given me something that has added to my life.
And I want to thank you all and say how privilaged I am to have "met" all of you and consider you my blogging family. So to answer the question in my very first post: "To Blog or Not To Blog", I very emphatically say I am very glad I said "yes".

Now let's party! Grab a cold drink, or of course, coffee, some party food and stick around awhile. Feel free to look around back over the year!
Congrats, mine is at the end of July =))
Congratulations! how funny I completely missed mine too....I started 3 days before you, can you believe that. I always thought you were a blogging veteran!
Oh, Congratulations, Susanne! :D
I had no idea you had been blogging about the same amount of time as I had! I thought you had been doing it so much longer!
I am so glad your answer back then was "to blog"! You're a blessing to me!
Happy blogiversary!! Mine is at the end of July, too -- I thought you had been on a lot longer than I had!! I do enjoy your thoughts and I am glad you said "Yes."
Happy, Happy dear sweet Susanne!
Congrats!! All along I thought you'd been blogging longer than me! you were a pro from the get go!
Susanne, there was NEVER any doubt in my mind! NEVER.
Love you, friend!
Happy Anniversary! It's so nice to have you in the blogosphere -- it's always enjoyable to stop by.
Congratulations Susanne! :)
Happy belated blogiversary!! I am so glad you decided to blog. You bless me, make me laugh and encourage me. I so appreciate you!
Congratulations Susanne, I for one am beyond thrilled that you decided to start blogging or I never would have met you :)
HAPPY ANIVERSARY SUSANNE!! So glad to have 'met' you.
Happy Blogiversary! Congrats! I still have a few months to go.
And how funny that our first posts both have the same name :) !! Great minds think alike!
Doesn't it feel like that year flew by? Congratulations, Susanne.
That's maybe the best description of what blogging is all about I've ever read.
I'm thankful for you and your chattiness - I always feel comfortable over here at your place.
Happy blogiversary to you
Happy blogiversary to yoooou
Happy blogiversary, Dear Susannnne,
Happy blogiversary to you!
Susanne, it is me that is priviledged to have met you.
Congratulations on one year!!!
Congratulations on your first year anniversary, Susanne! Your blog has always been on of my favorites! I can't believe you have only been blogging for a year--you are such an expert!!!
So glad we "met" too! Can't wait to see what else God has on your heart.
Congratulations!!! I am so happy you started blogging ~ I love my time here! Even thought I've only been at it for three weeks, I can relate to the wonderful friends we make through this. It is amazing!! Have a wonderful day!
Has it been one year already!?! Wow!! Well, you know what they say... "Time flies when you're having fun!" :-)
Congrats and Happy 1 year blogoversary friend!
congratulations!! You know reading this brought back memories of my exact thoughts and fear of blogging. How neat! I just started in January then abandoned until last month. So I'm a newbie! I am so enjoying the blogging journey though. Thanks so very much for commenting on my blog! {{}}
Happy Bloggiversary, Susanne! I'm so blessed to have found you in blogland so I'm really glad that you decided "to blog!" You inspire. You encourage. You amuse. You challenge. You befriend. And we're richer for it.
Congratulations on a great year of blogging!!!
Oh, I'm so glad you said "yes" to blogging, too. I love, love, love your words. Happy blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary to you!
Happy Blogiversary to you!
Happy Blogiversary Susanne,
Happy Blogiversary to YOU!
Congratulations, and happy blog-aversary! :)
I'll have some coffee and some of that party food, please, LOL!
Well, I'm still glad you're hear. And how fitting is it that I'm late in telling you congrats?
I am just getting caught up reading. Congratulations, Susanne. We are so glad you decided to go ahead and blog. My life has been enriched because of you.
YAY! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I started at the end of June. It has flown by, hasn't it?
Your blog has been a wonderful place to get to know you, Susanne. I have learned a lot about you, and it has been fun. Can't wait to keep reading!
Congratulations Susanne!! Wow, 1 year!! I thought your blog had been around longer, too.
glad I "know" you!
Happy One Year - Went fast, didn't it! After a year, I do it a bit differently, but it's still a nice way to connect with great ladies out there. xoxo
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