I think I'm going to cry. I'm having a "Calgon take me away" moment. After spending two days planting out my flowers, after, of course, checking the forecast like any good little Albertan does, to make sure the temperature was not going to drop and do something silly, I turn on the computer a few minutes ago and what do my little eyes see? The forecast for tonight has gone from this:
and is now this: 
Somebody is playing a cruel, cruel joke. Sigh. Anybody got any sheets they aren't using?
oh Im so sori
Oh, I'm so very sorry! If it makes you feel any better... I beat the snow but I did not get past the deer. They ate my hosta's to the ground.
*whimper, whimper*...
I somewhat know how you feel!
I'm reallly sorry Susanne. I was going to tell you about the deer eating all my flowers but I see Momrn2 beat me to the punch. We all have sad flower stories. sigh....
Oh no! Can you cover them with plastic tarps?
I can SO relate. Not that we get much snow down here in Georgia, but you are REALLY depending on those weather people and then, lo and behold, they change the plans on ya!! I KNOW!!!
Can you cover your plants at all???
Mrs. U
oh, how sad...
sounds like our time in northern Wisconsin...
I wish I could give you my sheets.
Awww, bummer. I hope that they aren't all frosted over.
oh no, say it isn't so Susanne!
Yeah, bummer. I guess that's why my dad says to hold off until Memorial Day to plant stuff. I hope they survive, since they're in planters, they may have a chance!
Cracks me up when people say "Calgon, take me away" becauase I work for Calgon Carbon, used to be part of Calgon. And sometimes I want to say "Calgon SEND me away!!"
Oh no - that's HORRIBLE! It will eventually be summer, I think.
Oooh, I'm sorry! I hope they will make it, plants & flowers can be so expensive.
I am so sorry. Down here it is scorching and dry. Everything is burning up in the hot sun. Isn't it odd that we are dealing with opposite extremes?
I'm so sorry, the weather has been dreadful lately.
When is the real summer coming??? Shouldn't it be here already.....I can't wait for warm weather.
What a bummer! I am so sorry. Does it make you feel better that it is hot and terribly humid where I am?
bummer, I am so sorry....
Yikes! Snow? Now that is cruel!
I'm feeling for you :(
Snow in May...not fair!
Oh, Susanne. I do hope you can save your flowers.
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