One of the reasons I started blogging last year was because I saw what a wonderful group of women were out here in blogland and how they pulled together when a fellow blogger needs prayer. Well today, I am going to be one that is requesting. My brother in law's hand was horribly cut by the table saw the other night. Badly. He was taken by ambulance to the bigger city as there is no plastic surgeon on call in our city. I guess they don't want to work weekend duty around here. Anyway once in the big city he sat in that hospital for about 14 hours before a doctor even looked at him. He's having surgery that involves lots of finite work and pins. Please pray that he fully recovers, that he will not lose any function of his hand, that the huge delay will not have any negative effect in the healing and recovery of his hand. And that his family will be okay financially until he can be back to work. It is a minimal 2 month no work time. That's if everything goes just fine and dandy with surgery and recovery. Thanks so much you guys. It means more to me than I can say.
Please also remember to pray for Kelli. You can read about her journey and her latest week here. She's had a rough go of it this last couple of weeks and we need to keep her in our prayers and if you leave a word of encouragement in her comments I know that will lift her up.
Also Heather really needs our prayers right now. Her site is here and in the midst of this great trial her sharing of her feelings and faith will lift you up as you read.

And in the same way, that we rallied to help Kelli in a tangible way, Boomama is making it possible for us to rally around Heather. Heather is going to be going to the Mayo Clinic for assessment and possible brain surgery. Which is a miracle in itself that she was able to get an appointment so quickly there. But a financial gift would be such a blessing in lieu of the fact of all the medical bills they have already faced with their precious daughter Emma Grace. Boomama has made it so that it's a minimum donation of $1.00. We can all do that right? And if God lays on your heart to give more, well then, you just follow your hearts. Click on the For Heather button to take you to the specific post where Boomama explains it all and then just check with her on her current posts for updates.
Oh no, I will definitely keep your BIL in my prayers.
I keep promising myself I will put all of the prayer requests in a little notebook I keep, and I am going to do that right now. Heather, Kelli, your brother-in-law and so many others who have asked for prayer in our little community. It is my privilege to pray for him Susanne. I feel so sorry that they made him wait such a long time. I'm praying all will go well and that he will heal very quickly. Thank you for telling us about him.
It's just unbelievable to me that with an injury like that they made him wait for so long to be seen. Of course he's in my prayers.
Kelli and Heather are on my mind constantly. I'm so worried about both of them. I can't wait to see what happens on Wednesday. Another miracle in the works!
I'm so sorry to hear about thta - I'll certainly keep him in my prayers.
Dear Suzanne - I'm so sorry to hear about your bil. I'm praying for him and the family.
I feel horribly for your brother-in-law. Yes, I will pray for him. I love this little network we've created. Distance means nothing in the virtual world, as well as the spiritual world.
Rallying with you in prayer for your brother-in-law.
My brother-in-law did the same thing while cutting his son's derby car for Cub Scouts!
I will keep him prayer!
Your BIL will be in my prayers!!! Those saws are so dangerous!!
I will keep your BIL in my prayers. That sounds such a painful thing to happen - how awful that he had to wait so long to be attended too.
I too have been touched by the lovely things bloggers have done for each other - a demonstration of Christian love for each other.
Praying for you all, Susanne.
Count me in, too, Susanne. Wish I could bring a meal for them! Glad you can be there to help out.
Praying for your BIL right along with these other two dear ladies. Thanks for letting us know about him, Susanne.
Praying for you, too, as you sound very busy this week.
Praying for your brother in law!
Please keep us updated on your BIL.
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