First off, I want to send this bouquet to Barb. Barb, you've been such an encouragement to me concerning my dayhome. Just your cute little comments about bringing your kids to Canada each day to my home, if you had little ones, and others you've made have been more of an encouragement than you can ever, ever know. Thank you, friend!

And this one I'd like to send to Laura 'cause she encourages me in the organizing department even though I really blow it like in the fall organizing challenge. But she's a never say never again, type encourager and now I'm joining the spring organizing challenge(hooboy, wish me luck).

And this one goes to Momrn2 who has been an incredible encouragement to me to get back into exercising. Not that I've done great. Just when I was getting going, I hurt my back. But I'll be getting going again right quick. And it's her encouragement that has helped me to make that decision. Thanks Momrn2.
Susanne, I am amazed at how God works. I had a not so good day yesterday and this morning as I sit at my computer I was feeling so discouraged and beating myself up. That's when I saw your beautiful flowers to me. What a blessing you are....you have no idea how much I needed that today. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
PS: Now get organizing...(said in the nicest, sweetest way of course...he he)
Awww! how sweet!
Well, Susanne, what a surprise. I just hopped over here on my rounds this morning to say hello and look what I found. I swear, I WOULD drive my kids to your dayhome in Canada every morning but I would stay all day just so you and I could visit.
You are so sweet. And the other two bouquets went to two of my very favorite people.
I'm off to put these flowers on my blog. Thank you, my friend. This perked me up so much I think I have the energy to brush my teeth and get dressed now. xoxoxo
All wonderful women who inspire me as well! What a lovely gesture!
Thanks for commenting on the Marriage Monday post. Let me assure you that I only write about things I'm working on as well! The conviction is supposed to come to me first and if anyone else is encouraged, so much the better! :)
Blessings to your day, Susanne!
Oh those are so well-deserved, all around.
Well deserved for each of them, I could second what you said. And these are flowers that never die, HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!
What a loving thing to do!!!!!
Such a sweet thing to do! And they are very deserving.
You're so nice, Susanne! And what worthy choices, too.
they are lovelyj
Awww, Susanne,
You are so sweet! What a thoughtful and fun friend you are.
Those beautiful flowers cheered me up too...thanks!
What a wonderfully sweet, thoughtful thing to do. Flowers just absolutely brighten anyone's day. They are very deserving of your beautiful bouquets.
I LOVE this idea!!! How fun and what a thoughtful thing for you to do!!
You deserve some too!
What a special surprise and such a huge encouragement to me!! I can't even begin to share how much these made my day!
Not only the boquet but also knowing my attempts at motivating myself in exercise is movitating other's as well. Some days I just feel like totally giving up!!! Guess I'll hang in there for another few days anyway! :-)
Thanks for such a blessing!!!
I have said it before and I will say it again...you are such a beautiful and wonderful encourager!
What a really nice thing to do....to some really great bloggers. Isn't it amazing the connections that are formed in cyberspace! God is so-using the blogosphere!
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