Second Yipee: Colts won. Whoo Hoo. Moving on.
Jenny at Home is Where You Start From tagged me for this meme.
The Priceless 5
5 - the number of boys in my dayhome in my house
4 - bedrooms in my house.
3 - teenagers in my house
2 - cats in my house
1 - dog in my house
Priceless: a hubby who makes me a fresh pot of coffee before he goes to work to help me wake up and get my day started in this house!
UPDATE: Forgot to tag someone, so consider this an open tag. If you'd like to do it, let me know in the comments so I can make sure I come over and see your answers!

Monday: leftovers from weekend
Tuesday: chicken drumsticks with spicey sauce, parmesan linguine, mixed veggies
Wednesday: southwest pork chops, rice, carrot sticks/dip
Thursday: crockpot potato soup, cheese toast
Friday: hot dogs, macaroni salad
Saturday: smokey crockpot bbq ribs, baked potatoe, coleslaw
Sunday: Beef/barley bake (bumped from last week)
Amazing how the offer of a reward can miraculously jog a child's memory. Glad you found your book.
Love your list.
Hope your Monday is wonderful.
And all this time I thought I was the only mom who offered little bribes on occassion. Cute meme, and what a sweet husband you have!
Great looking menu for the week! SO glad you found your book! :o)
Yea, so happy you found your book!
That's an awesome list. A house full of love for sure :)
Yay! Your book is back!
FOUR bedrooms? My house has two. We're building another.... someday. We do have two cats, though. Two dumb hairy cats.
Chicken Drumsticks with Spicy Sauce. That sounds interesting.
Happy Library Lover's Month.
I too offer the occasional bribe, I mean reward, for finding certain lost items. Funny story: one day we were frantically trying to get out the door and could not find my youngest son's shoes anywhere. I offer my usual dollar to whomever can retrieve the missing shoes...we turn the house upside down...all to no avail. Finally I get the bright idea to look in, of all places, the shoe bag in his closet, and eureka! there they were! Not a one of us thought to look in the one place they actually BELONGED! :-)
Your menu makes me hungry.... lots of yummy food:)
Creative Meme:) Wow 5 boys, what's that like???
glad you did the meme, fun answers!!
I have put up money in desperation for lost things, such as library books. Figured it was well worth offering $1 as a reward as opposed to having to pay for the does work rather effectively.
glad you found your book!
Praise God and DQ for the son finding your black book.
You moved on much too quickly from the Colts' win...
But that meme makes up for it! I love that your love for your man shows through.
Lisa: That's hilarious and has happened here more than once.
Barbie: Loud, very loud! ;vP
yaye pleased youve got little black book back bless youre son
whata houseful LOL
bless youre hubby
I can't believe you didn't tell us where it was. I've been worried about that little book all weekend. Where was it hiding?
That's a lot of little boys. I have ONE. And ONE'S a lot! LOL
OH my goodness, sounds like my boys. Glad you found your blog book. Now I know how you remember everything, hehehe.
Yeah!!! Glad you found your little book. Your list is a good one. That is definitely priceless.
I'm loving the sound of the crockpot bbq ribs...yummy!!
Wow you are a busy lady during the day with all those kids...I can barely keep up with the one I have at home during the day!!
So happy "you" found your book!
Yeah, glad you found your book! Nothing like a little motivation, a blizzard would probably motivate me too :)
A hubby who makes coffee is priceless, I agree!
And your menu sounds great, I think I'll stop by for that parmesan linguine, the pork chops, the potato soup and definite the ribs with all the trimmings. Yummy!
Have a wonderful week!
I am tagging myself, it is an easy one and close to my heart, specially the hubby/coffee part. Always so uplifting coming to visit your blog. Blessings, PL
I like that, a DQ bribe! I should have tried things like that more often.
I'll come by to have some soup. Been gone and didn't get to do a menu this week...yours looks good!
Susanne, if you had offered ME that DQ bribe, I would have traveled to your house and found that book.
I have lost my reading journal, where I keep notes on books I'm reading so that I can review them. Will you send your son over to find it? It literally disappeared from my kitchen table in a flash.
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