Photo Credit: Mario Alberto Magallanes Trejo, Mexico
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"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."
Isaiah 49: 15 - 16 NIV
"[And the Lord answered]Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yes, they may forget, yet will I not forget you.
Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tatooed) a picture of you on the palm of each of My hands. O Zion, you walls are continually before Me."
Isaiah 49: 15 - 16 Amplified Bible
Oh, beautiful, Susanne. Just beautiful. Makes me proud to be a mother. And it definitely make me want another grandbaby....soon.
this is beautiful!!!
Oh, we are on the palms of his hands--it is too much to contemplate--overwhelming. thanks for the beautiful scriptures.
Amen Susanne. May we all remember that daily.
Well, this scripture just fits in beautifully in my neck of the woods, what with a new baby in the house and all.
How I love this verse....and the picture is priceless...
I love that God gave us (specifically us mothers)this verse so we will truly understand his love for us.
Precious! What a reminder that we are indeed graven on the palms of His hands!! Thanks for such a great reminder of such a precious promise!
Beautifully done. A great "match."
This verse means so much to me. To think how much a mother loves her child...and then to know He loves us infinately more...amazing and overwhelming.
Thanks for sharing this!
What a beautiful reminder of God's love. Thanks Susanne.
Have a blessed sunday.
Beautiful, comforting words, thank you for sharing them Susanne!
I love this scripture and use it often when I speak on rejection. God knew that although it bizare that even mothers would forget their child, but praise God - He never does! I am continually falling more in love with Jesus everyday! Blessings! P.S. How about Psalm 45:10 in the NIV version - that will make you shout!
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