Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. May all God's blessings be yours in the coming year and I look forward to spending time with you all!

Here is the link for the post I am adding. It's the one from a couple days ago: http://susannesspace.blogspot.com/2006/12/resolution-time-already.html
Happy New Year!!
A Happy New Year to you as well friend!
Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to you as well!!!
Happy New Year to you also! I wish you many blessings for 2007.
I think it's wonderful that you ran over to the beach and wrote that in the sand for us, Susanne. I'm glad you did it because it would have taken me a while to find the beach!
Happy New Year to you, dear friend. I know for sure my year will be more blessed because of your friendship.
What a fun picture! Happy New Year Susanne! May you find blessings around every corner.
At first I thought you had gone out and written 2007 in the SNOW, seeing as how you live in that neck of the woods.
You can still do that, if you want...*grin*
It's been a pleasure getting to know you. New Year's blessings to you, Susanne!
Happy New Year to you!
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family in 2007!
Happy New Year, Susanne! And was it your birthday??? A very happy belated birthday, too!
I appreciated reading your devotional thoughts and also wanted to thank you for her link...I had not yet been to Laurel's this weekend to see this, and decided to link to her post and write my own meditations for 2007.
God bless!
Happy New Year!! Many blessing to your new year.
Happy New Year!
I liked the post you did for the new year's meditations, good goals! I thought about doing this one but haven't taken the time to think it all through.
Great resolutions, or as my Grandpa (my pastor) calls them, redecications! Hope your 2007 is blessed thusfar!!
Happy 2007, wonderful Susanne. May God bless you and your family in all that you do this year. May His word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.
Happy New Year
Happy New year to you and your family my dear blog friend! And Happy Birthday!! I like 35, too. LOL. We will keep being friends because you make me laugh and that's one of my aspirations this new year: LOL
Take care my dear friend!
Happy 2007 Susanne
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