Gail from "More than a Song" has tagged me with a fun book meme. (And now, Eden from Air Force Family has too!) I've seen this circulate several times since I started blogging and always thought them fun.
Here are the rules/requirements:1. Grab the book closest to you.2. Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence.3. Post the text of the following 3 sentences on your blog.4. Name of the author and book.5. Tag three people of your own.
Here goes: "I won't lie to you; I'm not telling you everything--you're clever enough to figure that out. But I am telling you what you need to know to play your part in helping humanity survive." She face him, suddenly cold.
The book is "RED" by Ted Dekker (book two in the Circle Trilogy). On a side note if you like allegory, mystery, fast paced adventure and in this case a love story with huge consequences., you will love this series by Ted Dekker. His books always have totally different plot twists, and lots to do with good vs. evil. The three books in this trilogy are "Black", "Red" & "White".
Now I want to tag some readers who just might be reading something unusual. So I tag Shalee, Kim (Lifesong), & Laurel.

I'm so excited. I actually already finished a book for 2007. Only 29 more to go to reach my goal. :v)
I so enjoyed this book. It is from Charles Swindoll's "Profiles in Character Series". An Indepth bible study on the character being profiled, the author takes you step by step through their story from the Word of God and expounds on all aspects of it. He does it in such a readable, story telling way that you sometimes forget you are actually reading a very detailed, thorough bible study.
Elijah - The Man of Heroism and Humility is about the prophet whom God used to confront great sin in the leadership of Isreal. While Elijah did many heroic things in the name of his God, he did go through times of fear and humanness. The author takes us through Elijah's life as he was led by God to great mountain top experiences to times when God removed him from everybody but Himself. A great, very readable study in how to be humbly heroic. (Go here if you'd like to read some excerpts out of the book.)
I can hardly wait to do another of this great series.
Being as one of my goals for this year was to get more consistent with Menu Plan Monday, and being as it's Monday, here is my menu plan for the week, 'cause I know you are all now keeping me accountable.
Monday: cheese tortellin in white sauce, farmer's sausage, mixed vegetables
Tuesday: chili, toast, tossed salad
Wednesday: chicken and tiny dumplings, carrot sticks
Thursday: Chicken Ceasar Salad
Friday: Pork & Brussel Sprout Stew over Linguine (hubby's absolute fave meal)
Saturday: Raid the fridge Day
Sunday: hoping for Pizza 73 but if that's a no-go then smokies in buns, macaroni/fresh veggie salad
Pork and Brussel Sprouts
1 lb. pork cut into 3/4 inch peices (boneless shoulder or chops cut up, whatever you like)
2 Tbsp. oil
1 med onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
3 carrots, cut into 2x1/2 inch strips
1 cup water
1 tsp. or 1 pkt. chicken boullion
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dried basil
1/4 tsp. of each dried thyme and pepper
1/2 cup water
2 cups frozen brussel sprouts
cooked linguine or spaghetti, 2 Tbsp. marg. or butter, 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Cook and stir pork in oil in deep 10 inch skillet over med. heat until browned, drain on paper towels. Cook and stir onion and garlic in same skillet until onion is tender. Stir in pork, carrots, 1 cup water, bouillion, salt, basil, thyme, and pepper. Heat to boiling, reduce heat. Cover and simmer 45 minutes.
Add 1/2 cup water and brussel sprouts. Reheat to boiling, reduce heat and simmer covered 10 minutes until sprouts are tender.
Cook linguine or spaghetti. Stir in butter and parmesan. Serve pork stew on top.
Susanne! You are not going to believe this!!! I'm going to blog on this meme today...when I get time to type it...but,it is so funny what happened when I went to the page...I'll explain on my blog!
Susanne, fun that you played! I'm not familar with the Ted Dekker books but saw them on reading challenge lists so I might have to try them out.
Good book review and good job on finishing a book! Swindoll is good.
Thanks for playing along.
I have looked at the series in the bookstore by Chuck Swindoll. I am glad you shared with us your review.
Susanne, The Elijah book sounds good- I will have to look for it.
thanks for sharing!
Jenny in Ca
Loved, loved, loved the Circle trilogy! Great books! And Swindoll is one of my favorite authors. I think I've read Joseph in his Character series.
This looks a great book Susanne, thanks for the recommendation, I'd love to read more about Elijah, what a man!
I've never read Ted Dekker before, although he has been recommended to me.
oh that looks like a great book. thanks for the tip! my neighbor told me about Ted Dekker so I really have to go get those books!
Ted Dekker is one of the authors on my list to read. I just love Christian fiction! That Chuck Swindoll book looks neat, too. I may need to add it to my list as well. Thanks for sharing! Blessings~
And did she help humanity survive?
The book of Elijah sounds really good - I'm starting a Bible study on Elijah this week, I believe, so it's very timely.
Hey Susanne, good job getting your menu done...looks good..well except for the brussel sprout part :)
I'm on it as soon as I can get home and find a book. Otherwise you'll get some instructions on how to run a phone or soething and that shouldn't count!
And it's still a no-go with your recipe. I don't care how tempting you try to make Brussel Sprouts, I still shout, "Down with Brussel Sprouts! Down with Brussel Sprouts! Down with..." (repeat until it gets really annoying)
Okay Susanne, are you organized or what? I just know what we are having for dinner tonight and that's about it. You have me so interested in the Character studies by Swindoll. I love listening to him on the radio programs, but I haven't read any of these books. Thanks for sharing with us.
the book sounds good
Charles Swindoll is really good too
I might try to get hold of this book myself I have a relatively new nephew called Elijah :)
Laura & Shalee: What'd you two geteloved brussel sprouts? C'mon ladies. I dare ya, I double dare ya to give it a try. Baby brussels are good. Don't get the big old guys.
Hmmm! Wonder what I was typing there? That should read: "What'd you to get together to bash my beloved brussel sprouts?" Sheesh.
You are off to a good start. I never can get myself to play a whole week's worth of menus. Mostly I'm just hoping we get to eat out a few times.
The Ted Dekker books sound good. I'm always looking for new authors.
Congrats on your first book read for the year! I read Esther in this series and loved it, too.
Also, love your "raid the fridge" day. That is definitely going on my menu soon!
Great post Susanne, lots of good stuff on here. I have another blogger buddy who loves Ted Dekker, so I need to check those out, for sure. Great review on the Swindoll book, I've loved him for years. And I loved seeing your menu. Today (Monday), we had tortellini with a homemade alfredo sauce and portobello mushrooms. We must be on the same wavelength today :)
P.S. So glad you played the tag, I had tagged my sister Gail, hehehe! Love to see it going along in bloggityville!
I am so confused as I read your post and the responses how everyone finds time to read so much. I enjoy reading (English major), but with kids and working and now blogging, I start to read then fall asleep! How do you do it?
Okay, I loved the Circle trilogy, my favorite of everything Ted Dekker (and Red was the best of the three in my opinion). I can't wait to hear what you thought!
"Down with brussel sprouts! Down with brussel sprouts! Down with brussel sprouts! Down with..."
I didn't know there were actually people out there that liked brussel sprouts! I'm totally shocked....he he.
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