I am so glad I'm done. At least with shopping. Other than a few groceries, we'll live with what we have. Now I just gotta wrap. And I gotta do it today, 'cause the kids are home starting tomorrow. And it's impossible to sneak wrap anymore. If I wait until they are in bed I'll be wrapping at midnight. And I'm just getting to old for that!
Now I just need to cook, bake some more, clean, make beds, do laundry.... I guess I'm not so done after all. Okay repeat to self: "What gets done, get's done. What doesn't, doesn't." Repeat as needed.
Sounds like we have similar agendas today.
Clean, laundry, and present finishing. I also hope to squeeze in a moment of fun with my children. A much needed event!
I realized last night that I forgot to buy my dad a present. NOOOOOoooooooO!
Ah yes, I'm repeating that to myself today as well. Logan woke up with a fever and cough and is VERY clingy, so all my plans for baking and cleaning are on hold. It'll be okay though. Love the Garfield cartoon!
So now wouldn't be a good time to tell you that all I have to do is to go and leisurely make and eat some treats, would it?
How bout this then: Merry Christmas! (repeat as necessary)
See now doesn't that just make you feel all better?
I will be repeating the same chant to myself over the next few day:) The truth is there is Always something to do! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!!!!
Susanne -- just to make you feel better: I haven't even started my shopping...
'cause I'm all about helping other people feel better about their situations.
Hopefully I'm not stuck with purchasing left over toys...
Susanne, I'm in the same boat regarding cleaning and cooking. But, if it doesn't get done, that's okay.
Thankfully, I'm done shopping and everything is wrapped and under the tree or in a stocking.
Merry Christmas!
I'm in the same boat.
I've delegated any last minute shopping to my husband.And I just hope for the best. Who knows what will be in the stockings!!
I'll take that prescription!
I've got my presents bought, nothing wrapped, I've got 12 pies to bake and peanut butter haystacks to make, and I stil need to get groceries for our Christmas meal (luckily we're not doing a traditional meal so i know I'll still me able to find I need.) What am I doing sitting here blogging??!!
Let me take another dose. OK, onward.
I have lots to do, too. Hope to be done tomorrow...
Yeah, I've been saying "I'm done" for a week now, but I had to bake on Wednesday, I wrapped on Tuesday, and there's still one last gift (that should be easy) that I keep forgetting to pick up!! I don't think we're done until December 25, or we leave to go out of town, which is Saturday in my case.
Enjoy it!
Good for you Susanne! I'm all about the last minute..I keep vowing to change. I've got company coming to arrive I don't know when, and am I cleaning my house? no, I'm playing with my blog...
I haven't wrapped a thing yet! How's that for being organized...yikes! Laura
I know what you mean by being too old for wrapping until midnight. I used to do this and then a few years ago me and my daughter were wrapping and I fell asleep on her and she finished it all up and then woke me. I figured out then that wrapping on Christmas eve just isn't working. I have wrapped stuff this year as I've bought it so I don't have too much left. Like you I have all the other stuff to do. I agree what gets done gets done.
PS now I know why the churches around all year have changed their midnight service to 7pm instead of 12am. For old folks like us.
Love the cartoon. It's good to take a step back and breathe during these times!
Merry Christmas to you and all your family! May you be lifted in the true spirit of God's love!
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