Monday, October 16, 2006

Is There a Plan B?

Working a full time job that keeps me at home and not able to leave the house for errands during the day, most running around, grocery shopping, errands, etc. are left for evenings or the weekend. Most days during the week, it just seems the last thing I want to do is go out running errands at night time. So that leaves a lot for the weekend. And seeing church is on Sunday, I try very hard not to have to be doing major time consuming errands on Sundays. I like to be with family on that day or maybe a relaxing trip to the library is about as strenuous as I like my Sunday to get.

Being the list person that I am, I try during the week to jot things down that I'll need to do on the day left, that being Saturday. So Saturday morning comes and what happens, the jammies feel so comfy, and the coffee with Southern Butter Pecan creamer tastes so good, and bloglines is calling me, and that book is jumping out at me. After all, Saturday is the only day that I actually get to laze around a little bit, too.

So going back to the list, I have grocery shopping in big letters. We're out of quite a few essentials like milk, cat food and garbage bags, so this is a no option. Now when I do lists I make them according to which store I need to get the stuff. My big plan was to do it all. Hit all 3 or 4 stores and actually finish in one morning. Great plan wasn't it. Just too organized for words, right Laura? Plan A was great in theory. Something, however, got lost in the execution. Remember the paragraph above? Let's just say the jammies, coffee, you guys, and my book just didn't let me go. And was it wonderful!!!

Then as I was finally getting myself in gear around noon to go do Plan A, I started to pick up a bit here, wipe this counter down there when I remembered I had read on someone's WFMW that mixing baking soda and vinegar into a paste with a clean rag works just as well as the Mr. Clean magic sponges. Well, now that I was noticing all the grease marks and finger prints on my laminate cupboards, I thought, I'll just make a small batch and see what happens on one cupboard. LOL, can you guess what happened? It worked great, so 6 cupboard doors and 1 rangehood later, I still had not left the house. It's now about 1 p.m.

On the way to the bedroom to get my purse, I noticed how messy the carpets looked, so I thought I'll just run the vacuum really quick over the carpet so that Beloved Hubby didn't have to come home to a messy rug. Well, once I did the living room, the entryway & kitchen looked twice as bad, so..... I vacuumed them too. Then when I went to put the vacuum away well, the hallway and bedrooms just couldn't get left out!

Okay, now it's getting past 1:30. What was Plan A again? Oh, yea, groceries. Get my purse, tell the kids goodbye, and the phone rings. My mom wants to bring my bread over rather than wait till I go get it because she's coming by anyway. How sweet of her, can't say no to that! Right? By the time she was going, hubby was coming home. Then we thought of the DVD we rented, that was due back, we thought, at 6:30 so we better get to watching it. (More on that in another post). By the time we were done that, we were starving with no supper made so when we returned the dvd we stopped at Little Ceasar's for a couple of their $5 pizzas to bring home.

What was Plan A again? Oh yea! Groceries, right. By now who wants to run to 4 stores? So plan A got ditched. Quick plan B. Walmart had the biggest number of items needed so we'll get one list tonight. So when all was said and done the best of plans and intentions went down the drain. And as I unpacked the bags from Walmart I had a good chuckle. For contained therein was my milk, cat food and garbage bags. So I guess Plan B was not so bad after all. At least the cats won't go hungry and there won't be garbage on the floor!


Barb said...

Well it sounds to me like most of Plan A worked itself out so who needs Plan B!

Laura said...

Ahhh putter day!!! You know a great plan is "no plan day" where you just putter from one thing to the next...sounds to me like you got tons down PLUS you succeeded in getting your groceries...I say way to go!!!! My kind of day :) Laura

Donnetta said...

So funny! Only because it sounds oh too familiar!! :-)

Relieved to hear no one will be going hungry... including the pets! :-)

Anonymous said...

Plan A......sounded the sounds just like grocery day is Thursday...add I never look forward to it..I go to 2 different grocery stores....yes I'm crazy.

owlhaven said...

Sounds like some of my days!! (minus the cabinet washing-- you ambitious girl!)

Mary, mom to many

Hen Jen said...

Wow Susanne,

you remind me of me! Saturday night I was doing some emergency cleaning because I would have a houseful of people twice on sunday..(groan, another story) and so what do I do? I start cleaning some of the grout in my kitchen where it looks the worse (by the sink and stove) but then I decide the contrast is too much between the clean area and the normal area, so I proceed to clean the grout on all the floor...meanwhile it is getting late and the rest of my house is a wreck... I don't know why I do these things to myself!
your jammies sounded like a good idea, my kind of day too!

Jenny in Ca

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

We are in the same situation. LOL

Shalee said...

So tell us about the book and I did not see lunch in there anywhere. No wonder you were starving!

And at least you HAD a plan. Most of my time is me running around like a chicken with my head cut off, knowing that there was something I was supposed to do...

Anonymous said...

Hmm, so is working at home full time not all it's cracked up to be? (I see that as the solution to my full-time and then some job that I do not love one bit!) I'm much like you; I'd probably operate in Plan B mode most of the time. Or C or D . . .

Ms. Kathleen said...

Whew! What a day you had, all that cleaning and organizing and what an ending. A movie and a pizza. Life just never seems to go the way we plan it does it?

Thanks for the smile. Glad I stopped by!

GiBee said...

Your kids may hate me for this ... but it sounds like they could be assigned a few of the chores that distracted you (you know ... just to help out) ... like vacuuming, laundry (their own), etc...

Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your post. I laughed and even shared in some of your errand frustrations. So true!!!

rena said...

LOL..that sounds like one of my laid plans of mice and men eh?
I think we should all get maids and cooks!!

Anonymous said...

Lol, I much prefer plan b, especially if it involves reading a good book!

Katherine@Raising Five said...

I was still back at the comfy jammies. Next week just write it down so you don't forget:

1. Relax.
2. Read book.
3. Drink coffee.
4. Leave funny comments on friends' blogs.
5. When done with the above, get up and do some things you need to get done to keep your house tidy and family (plus cats) fed.

Now you're set. Plan B, in writing!