I just can't seem to get my brain to focus enough to put together a well thought out, inspiring, creative post. The sentences just don't seem to want to come. So today you get my rambling thoughts. You get to see a side of me that my family sees, oh, so often! The rambling, topic jumping, unfocused side of me. Welcome to my thoughts. (Scary I know, but just roll with it).
~ I can't get this outa my head. Did you know crayons are made
from pigs. Yes, the lowly little piggy is providing your child
with a world of colors and creative fun. Apparently, stearic
acid is what our piggy friend provides. And that is what makes the crayon hard. One little oinker provides enough stearic acid to
make 75,000 crayons. There now, consider yourself informed! What would you do without me providing all this earth
shattering knowledge!
~ Why is it everytime I gather up laundry I find clothes I'm sure I just folded in the kid's laundry baskets? Why is it clean up your room translates as "Put everything in site into your laundry hamper"?
~ Finally got to watch the recorded season kick off of Amazing Race 10 last night. Should be interesting. So far the team I loved is already out and the only other one I like got to the mat first for the first leg. We'll have to see as time goes one what comes out. I find this show such an interesting study in human nature. What will constant stress, prizes in most legs of the journey and a million dollars dangled in front of you like a carrot in front of a horse bring out of a person?
~ Why is it when I wear dark clothing, I can stay clean for days, but as soon as I put something lighter on it's like it calls out, "Come, come coffee. These clothes are too clean. We need a drip or splash. Oh tomato sauce, we need a splash of red-y, orange on these pants. Mustard come join the party for a bit of fall color of yellow."
~ Now that I have 3 kids in youth group, it's not $50 for a youth conference it's $150.00. "Lord, help!"
~ Does Barney never get tired of being upbeat?
~ Where do all my email address go when the computer gets wonky? Are they floating around in my computer somewhere or do they go to some great email address graveyard in cyberspace? In other words, if you've been emailing with me, send me a note, 'cause I need your email address back.
~ Gotta go get more stacking storage cubes. Buy 1 get one free at London Drugs this week. Those words are music to my ears.
~ Why is it in fall and spring my to do list grows exponentially?
~ What was God thinking when He made wasps and hornets?
~Why can't I keep my dresser clean?
~ Don't forget to pray for this friend, and this friend and this young lady
~ I really need to pick a paint color for my kitchen. This has been ongoing for a year! Why can't I just pick a color?
Well there ya go. A random smattering, totally flighty example of the thoughts that are flittering around in my brain today. Good thing I don't have to think of what to have to supper (it's been planned) because I'm now participating in this. Good thing or who knows what we'd be eating tonight!
Susanne, I recommend chocolate and coffee in that order. If they don't help you with collecting your thoughts and de-fuzzing your brain, I recommend some wine with dinner... or for dinner. Sometimes you have to matters into your own hands.
Blessings to you friend. It will get better! (And if you figure out that dresser thing, let me know. I can't keep mine decluttered either.)
Love this post. Sometimes I think it's the "rambling, random" ones that give us the most insight into bloggers.
I was so mad at myself this week - I forgot to set the TiVo for the Amazing Race. Arrrgh (becasue it's talk like a pirate day)! I caught up on the info online, but I have no idea if I like or dislike any of the teams. Oh well, it's set for next week.
And I pretty much never buy light clothing. Because somehow, I will always end up consuming spaghetti sauce anytime I wear a light-colored shirt, and somehow a big blob of said sauce will end up on the shirt. White shirts are one-use-only items for me, it seems.
Your kitchen has been unpainted for a year? My friend, the room I am sitting in is the colour of drywall and has been for the FOUR years that we've lived here, because my husband and I cannot decide on a colour. FOUR YEARS.
We watched our recorded tape of Amazing Race last night. My favorite team got eliminated. Ah, well! Not sure who I'm going to root for now.
Beck: No, no, I not that quite fanatical unless I hate the color. No what I'm was trying to say was that it's taking me that long to decide on a color I want to paint it. I'm so indecisive when it comes to stuff like that. Hee!
I missed the Amazing Race...I had to go to a BBQ for my nieces birthday...I guess that was more important!!
Makes me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one with very random thoughts:)
Oh man I feel the same way at days.....it's like I have no idea what to write, just draw a blank.
You did a great job though, you kept me entertained with a wide range of subjects, great idea :)
Okay you know what stood out to me in your random thinking don't you???? STORAGE CUBES....buy one get one free!...oh I'm so jealous!!! I really need to move to the city don't I! Looks like you and Katrina had the same idea today. Love it! Laura
Oh and have you ever seen the paint color "Nantucket Gray" by Benjamin Moore? It is a beautiful green color (not gray) and it would be awesome in a kitchen! Laura
Oh, Susanne, I'm so confused. Little pigs have to die so our kids can have crayons? That's just sad.
I love it when you do a post like this. Makes me realize I'm not the only one out here who needs to just get this stuff out of my system.
Barney, I'm sorry, makes me sick. I'm just sick of him. I know, I know. But still.....can't he ever just get ticked off and turn that you know what eating grin upside down for a single minute? And that song....oh, that Barney song.....
Seriously, Girl. You crack me up. These are all just very thought-provoking questions you've posed.
Really, we should all just think about this stuff. :-) I mean, there are some things in this life we just need to figure out!
I think Barney is on Prozac.
Let me know when you have the answers to these and when the kids say "there's no food in the house, and I'm looking at a full pantry, what do they mean?"
Life is fun, ain't it?
Enjoy your Wednesday.
Well. How polite was I? Good grief. I just realized you asked people to pray for me and I didn't even acknowledge it. I need help.
Thank you so much for that. People must have taken notice and prayed because I feel remarkably better today. Some mistakes you just have no choice but to live with. Acceptance is half the battle. Thank you so much. You're just so sweet. :-)
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