Wow. I am just so overwhelmed with your responses to my Question and Answer Period. These questions were real tough and I was not finding the answers. So I'd like to thank you all for leaving a comment.
First I'd like to thank everybody who left an answer to one or both questions. I very much appreciate you sharing your knowledge so openly. This is special delivery for you!
Then I'd like to say thanks for all of you who admitted you were wondering the same things and were just as frustrated and unknowledgeable as me. It made me feel good that I'm not the only one and by asking I was also helping out so many others. This is for you!

And next I have another bouquet for Barb at A Chelsea Morning and Sandra at Diary of a Stay Home Mom. Sandra gave tips on what to do (on a WFMW post that for some reason I can't locate the archives to. It was the Wednesday before the the tour of homes I believe) if blogger photo upload was acting up and then sent me a couple emails to suggest different things. And Barb sent lots of emails to try to get me started on photobucket and to answer questions that I had. So for the patience of two saints this is for you!
And last but not least, a bouquet that is so long overdue, I'm

And next I have another bouquet for Barb at A Chelsea Morning and Sandra at Diary of a Stay Home Mom. Sandra gave tips on what to do (on a WFMW post that for some reason I can't locate the archives to. It was the Wednesday before the the tour of homes I believe) if blogger photo upload was acting up and then sent me a couple emails to suggest different things. And Barb sent lots of emails to try to get me started on photobucket and to answer questions that I had. So for the patience of two saints this is for you!
And last but not least, a bouquet that is so long overdue, I'm
embarassed to almost do this so late but I have to really say Thank you to Lauren at CreatedFor His Glory (http://ahumbleheart.org/blog/) (for some reason all of a sudden the link
not work, sheesh). Lauren spent a lot of emails to me to help me set up things in my sidebar and let me know when links weren't working in my earliest posts! For you, my dear!
I love being able to say thanks with beautiful bouquets. I just wish I knew how to do those cute little buttons that people could put into their sidebars so that you could take them "home" with you! But that is a whole other subject for "da,da,da,daaaa" Question and Answer Period.
I love being able to say thanks with beautiful bouquets. I just wish I knew how to do those cute little buttons that people could put into their sidebars so that you could take them "home" with you! But that is a whole other subject for "da,da,da,daaaa" Question and Answer Period.
Thanks again everyone for once again showing to me that great support & commraderie out here in blogdom!
Thank you for the beautiful bouquet, Susanne. Any time I can help you with anything I'm glad to but my goodness, that's a limited offer...the things I don't know would fill volumes! My very first post was all about the frustration of not being able to make a new paragraph.
A lot of people have helped me with things that I just couldn't figure out, especially Lauren. She's never made me feel like she didn't have time to bail me out. She didn't even file a police report when I stole her Friday Feast icon.
The big challenge for me is sidebar stuff, especially anything that's supposed to roll itself up all neat and tidy. :-)
Lots of nice people out here. Seems like someone always knows how to do the one little thing I can't figure out and surprisingly, occasionally even I can help someone else. I love it when I figure out, usually with help, how to do something new.
You'll be amazed how far you've come three months from now.
Now. Does ANYBODY out there have ANY idea how to get the whole Thursday Thirteen properly installed and linked into your sidebar without completely wrecking your whole design? Hmmm?
I'm in the I don't know it either category and just LOVE LOVE LOVE my flowers!! Thank you so much. You're just too kind...no really...this was a wonderfully considerate post!
Hope you're having a good Monday.
Isn't it great how everyone helps everyone else out! I have never had anyone make me feel stupid in this whole endeavor... and goodness knows there were probably times they could have! :-)
What GREAT people!
i love it when everyone helps out!
Awwww, thanks for the flowers! And they even match my blog colors, how thoughtful you are! I put my flowers in my sidebar linked to this post just so everyone can see how sweet you are. Thanks again Susanne!
Hey! I've tagged you for a book meme. Come on over and see if you want to participate!!!
Now I have a techy question... why when I link to someone's Mr. Linky section does mine always register twice? I have even made sure I only pressed the "enter" key once and sure enough... it lists it twice. It's annoying to me so I KNOW it must be annoying to those of you whose links I'm attached to!!!
Have a blessed week!
Wow, you sure did get lots of help - that helped a lot of us as well :) THanks for asking! I too am amazed by the wonderful blogging community!
wow!! I really luv this site and the beautiful bouquetstoo!
Helping out is sure a good thing, christ like if u ask me.
I see you'r a christian, thats sooo nice!
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