Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #314

Good morning everyone!  Sorry for the later post.  Went to bed not feeling well last night and totally didn't even realize what day it was!  I had a start to my post, such as it is, so I'm posting that and will come back in an hour or so once I get myself together.  Whew.  

1.  A wonderful massage therapist!  Totally worked out my super tight, super sore achilles tendon.  I can actually walk without a limp now.  And to add to that she showed me how to do it at home for myself to get relief.  Very much appreciate this lady!

2.  Books at my fingertips and Reading Time:  Boy I've really appreciated extra reading time this week.  And the fact that I readily have all sorts of books available within reach at all times is a huge blessing that I very muchly take for granted.  This was really brought home to me this week as I've been reading a memoir set in Germany's WWII.  The author mentioned was a precious commodity that books were and it hit me how blessed I am, and all of us here in North America, to have such ready access to books whenever, however we want.  I've never known a time in my life to not have books and reading material.  For this I am very grateful.

3.  A group of supportive women who make up my ladies bible study.  Though we come from all backgrounds, walks of life, and diverse places in our Christian walk it is a group of women who are there for each other to support, lift up, encourage, pray for each other, correct in love and generally are there.  I really appreciate this group that God has brought together.

4.  Birds singing.  With the lovely weather this week, the birds have come out and have been lifting their voices.  They're not the spring birds quite yet, but I'll take almost any bird song in the middle of winter!

5.  This quote:

"If you’re exhausted, the problem is likely that you have not allowed God to set your agenda. You’re asking more of yourself than God is asking of you, and you’re putting your energy in the wrong things."
Sheila Wray Gregoire

Found here quite by accident, this quote, in fact the whole post, was an absolute lightbulb moment for me.  In trying to find me word for 2015, I've been thinking how for the most part, I feel like I am always rushed, a lot of times in panics to get where I need to be or to do what needs to be done.  And I've been thinking on the reasons why.  I've seen a pattern in my life.  I've been seeing how it's not God who sets my agenda, it's me and then I hurriedly ask Him to bless it.  I'm a huge procrastinator, have been since high school, so things always get piled up.  I'm a people pleaser and have a difficult time saying no.  So put these combinations together and there is bound to be a blow up.  And it's usually my undeserving, unsuspecting family who gets it.  So this is the year I'm intentionally going to take steps to change that.  And this post was the catalyst.  Now if you all could just think of a word that encompasses all that for me, I'd really appreciate it.  

What were your favorite blessings for this week?

P.S.  Everybody who left a link in the comments, I've tried to transfer your links into Mr. Linky.  Please check to see if it made and please go ahead and add yours if I didn't get it!  So sorry for the delay in getting this up.


Barbara H. said...

No problem, we all have those days - hope you're feeling better this morning. I don't see Mr. Linky, so I'll leave mine here and come back later for both it and the rest of your post. :-)

I think that quote is true much of the time, especially clicking through and reading it in context. But I think of Paul's "spending and being spent." There is an exhaustion that comes from ministry as well, and that's always been hard for me to discern - those times when I am feeling "spent," is it because I am overdoing or doing the wrong thing, or is it because this particular task/ministry required it, and I just need time for God's replenishment? I don't always know the answer to that but ask for His guidance along the way.

Dianna said...

Susanne, I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. May God replenish your strength.

I love your quote! SO much truth there!

I'm glad that the massage therapy worked well for you and that you now know how to do it at home to get relief.

I'll leave my link here and come back later on today.

Rest up, my friend!

Willow said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Rest up. Drink lots of fluids.

That quote is a good reminder to evaluate which activities are 'for the Kingdom'.

Willow said...

Oh, and here's my link:

Ingrid said...

That's sad that you are not feeling well. If ever it is possible could you put Mr. Linky ? If not it doesn't matter ! Take good care of yourself !

Kathie said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Susanne. xx

Here's my link -

Susan said...

So sorry that you are not feeling well, Susanne. I hope you feel better soon.

Hurray for massage therapists. Finding and going to a good one always aids my recovery regarding sore, stiff muscles. And how nice that she taught you how to take care of your own tendon - although nothing beats a professional massage, eh?

nikkipolani said...

Ah, Susanne, do take time to recover yourself. The quote is an excellent reminder, isn't it.

Ann said...

Reading time. What's that? :-) Haven't had much of that lately. :-)

Barbara H. said...

Thanks for adding my link in. :-) I appreciate the further explanation you added about the quote and I understand what you mean. I've been guilty of that, too, asking God to bless my agenda and then getting upset when it doesn't all go according to plan.

I love the easy access we have to books also. I've always had something I was reading, even when the kids were small and reading tike was at a premium. I feel stagnant without it. It's such a blessing to have reading material through so many venues these days.

Faith said...

I'm at work on my lunch break and my iPad is not letting my faves five link up with your mr links! argh!!!! not sure why! but...mine IS up. I hope you are feeling better by the weekend. I too have enjoyed hearing some birds this my feeder were bluejays and cardinals. love them! yay a for the massage therapist and yay for time to read! that quote is very timely for me this week. happy weekend!!!

Jerralea said...

Wow, that quote speaks to me as well. I know that it is me that sets my agenda, but I need Him to help me figure out how to change it ...

Hope you are feeling back to 100% soon!

Snowbird said...

Good to hear you are walking easier, and you just can't beat a good read! Ahhhh....bird song, spring won't be far behind! Lovely

nikkipolani said...

Thanks for posting our links to Mr Linky! Hope you are feeling a bit better, Susanne. Love your #3 -- having a supportive group of women is such a rich and deep blessing.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Have a good weekend. I love your quote this week! I have been so busy, I am glad I was finally able to get back to my blog and link up for FFF!

ellen b said...

Hope you are better by now Susanne! I love to hear the birds sing.

Mary said...

What is the name of the book you're reading? I'm a bit obsessed with that time period.
A massage....ahhhhhhh!